The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Trust me I don’t want to either, and trying not to advocate for more rep grinds. been only doing Naj when it’s emissary to get to revered
 it’s a horrendous grind.

But rep grind seems to be the only way to make the ARs seem somewhat special in game. That would suck if they migrated it to a micro transaction, or some raid achievement unlock. Rep is unfortunately the most achievable by a wider majority of play styles.


If they weren’t ghouls they could just give them freely. But that would be terribly naive.


People arent going to spend a lot of time on a timegated rep grind to exalted to play a subrace
and that can be related from achievement unlock percantage to play percentags.

One of the largest complaints of the system was the rep grind. How many different threads did we see about how void elves rep grind was near impossible?

Long questchain that is locked behind story achievement which is timegated? It would basically be the same thing minus rep.

I agree, but we all know Blizz for who they have been the last few expacs :crazy_face:

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:heart::heart:Stopping in showing my Daily 100% Love and Support For Playable Alliance Quel’ Dorei.:heart::heart:


See if I just started posting ‘just stopping in to say high elves never’ every 2 hours I would be reported as a troll.



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:raised_hands: :raised_hands: Just stopping in to say high elves never :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


Well since the the oringial OP did ask for:

“This is a thread for discussing our intense love for high elves as and allied race and why they should be playable. Soon or later Ion is going to roll and a blood nelf and think heh. We really should have made these guys alliance from the beginning. No matter it takes, our resolve will remain strong and nothing is going to stop us till High elves finally become playable.”

Not for reasons not to or hatred of the Idea, you are kinda trollin already along with all the other antis. But its all good. Healthy, Calm, discussion is good for all.


I agree, but what stops Blizzard from pushing a change to the system? Rep already has the paragon system which gives people rewards based upon doing emissaries, tables, and WQs.

So how about instead, Im going to use the High Elves as an example here:

There is a new zone in 8.3 and you have to go through the story and explore the map to even get to our time-gated questline (and if it sounds like a bit scarce, tack on like Kill X amount of elites, Do X amount of WQs, etc to take up more time). You have an easy and reachable goal just through simple questing and exploration.

Once you have done those requirements: you get a quest from Wyrmbane in tBoralus to go speak to Yvera Dawnwing (REMEMBER HER??) out in said zone to begin your time-gated questline similar to the “Making the Mount” questline/achievment (except each week is longer than one quest and it doesnt take 12 weeks to finish).

So you go to Yvera and it turns out the 7th Legion is getting messed up bad out in the field and are having issues. Well it turns out, that reinforcements are pretty dry due to the heavy losses at Nazjatar and in Battle of Dazaralor. Her camp with her fellow magi (mostly high elves with other mixed races) need to evacuate, so you spend the time doing specific quests to eventually help that detachment escape to safety. Yvera comes to talk to Wyrmbane in the aftermath, who both decide it might be time to call in old Alliance allies.

Next week, you go to Dalaran with Yvera to have an audience with Vereesa. Well it turns out the quel’dorei cannot actively assist with the war because of Dalaran’s neutrality and the agreement for usage of the Sunwell (lets tie in old lore things to make a story). Thus she decides it might be best to talk to the OTHER groups of high elves so they can make a coalition to decide.

Story continues where you go talk to the Unseen Path, talk to the Highvale elves, the elves of the Second War (Outland), talk to the elves of Stormwind, etc etc
until it culminates in this final meeting between the leaders where they decide to all form under the banner of the Silver Covenent and break away from Dalaran.

This completes the questline prior to the recruitment questline. Its story driven and takes up time (both of which are needed).

EDIT: Honestly I could probably just keep writing this.

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The op has no right to say that disagreement with their premise isn’t allowed.

Said disagreement isn’t trolling.


Man I just handed out a free and good outline for a recruitment quest line and you calling me a troll. SMH

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So bro not about you, Sorry you felt it was though. next time quote my entire post please and not one line would be appreciated.

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I agree that they’re likely to continue implementing Allied Races exactly as they have been, completely haphazardly, but I can’t agree that this is a good thing for the game overall.

Somewhere along the way, Blizzard started sacrificing their famed “Blizzard polish”. :man_shrugging:

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Hmm ok So what the OP asked for isn’t important & not allowed to set the tone of the thread , got it.

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Per the code of conduct discussion can be had which is opposing that of your ideas. This does not make it trolling, and accusations of trolling is seeking only to start an argument which is against the code of conduct. Refrain from such accusations as it only results in arguments which detract from the discussion.
Furthermore, do refrain from constantly bumping, it adds nothing to the discussion and only pushes an echo chamber which is something the developers state as reason why they ignore the forums.


Ideed, I completely dislike the ways in which they implemented the allied races. Outside of the nightborne, the storylines for the other allied races feels rushed.

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Ahh so if I go into a Half elf thread or any asked for race and say no because it upsets the The Alliance High Elfs argument because they were asked for First code of conduct allows me to do that. Even if the OP tells me this thread isn’t about High Elves?

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If your discussion point is why half elves dont work and why high elves would be a better alternative, it would be fine.
On the other hand, your shameless bumping is not healthy. If you are the only reason this topic hasn’t faded away, then it is an indication of a lack of popularity is it not?

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Shameless Bumping??

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