The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I mean, only if you think that the only reason Horde players might be opposed to high elves is the model.

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The model seems to be the biggest point of contention, from what I can tell


There are plenty of other reasons, but a major high light has been the Hordes faction identity through blood elves would be lost if alliance got High elves.

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I can only speak from my perspective, but the model for me is just the most visible aspect of the underlying issue: high elves are pretty much just blood elves by another name. The model being exactly the same with cooler toned eyes is an example of that, but it’s not the only or necessarily the main reason either.

Faction identity isn’t the model.

Oh but it is part of it from my observations in this conversation. Another issue is that there is worry that the High elves story going forward would over shadow the Blood elf story.

I think it basically comes down to this for them, “We want alliance high elves and nothing is going to change our mind.”


And that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone either.

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Neither side has been good at Changing the other sides’ minds.

I’d say it’s over when they dispose of the AR system, or do something irrational and kill or void off the rest of the High elves

But I think the consensus is that Blizz will probably never give a hard no, for various reasons.


God I wish they’d just pull the bandaid off.


Or they could just add High Elves. That would be cool too.


You and me both.

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Love how the haters get the lore wrong. After the war the remaining high elves changed their name to blood elves 10% of the remaining did not and kept the name high elves.

Woops sorry for telling the truth haters will be mad.

14 days and you’re still commenting on the same thread hehehehe I love haters so dedicated to the cause :blush: Don’t forget to log in in game sometime :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You have 2 posts
 Wonder whose alt you are. >_>

Then again I have 3
 If anyone was curious this is Tashari. I’m leveling this Draenei next so I’m using her

you have 3.

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I was making an edit just now!

Whose alt is it anyways?: the WoW Forum edition


100 wpm, babbbbbby.

This is Elyssaria, Tyrandia has been my main for many years, but they keep making paladins worse, and I cannot be a NE Paladin
 so Elyssaria May become my main as soon as I unlock pathfinder.

Now you know who I may post as. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Shall I start alt swapping as well?