The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Could be

Thing is, right before BfA they renamed the skins Blizz uses for High Elves to specifically name them as High Elf. They used to be something along the lines of;


To something like


This change was likely done so they could identify which skins they use for High Elves without having to actually view the model. Maybe the normal blue eyes were too dim in the rift so they used the DK eyes to make them glow so we know for sure they’re blue? It’s anyone’s guess, really

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I was met hostility too (because the topic was extremely heated at the time), but I kept being civil towards them. Now most antis are pretty chill with me

I dunno, I just prefer to make friends instead of enemies


You’re pretty sweet, Lorithyn. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Acting like 93 means anything

I cannot stand people who are mean to others just for the sake of being mean. Once you have seen all of the bologna they spew at other players
 Not their arguments, or their points mind you. Just at the people themselves, there’s nothing there worth trying to befriend, trust me.


No, it’s because humans are physically repulsive. Imagine walking around all day surrounded by humans. :nauseated_face:

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I think it has more to do with you being a brick wall who was shown proof and then just sidesteps it to push a narrstive. Just like what you claim antis to do.

Plus these attempts at civility get blown out the window from all the other posts on forums and outbursts you make in discord. People see through you.

Its why the only person who upvotes you right now is Cezol/Kizzan who is silenced most likely for flaming and flamebaiting.


You ‘argue’ from a false standpoint, as there is clear PROOF of my claims, also known as CANON. As I said, play the game.


Did Koltira die during the Scourge Invasion of Quelthalas, yes or no?

I am a brick wall, and yet players are sitting around fighting with others over an in game model telling them they can’t have it? Wasting countless hours just out of spite

And I saw through all of you a long time ago. It was never about discussion it was always about discouraging other players and attempting the “neener neener” game. Also, I wouldn’t go on about discord considering how you all treat the people you apparently are so respectful of. Those in glass houses should not throw stones.

That’s funny since I can recall other likes just this past week.


This seems like a pretty fast-and-loose critera, though. I mean, would you say HM Tauren or LF Draenei are really all that distinct from already playable races? I mean, for HM Tauren it’s literally, “Tattoos and Moose Antlers,” and for LFD it boils down to, “Gold eyes and tattoos.”

And if I want to play a purple skinned majestic elf I guess I can
 roll whichever faction I want, so long as I’ve unlocked the Nightborne for the Horde. Funny how that works.

I mean, Kul Tirans never looked different from Stormwind Humans until they were added. There’s no lore reason for it. They’re not mixed with the Drust or anything, they just couldn’t put down the sausage.

The thing about helves is, they can be different and have options that belves don’t have, if you give them the Mag’har treatment. The Mag’har got customization for different clans. Well, give the helves customization to include half-elves. They could have darker skin tones we don’t see with belves, different hair colors, different ear lengths/shapes, fuller beards, etc
 Not only that, but if you make the playable helves come from Dalaran, it’s also a chance to try and bring some life to Dalaran by creating customization options you might see people living there have. Runic tattoos, perhaps? More scholarly looks and hairstyles?


There those for playable Alliance Quel’dorei, and those who are not, hardliners on both sides no matter what you show in game, people will be for and against. Some are more aggressive then others and like to belittle folks, others just post their evidence and move along. for the hardliners opinions wont change.

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I don’t know what this skin thing is you’re referring to.
Looking at the high elves of the kirin tor in dal
the males have a glow type blue eye, it’s different than the females.
In the rift eve Alleria has a glow to her eyes that makes it hard to see any pupils. The Blood Elves there, from what I noticed, look about like any other blood elf.
Just seems to me there are varied ways high elves have their eye color and effects showing, but nothing consistent enough that says it’s so important to the devs.

You realize, hes a queldorei right?

Part of me imagines it might be a result of the lighting in certain areas. Telogrus is a very, very dark zone, so they might’ve used the DK eye glow on the helves to help make them more distinct from the belves at a glance.

That pair of allied races
Might leave yawns on everyone’s faces
But they seldom gain traction
Because they’re on the same faction
And in no one’s good graces.


Maybe so. Doesn’t explain why the male high elves in dal have a glowiness to them unlike the females.
I just dont’ know
but wish we had some answers.

Honestly? Seems to me like a matter of how much time they wanted to invest in a non-playable race skin. They probably decided it wasn’t worth the time to give the females an eyeglow, or remove the eyeglow from the males, since I think that’s more green than blue.


I appreciate you saying so :slight_smile:

Regarding those skins, I was talking specifically about the name of the skins used in the game files. They were named “Blood Elf” and numbered one to whatever. Blizz renamed the ones with blue eyes to “High Elf” for whatever reason, likely just so they could identify them easily

I may not have been specific enough. My apologies


 what “evidence” do pro’s put forward? Hopes and dreams and ideas that destroy the lore in the game 
 “I want them cause they’re in the game” regardless of the implications to lore, faction identity, and protecting the faction silhouette 

 but what “evidence?” The evidence as to why they can’t or won’t or shouldn’t be playable is on the anti side. The pro side doesn’t have anything factual to back it up other than some npc’s Blizzard throws in now and again.

If you can provide factual evidence that High Elves can be made playable without them taking away from the things the anti’s are concerned about then I’m all for being swayed.