The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I strongly disagree, the amount of money they save doing it this way would be insane.


People are barely getting reps to revered for flying
what makes you think people will do it for a subrace again to exalted?

Elves hardly ever are “the good guys”. I’d say this apply to almost all elves
maybe with few exceptions such as the classic druid actually caring about the world’s health rather than him/herself
other than that they all tend to be
selfish and close-minded at best. Completely untrustworthy at worst.


I’d say because a model/race crosses expansion lines as to flying gets cut at the start of each xpac.


I’m not saying it’s a perfect system, but from Blizzard’s perspective it would be a massive cash cow. There’s an argument to be made that the system needs to be retuned by the allied race system is a success whether or not we like it.

The nightborne achievement for unlocking only exists for only 50% of 120 accounts.

No one is doing the rep grinds for these races

Perfect example of elves not necessarily being the good guys is the Night Elves
 Overall good in a way, but willing to do some really “gray” or questionable stuff to those that impede on their lands.

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How is it though if most of the races havent been unlocked by HALF of the 120 playerbase?

People are slack, people might not be interested in Nightborne. The user experience is obviously damaged by the rep gates, but the savings on not doing an Intro experience would be astronomical

Nightborne has the highest percentage Guzzle

That doesn’t mean that the remaining 50% are sitting there livid about not having it. Chances are the people who are interested have them unlocked.

Broski, its been how long since Nightfallen rep has been farm mode?

Legion and Nightfallen are more than two years old and people dont have the rep at exalted in that time.

It gets even more damning if you look at the BfA ones.

I’d say it matters in how important any given race is to a person as well.

Let’s say mech gnomes become a thing, and it requires exalted. I personally have zero interest in getting exalted with rustbolt resistance to get the mech gnomes
 I know others will though. So it’s kind of subjective based on the players tastes.


Maghar is 40% and DID is 35% with 7th Legion rep needed for the war campaign.

No one wants to do rep grinds.

Rep grinds used to be an optional thing, and they seem to be shifting it to be mandatory. I have yet to get exalted with nazjatar.

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Remember when the largest complaint of the allied race system was the exalted grind.

Ages, which strongly suggests that the people who don’t have it unlocked just don’t care that much. I know I sat with the velf, lfd and did quests on my Alliance priest for literal months because I just didn’t care that much.

Either way, new races are a financial venture. If they reduce the cost to produce them significantly it can very easily outpace whatever extra value would be gained by going back to the core race system.

And personally I prefer more races more often than one race every 6 years with a zone.

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I still hate it dude. I only recently unlocked both LF dranei and Void elves.
In BFA it is even more egregious since in order for you to continue the story, until recently, you needed to hit at least revered!

I don’t ever recall a rep grind ever being mandatory for finishing the storyline quests outside of the vanilla days/BC ones.

Hell the last time you had a mandatory grind was back in MoP for a legendary cloak, and you can’t even get it anymore if you don’t have the prerequisite quests unlocked!
You know who I have to play if I want to do it!? A GNOME!


Guzzle, 7th Legion rep which was required to do the war campaign and needed you to get to exalted to continue it
has less than 40% of people who reach it and unlock the ARs.

You’re arguing against the mechanics of the allied race system, not the allied race system itself. Would I prefer it if they just gave us new ARs as they released? Yes. But ultimately from Blizzard’s perspective the success or failure of a new race is not how many people have them unlocked.