The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Don’t see why not.

Nahh lol I just got on my other avatar because Bourbon used an old tv gameshow with a wow twist :stuck_out_tongue:

My my, that Lorithyn guy sure is smart!


It never was a mature discussion when the opposition started screaming like man babies the moment they came in this thread which this thread is meant for love for the High Elves. Haters will hate and they will scream like babies. Keep hating haters don’t forget to give your fingers a rest.

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Huh, I wasn’t aware that swapping to an alt allowed you to like your own posts


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Yeah there was this guy a while ago who I think was trying to farm TL3 who liked every one of his posts on all 16 of his alts.

Love the haters what a great show. :popcorn:

hmmm Yeah, best not to use that feature, it’s kind of recognizable and easily called out. Then when’s post gets too many likes it leads the opposition to think we just alt swap to get our likes.

Honestly it should be removed, you couldn’t do it on the old forums, so why now?

Yeah I don’t plan on doing it unless it’s for some kind of stupid joke

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Greetings fellow forum users! I’m new here, could someone tell me what all of this fuss is about?

Is TL3 really worth that effort?

Not really.

All of that to be able to post a gif, and a picture or two.

If that was the case the High Elves in Dalaran would have refereed to themselves as Sin’dorei, and not as Quel’dorei still.

In Fact the Blood Elves don’t even consider themselves High Elves any more. They admit their linage, sure but only recognize what they once were. Much the same way a citizen who has roots in a different country recognizes their heritage, like an American citizen who has Irish or German roots.


So who’s Alt Account McGee?

Alt? What alt?

Who hurt you?

Oh no
 what has gotten starting with the alt business??..

:heart::heart:Showing my Daily 100% Love and Support For Playable Alliance Quel’ Dorei.:heart::heart:


The faction identity needs reimagining, if the two factions can’t attract different groups of people, there’ll inevitably be a winner and a loser. Can they really turn the Alliance into a monster faction, since the Blood Elf is clearly winning the human theme? If the answer is no, I don’t see how the Blood elf story can not be over shadowed.

You can’t be the monster faction and the pretty faction at the same time, there won’t be enough space left for the other team. You can’t eat a cake and have it.

The monster faction needs to be wronged, constantly. And they shouldn’t talk too much so they can explain themselves. The moment they aren’t misunderstood/persecuted anymore, they become lame(Green Jesus). They don’t need to bunch together, and they have no reason to be angry.

To achieve this, the other faction needs to be stronger, more cunning, more popular in the sense that their ideology is of the main stream. The King really needn’t do everything himself.