The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I mostly agree, besides the sustenance thing. This would set them up to turn to a few different sources, Void, holy or nature magic. Void would have them turn to Alleria for this magicā€¦ which if they had the conviction of not using Fel, then Why turn void?

Holy they could hang around the Draenei and some Naaru for this I suppose.

Nature magic is ever so abundant, and I like this approach and it would explain why high vale/ quelā€™danil elves have made it so far without the sunwell or Fel. We have also discussed the rift that the High elves would have to cross with the Night elves in order to learn this magic and sustain themselves with it.-Malfurion still considers blood elves, and high elves as ā€œbrothersā€ as seen in a good war soā€¦ there is this avenue. I know you donā€™t like it, but itā€™s a possibility. :+1:

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blood elves are the high elves and the fantasy of playing a high elf is available in the horde

if you want to play a thalassian elf at odds with silvermoon and loyal to the alliance, you can be a void elf which has its own distinct unique flavour

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It is, and I donā€™t, but unless that somehow opened the ā€œHigh Elves should have Druids!ā€ door; as long as we just agree to build them an emergency Moonpool somewhere far, far away from the Dream I guess we can talk about it. :wink:

Who said they have to be druids to gain sustenance off nature magic? I mean if kultirans, troll and worgen can beā€¦ in short time frames anything is possible :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh they donā€™t - I just know that people who misguidedly think High Elves should have druids (regardless of the truly massive retcon that would be required) would use it as part of their argument. :slight_smile:


Iā€™d hate to say itā€™s a retcon if itā€™s an event moving forward, with no changes to the past. Butā€¦ Iā€™d agree it would be lame to change the past to say that high elves had druids all along.

Personally Iā€™d find it cool if Tyrande and Malfurion lended a helping hand with the high elves after learning from how they treated the Nightborneā€¦ be a semi redemption of Tyrandeā€™s character with snubbing the other races and her own distant kin.

A good read, I agree with quite a bit here. Iā€™d prefer that Blizz adds allied races that make sense more than anything. I donā€™t care how ā€œuniqueā€ a new race would be, if there are no records of the race existing prior to them becoming playable Iā€™d rather Blizz not even put in the effort (or at least spend some time giving them a proper setup). Itā€™s why Void Elves and LF Draenei are so underwhelming to me

DIDā€™s feel like the most organic allied race the Alliance has received so far, which I find a bit sad. Iā€™d rather get new and unique core races than lazy reskins that were magically brought out of the left field

Vrykul would make a great core race to the Alliance, as would Ogres to the Horde

I donā€™t subscribe to the idea that every core race needs an alternate allied version though. What would a Worgen allied race be? Maybe Saberon for the Horde I guess, but otherwise thereā€™s no need to force a new type of Worgen into existence to fill in a checkbox that Blizz realistically doesnā€™t need to follow


So hereā€™s what would have to have happened in the past to make High Elf Druids playable:

Years ago, long before any public reconciliation, Cenarius, Malfurion, and the Circle agreed to send one or more Shanā€™Dos in secret to a remote elven enclave hidden from view to begin the years of training required before even a neophyte Druid claims that title. This was kept secret from all but a few of the highest ranking members of the circle, including Shando Player.

Thatā€™s a helluva retcon, Ely. :slight_smile:

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Having the SC formally join the Alliance as a radical anti Horde hate group would be really cool. Itā€™d give the Alliance some much needed morally grey storytelling as well as adding fuel to the faction war


But thats realistically what Blizzard has been doing with the ARs since 7.3.5. Its been one for every core race.

Why do you think now was the best time to do something with mechagon? Because they didnt have any current concepts for a gnome allied race.

Why do you think Calia is now showing up in 8.2.5? Because they are showing off the starts of the LF undead.

Every AR has been a subrace for each other core race, and that has basically been the goal since its inception

I mean I think it wouldā€™ve been weird if they added 5 different versions of Night Elves before anything else, but Iā€™d still they not pull another Void Elf scenario to fill a checkbox

With Mechagnomes I can appreciate the setup at least. I wonā€™t play one, but good on those who will

And to be honest Iā€™m not convinced that LF Forsaken are going to become an allied race. Calia coming back is weird enough, itā€™d be even weirder to see a huge population of holy undead. I hope Blizz are just using Calia as a way to bring back old Alliance heroes. Maybe weā€™ll get Uther back somehow, who knows?

Edit: When Blizz made the demon hunter class I was pleased to see that they only had two specs. Blizz didnā€™t try to shoe horn in a third spec just to fill a check box, they thought outside of that box and delivered two quality specs without another one to water them down. I hope they do something similar with allies races


Of course this would be a retconā€¦ but is this the only possible way to become a Druid? (Mind you I am not particularly advocating to make them druids) is this how darkspear, zanadalari, Kultirans, and worgen became druids? Just saying they donā€™t have to change the past to direct the future.

Theoretically? Druid High Elves with no ties or recognition by the Circle or access to the Dream? Sure, they could have found some way to get to that I suppose.

Worgen are easy though - initially they were us. Even Malfurion played with it and was so out of control he attacked Cenarius. It took the Scythe of Elune which was created specifically for the task, a priestess and an Archdruid to tame the Pack form and the result was Worgens. Sorry about the side effects of a bite spreading the form - which is how humans got transformed.

The rest, I can address them one by one butā€¦I have a conference call in a few minutes so I have to just leave this one off to the side of things to get back to another time.

As always, nice talking with you. :slight_smile:


This is, unfortunately, accurate ā€“ a much more wholesome methodology for implementing Allied Races wouldā€™ve been to limit them to 2-4 per expansion, and meticulously craft a surrounding narrative and thematic across the duration of the expansion (i.e. Nightborne).


I always thought of the High Elves as being the true loyalists, choosing their friends over their race. That said, that could be a fitting Blood Elf opinion of High Elves and could fuel the faction rivalry that way


Gods thatā€™s just what we need. Not only do Alliance characters massively outnumber Horde characters but they should make it so the few whoā€™ve been killed should be brought back.


I wouldnā€™t mind it depending on the character. Iā€™d love to see Uther in the game again

Its why I dont believe that the allied race system isnt lasting past BfA. They are going to milk the system until they realize its impossible to continue it for each race.

Its why i say for the high elf posters to move back to core race discussions. Perhaps the half elf idea is the best idea (even if i disagree)

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AT LAST! Someone who GETS IT!
Thank you, Murgy, forum friend and adversary, for continuing to be the one and only of the anti/critical/whatever crowd who actually READS MY POSTS!

for the rest of you: there is NOTHING in High Elf lore that says they were ever the good guys! They rebelled! They were ARROGANT and inconsiderate and all of that!
I want, and have always wanted, them as a Alliance race because they are so very much like the original HIGH ELVES of Tolkien! Read his non-LOTR/Hobbit works: the Noldor (or High Elves, as they were also called) Commited great acts, both marvelous and criminal!
Item: they were exiled from the Blessed Realms for the crime of KINSLAYING, among other things.
Arrongant, imperialistic, overachievers and powerful beyond words: the mightiest among them could just LOOK at an Orc and that Orc was dead before it hit the ground!

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been advocating for, for the Alliance!
You want tree-hugging hippies? fine. go play that way.
But it is high time the Alliance shedds it goody-goody image, and Iā€™m tired of doing it alone!

I need a drink!
Chugs some :beer: goes back to putting more jagged edges on her axes, while chanting about ā€˜slaugtyrā€™.

EDIT: I vaguely remember someone making a great post about Elves in general:
something like
ā€˜Elves are glamorous for they have a glamorā€™ or something like that.
Whoever wrote that, you also have my thanks!
SkƤl! to you and Murgy both!

Wont happen anytime soon. They basically made Alliance Sylvanas irrelevant in the story, declawed the night elves and worgen, and put Anduin in charge.

Good luck