The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

This would be true if on the Selection screen they implemented high elves to serve the same function that the Pandaren did.

If they had it split for alliance high elves to have their own AR race slot
 they absolutely would not for mechanics and gameplay/ labels purposes be the same “race” and would have the ability to have a different body style like kultirans and humans do, when biologically the same race.


Not at all. On the contrary - we’re willing to compromise on their physical appearance as long as that means we’re playing the specific High Elves we want to play for lore reasons, as that seems to be the main reason you guys are against playable Alliance High Elves. Actually, it’s only the fair-skinned part that seems to upset you guys for some reason.


“You only want to play pale, blonde, blue-eyed elves.” No accusations of racist overtones here.

“No, we want High Elves. In fact, here’s some options that would make them visually distinct from Blood Elves while maintaining lore integrity.”

“Stop trying to steal our Blood Elves! Blood Elves are Horde, get over it!”

“Yes, Blood Elves are Horde, and no one is contesting that. But we’ve been shown large groups of High Elves who are Alliance in nearly every expansion.”

“You got Void Elves, be happy with the compromise!”

Repeat ad nauseum for 2000 pages.


I think Blizz should send someone to the future 10,000 years and gather up the High Elves (which will have apparently “become a new race” by then ) and bring them back. Seems like an easy way to tidy this up.


I think part of the appeal is that helf fans want an elf that isn’t from some time travel nonsense, as per the Monkey’s Paw Mag’har Orcs.


I mean I get it and I don’t think they need to go to that length, but my point is that the story can be written from about a million different angles and still end with the same result. All the nitpicking really doesn’t add or subtract from anything.


The fact that Dark Skin, Half Elves, a New Model, and Tattoos are the most common request shows that this has nothing to do with wanting a “Light Skinned” Elf or a copy of the Blood Elves.

I mean if you actually look at the request and arguments you have to wonder if people against are even reading the request.


As for population, irrelevant.
A LONE Panderan, un WC 3, was more than enough to warrant an entire expansion; complete with an entire continent with new
But not a peep out of you or any other purist.

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Only if Horde gets Dark Rangers as a race.

You can have Dark High Elves, Dark Night Elves, Dark Vampires, Dark Humans w/e

It’s not a trade, although I understand the implication that it’s about “what would Horde get”.

Naturally, undead High Elves would be an excellent counter.


Oh, here we go.
First, you and I and every other troll
I mean
forum contributers, know that ‘LORE’ has been made subjective by Blizzard’s constant retcons.
Second, if we are going to have more races, lets have the initial ones that have been in the game all along AND have been asked for!
For instance, the San’lyan have a HUGE megathread, without one single troll or lockdown incidcent.
We should have Ogres, Taunka, San’lyan; and that’s just HORDE.
But, apparently you and your have absolutely no problem with that.

But when a thread for a playable ALLIANCE race goes up




Probably more likely that there won’t be a trade off and you will get your UD night elves regardless of what we get.


Personally, my proposed solution so we don’t suffer from too many elves is to give an unlockable high elf skin for void elves.

Possibility A) Void Elves are taught how to restrain the connection further to return somewhat to normal.

Possibility B) Rommath proposes a ritual to protect the Sunwell from further incursions which inadvertently (or perhaps on purpose) cuts the High Elves off from it a second time, forcing them into even deeper withdrawals than when they were cut off from the first time. They’re sinking fast, and Alleria gives them the option of turning to the Void to keep from becoming Wretched. Some say no, and would sooner die, while others reluctant give in and thus we get “High Elves” all under the banner of the Alliance.

I prefer possibility A and then people can just pretend they’re high elves from there.


Thank you for proving my previous post’s last point.
Horde feels entitled and Alliance has to settle for sloppy seconds.



How about


I actually prefer B, I like that story. Plus, I’d be playing real High Elves :slight_smile:

The downside to that being that part of the defining features of High Elves is them going, “No. I’m not turning to dark means to sate my addiction”, and them taking on Void energy would be a bit hypocritical to that.


Yep, that’s what I don’t like about it. I’ve always proposed turning High Elves into Void Elves by accident rather than willingly choosing to turn to the Void.

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That’s more of a compromise than void elves ever were. It’s not ideal. I know some die hard fans would probably be disappointed, but at least their character would actually be what they wanted it to be if they went with option A.

As for plan B
 as far as I know more void elves cannot be made at this time. Alleria isn’t even a void elf when you look at her vs the quests for the void elves. I do, however, think it would be a good story to see High Elves cut off from the Sunwell and they have to find their own way to survive and it wouldn’t be sucking mana, utilizing the fel, or the void. Instead of going back to old themes it gives Blizz a way to do something truly new. The possibilities are endless.


You’re really disconnected with everything, it is all about you and what you want.
You just don’t care about reasons.

You can’t call anyone bad or try to act as a victim while lacking empathy that much.
Seriously, its disgusting.