The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Thing is they already learned how to deal with the Addiction so I donā€™t see them having to do anything other than what they where doing before.

I would use the word ā€œdisgustingā€ to describe something awful. Like an open wound, or moldering food, or the current female worgen models.

But pretending thereā€™s a lack of empathy because someone wants a race to be playable after being taunted with it for well over a decade?


Edit: Hereā€™s a fun tidbit. Back when WoW was in early beta, they were trying to figure out whether they wanted high elves or gnomes as the 4th Alliance race. They went with gnomes because they didnā€™t want to double up on elves, as nelves were already locked in.


No, itā€™s not because she wants the race, itā€™s just the way she acts in general. See her posts from a few days back attacking some people who were using alts because of people getting obsessive over their opposition to high elves.

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Honestly I think horde is getting their undead elves while alliance get redeemed undead as part of the final AR of BFA.

So there wonā€™t be an elf tradeoff most likely. High elves will likely come sometime after 10.0 as I doubt the next expansion will have any allied races based off of what I think it will be (the leaks)

If we could only have a functioning time machineā€¦

Are you implying that her act of hypocrisy isnā€™t disgusting?, she flat out calls everyone a troll ignoring every single reason that has been given as to why some of us disagree with High Elves being a thing.

Then she plays the victim, sorry but I canā€™t stand those double standards. Is not all about what she wants, we have our right to disagree.


Holds up a doll
Point to where the bad poster hurt you.
Geez, calm down already.
you make me look positively civilized!

If we must bust each othersā€™ chops then lets go back to game related rants; High elves, horde-bias, the price of tokens and why the next expac will be the for-sure WoW killer!

I have no trouble with you.
I just canā€™t stand double standards and people who play the victim card while being a wolf in sheepā€™s clothing.

I donā€™t agree with Helves being a thing but Iā€™ve had my share of calm discussions with people open to talk, she is clearly not good at it, and hurts your side and the debate as a whole more than anyone.


We got one, remember?
Its called CLASSIC!

Sers, we really need to have the ā€˜antiesā€™ understand a couple of points.

  1. This is NOT for your benefit.
  2. This will NOT impact gameplay, especially regards BGs and other PvP.
  3. PANDERAN proved that you CAN have a race on different factions.
  4. Iā€™ll be glad to explain my position further, if I get enough likes.

EDIT: I got a like! Good enough for me! Here we goā€¦


Here Alf Iā€™ve got a keg freshly tapped to keep this goin. :beer::beers:


So more made up nontroversies for you to clutch your pearls about?


ā€˜ā€˜Why I want Playable Alliance High Elves and Blood Elves should stay where they are.ā€™ā€™
by Alfgerdhr.

Back in the day of WC2 Tides of Darkness, Playable Alliance High Elves were made available. Yes, it was a single player RTS but still, there they were.
Lumber mills, pointy ears, LONG flowing blonde hair and bright blue eyes, bows and arrows and RANGERS with wild face tats.
WC3. Arthas BOOOOO! you know the rest of it.
Many years later, Vanilla. Night Elves. OKAY, better than nothing.
Horde; weā€™re outnumbered; Give us a pretty race.
Blizzard: Ok. Here have theseā€¦hmm wait gotta change a few thingsā€¦
Many hours of comp work, Red Bull and office drama laterā€¦
OKAY here ya go Horde; you can call them BLOOD ELVES! Not many of them left soā€¦
Horde: Eeeeeeeeeeeeā€¦
And like rabbits they did breed.

anfd so the years pass: other expacs, other races. Not a word from the Horde.
Worgen: Hmmm ok. np.
Panderan: wait wait, they neutral at first and we can choose? Cool!
Alliance wants High ELVES. Horde reaction: *Think of the scene in VIKINGS where the Great Army roflstomps King Aelle. like thatā€™ā€™.

A lore-based race that obviously still exists.
Thatā€™s all.
Because otherwise, we will all be buying into the utterly dense and stupid belief that races all think alike. Not all the High Elves even retirned to SMC: they certainly didnā€™t end up following Kael the Obvious.
No Belfs will be disenfranchised: we donā€™t want a scintilla of what theyā€™ve become.
What we wantā€¦

ā€¦is our High Elves back.

And we want them as they are as HIGH ELVES; not Horde-centric but their own selves. Say, scattered groups coming together, over the last few years. There are plenty of ā€˜inusedā€™ spaces on the map of the KNOWN world of Azeroth. Different ways of dealing with their magic/arcane needs, different attitudes towards survival: getting roflstomped by Arthas is going to be traumatic no matter who suffer5s or what conclusions they draw!



Grabs a :beer:: chugs!
Needed that

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Actually, I donā€™t really even want to play a High Elf. At one time I was a naysayer as well, but then I took the time to actually see the logic and I think players have a very good case, and they have been requesting them since the beginning. I also think people should get their Sanlayn, Ogres, and I want to play Vrykul. I think people who want mechagnomes should have their race, Vulpera people should have theirs, etc. I am sure they wonā€™t all happen, but I wish they did so that players all get their choices. What I donā€™t do is go around telling players no they canā€™t have something as simple as a race.

Actually, the reasons presented by the High Elf community are the reasons I discuss them and fall into the High Elf fan category. Letā€™s go over some of the big arguments

Population: we have smaller allied race populations than there are High Elf NPCs in the game.
They arenā€™t distinct from Blood Elves: the whole story behind Blood Elves is actually how they became distinct from the High Elves they once were. Itā€™s sad that people gloss over that fact just to try and bolster their No. If High Elves became playable and Blizz spent some time on them, they could even go further with it and pit one against the other. I think that would make for potentially great story on both sides. As for modelā€¦ That can have some changes here or there, but itā€™s not even vital since we already have a carbon copy race on each side in the form of Pandaren. The world didnā€™t collapse because pandas look the exact same on both sides.

I have had this discussion a lot about what the Horde is supposedly going to lose out on if High Elves become playable, but none of it rings true or has convinced me other than some people who play Blood Elves might ditch that to make a High Elf, but players are always switching sides whether itā€™s for alts or because of story on one side or because of friends/family/possibility to join raidingā€¦ Thereā€™s a long list.

Many Horde players snubbed Blood Elves and Blood Elf players for a lot of years stating things like ā€œthey werenā€™t really Hordeā€ or ā€œtheyā€™re just Alliance players coming to Horde for whatever reasonā€. If High Elves were introduced then all the players who donā€™t switch would finally be secured because they want to be Horde and the Blood Elves would be as well.

I think thereā€™s some sort of fear that there will be a mass exodus from the Horde to the Alliance because of High Elves, but someone could speculate on that from either side all day. Players arenā€™t going to leave the side with the PvE/PvP coreā€¦ Players who have been Horde this long arenā€™t going to just up and ditchā€¦ Etc. From everything I have seen (as a player who has played both sides and been on the forums) the playerbase is not like it was back in the day. Once they loosened restrictions on making characters and alts became more of a thing, players became much more fluid with their choices all over the place. Suddenly, you have Nightborne on top of Blood Elves and the Horde isnā€™t as rough as it was back then so players donā€™t see them as negatively. Of course, thatā€™s just my opinion and I think this fear that so many donā€™t want to mention is really just not necessary, especially if it is going to just cause trolling.

So no this isnā€™t me being disconnected or trying to play the victim. This is me pointing out the trolls who arenā€™t even here to give feedback, but are rather here to attack players or try to tear down a fair request from players.


Says it in one paragraph, what I just said in an opus.
youā€™re good!




oh! you leveled up again! so proud of you little sister! keep it up soon you will be strong enough to follow big sis into battle!



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I mean, it will by what people have claimed since I main Alliance.

Do i buy into the argument of it saving the faction imbalance? No, absolutely not. I dont think adding another allied race is going to stop a faction imbalance. We have already seen flashes where the Alliance does have more population than Horde pre-120 (which if by counting all levels, the Alliance has more accounts than the Horde). The problem we have is that at max level and with little incentive to do alt characters (between the counterintuitive mechanics and the reward for leveling until 110), all it would led to is more of the same.

Will high elves be popular? I honestly couldnā€™t tell you anymore. At the beginning or BfA and 7.3.5, I would say absolutely and they may have a higher number than void elves (paladin choice does matter).

But look at BfA: heck, only 47% of 120s even have Pathfinder Part 2 done, and only 71% have Part One done.

With allied races being a rep grind, honestlyā€¦I dont think a high elf allied race would be as popular (especially since exalted is harder than revered) but they would be definately 2nd or 3rd most popular alliance allied race by far.

I dont think this has been a major argument from what I have seen, because I dont think players are stupid enough to not attack that. Hell, people attack anything that has a red bar, even MCā€™d allies.

I think a more majority of people are for the idea of faction identity: which is usually a concept held a lot in RP realms (maybe not MG because Horde is the big dead in RP). Im on there constantly with RP guilds on both sides and get their feedback, even on servers like WyA.

Do you know how much Horde RPers fear and hate the idea of Calia and the LF undead? It falls in line with the idea of this breaking the wall of faction identity.

Why do you think people are mad over the Shadowlands leak? Sylvanas playing 4d chess and becoming allies with us after everything in BfA? Wouldnt that step all over Alliance faction identity (hell even worgen/nelf racial identity?)

Imagine if, the Shendralar back in Cataclysm didnt rejoin the Alliance but joined the blood elves while taking with then a large group of followers to study magic within Quelthalas. Time passes on, nightborne join the Horde and thenā€¦Mordent Evershade decides to join actively as the Horde instead of as a refugee; giving the Horde a second access to the nelf model and giving the Highborne.

As a night elf RPer, would that get you mad or confused? We are even seeing now the idea of Forsaken night elves plaguing up and getting hardline nelf players angry while claiming its ruining that racial/faction identity.

Whats the difference in these cases? That high elves have existed as allies prior to WoW? The Shendralar was cast out many years ago by the night elves because they practiced magic and were neutral. In fact, they would have more in line with the blood elves since they are essentially part of the same tree (the highborne became the night elves).

Is this all a hypothetical? Yes.

But in here lies the problem in a twofold way: 1) pandaren being a neutral race has made them suffer immensely in terms of faction identity and 2) blood elves were not designed with a neutral system in mind.

It is why we see people barely play them or do we see widespread RP of pandarens. Its why I dont level this character in any form: there is really no faction connection for Pandaren. Look back at the racial leaders, have either of them ever gotten any sort of writing or support needed to progress their role identity? Absolutely not, Ji and Aysa are dead characters (heck they were not even important or did anything in the Legion Class Order Hall).

Its why I used to make the joke of pandarens being more important than high elves in BfA because pandarens arent written to be important and just NPC filler. Any sort of important pandaren figure has been neutral, any sort of pandaren development has been neutral, and both factions have screwed up Pandaria and the pandarens on MoP.

But we choose to ignore all of that for the model and customization: which cannot be inferred to the Blood Elves for the reason that Pandarens arent customization locked. If we truly went with the Pandaren example, then blue eyes would be available to both sides as well as green and gold.

You cannot use the Pandaren argument without seeing it at its core: a neutral race where the customizations are available to both sides.

I really wish you guys focused on the nightborne more as your counterexample: a race with enough changes in terms of customization and looks to know what changes need to be done to do another model swap.

But who knows now: how drastically changed are the LF undead going to be to become Alliance playable?

(This is where some puts up the side by side of the night elf/nightborne and pretend you couldnt do the same thing with the first four allied races).

Like i dont even hate the ideas of high elves: I just want the allied race system to die and end to go back to introducing unique races. I think the subrace idea was a poor mechanic to drive out player subs and Blizzard seems to have to write themselves into a corner to get out the next subrace.

Like: does anyone have any clue what the worgen allied race is going to be?


Ok, hereā€™s how I could possibly stomach High Elves:

Write the story of a small faction of a race that abandoned their brethren in their time of deepest need, choosing the safety and security of Dalaran and Stormwind to the trials of rebuilding the nation after the Scourge. Write and run the in-game scenes of them turning their backs on their leaders, their homeland, and their fallen brethren. Use newly uncovered documents as a plot device so that the world knows, perhaps.

Write the Silver Covenant openly rebelling against the Kirin Tor, Khadgar, and the Council and waging open war as a formal ally of the Alliance and being banished from Dalaran over it.

Drop the ā€œweā€™re the good guys!ā€ trope, write them as morally grey as many other race/class combinations.

Find some currently non-existent silver bullet to genuinely differentiate them while they still remain non-GMO Thalassian elves - and frankly this is the hardest one. Only Pandaren are an unadulterated dual-faction race in the game, and a smashing success (no offense to people playing them) they are not. There is no other race that, undifferentiated by some radical change, directly crosses factions and I donā€™t know how ā€œit wonā€™t dilute faction identityā€ can be fairly argued other than simply saying it wonā€™t be.

Maybe they tweak Voids just enough to be palatable to people wanting High Elvesā€¦I donā€™t know and I donā€™t claim to be in possession of the aforementioned silver bulletā€¦and then write the unified High Elves as being somehow sundered from the Sunwell and forced to turn elsewhere for sustenance.