The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

<3 LOL!!!


Oh so Horde players wanting exclusivity on a race that has been playable for 14 years shouldn’t happen because it gets in the way? Well, too bad, if you have the right to ask for them, I have the right to ask blizzard not to implement it.

Nah it was just totally deserved.

Not gonna lie, you got me at the first half, maybe you finally developed some self awareness but then

There you go again.

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high elves likely have a higher population than canonically tauren, trolls, a gnomes did at the launch of vanilla and also draenei in BC which canonically were 300 that escaped on the exodar.


“Well, too bad, if you have the right to ask for them, I have the right to ask blizzard not to implement it.”

Good as any reason I guess not to allow them.

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Void elves have a leader that unified them (Umbric).

But also, Void elves don’t look the exact same way as a race that is already on the opposite side.
Those that look closer to their original are in their respective sides though.

Allow who to what?

Except your posts don’t have to do with asking Blizz not to implement them. That’s pretty much a “I will post this once and move on” thing. They all circle back around to that hurting other players thing I mentioned. Trolling. Whatever you want to call it. Causing unrest.

No I get it. Negativity is only okay until it comes your way, then that person is acting “pious” or whatever hateful comment is generated.

You act like I am not aware, but I am. If Blizz isn’t going to make players play nice with one another anymore and they’re going to allow anti trolling then I guess it will just spread and spread and spread. Congrats, you guys managed to accomplish at least one goal.


BC came out in 2007, boo.

You could make a strong case that High Elves (or Half Elves) would look radically different from both Void Elves and Blood elves. Honestly I would prefer that, I like elves and all but they all have some rather annoying features in WoW that clip too much for my liking anyway.

Void elves have like a one hundredth the population of the High Elves from ten years ago.


aye. High elves can be made to look very different to the point they would be closer to nelves than belves. I think the best solution is to take the old vanilla model and update it.

There is no lore reason why this can’t be done. Honestly if you think they have to look exactly like blood elves because lore that is you being obtuse. It is rather absurd to think that everyone of the same race looks exactly the same.


I’m sleep deprived as usual and bad at math, leave me alone.

But that would require retcones and lore tinkering to make them look different.
And then there’s Void Elves.
But as I said before, I do support Half elves because they have better chances and reasons to actually look different.

 takes a deep breath

You’re saying this in a thread when one guy is literally posting one liners lined with emojis and after being regular in a thread where the exact same “ideas” were posted and reposted repeatedly

If you’re allowed to continue asking, I’m allowed to continue voicing my opinion, that’s not causing unrest, it’s showing blizzard my side just like you’re allowed to show yours.

No one can lack this much self awareness while clawing this hard to remain on the moral highground they think they have
 is this real?

Your feedback is here.

Mine should be too.

It’s not trolling, get over it.


I fail to see the problem with that. :neutral_face:

please show me what lore tells us how they look to the exact detail and that everyone looks like that.

There isn’t one. Blizzard just chooses a model to apply to a race as there are no sliders. Kul tirans are the perfect example. They were normal humans until they weren’t and there is no lore reason at all for why they look different. They just look different


There is no lore anywhere that estates that they look different either.

That’s the main gist.

but which is more likely? everyone has the exact same body type of a race or just maybe there is the possibility there is variation?

also because there is no lore stating one or the other it isn’t a retcon because nothing is being changed or altered about the lore. It is establishing the lore further not overwriting it.


The Warcraft Encyclopedia.

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VS a troll who posted the same mocking GTA video in multiple threads. Yeah, that’s so much better.

Gosh, I bet the other megathreads for other allied races get repetitive as well at points. Vulpera are on their second one, right? Get after it!

You had a thread dedicated to it and yet you were a regular in the megathreads as well. Methinks it’s not about “voicing your opinion” so much as upsetting other players.

I like how I point out where I stand and you still attempt to toss around the same silly comments about me. Clearly, you are not picking up what I’m putting down.

No u.


Funny. I don’t see it.

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Wow, are you still upset about a joke months later? Kirela mate, get a grip.


People need to :notes:let it go

That’s just the thing with WoW. A warrior has the same body type as a mage, a warlock can look as refreshed as a priest.

The warcraft Encyclopedia, which so far as not been retconned:

"Elves do have several characteristics in common. All three groups have unusually acute senses and are able to see clearly even in low-light conditions. As a general rule, elves are also slim, athletic, and graceful. Furthermore, they all have large pointed ears that tend to be greeted with admiration or mockery by other races. "

I guess this means Night elves should take on the model of blood elves too
 except that we do know that they more closely resemble the Highborne while the High elves/blood elves were the ones that changed and “shrunk” in height, which is the only physical change they are said to have gone through.