The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Break alliance? Do you mean essentially make them null and void? Or power boosting them with incentives?

I think it’s just that they liked the visual design, people seem to overthink every aesthetic choice Blizzard makes.

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The latter.

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Get a big ark built to survive the flood in case blizz does this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Its either that or faction dissolvement.

Or they could just do like a PvE mercenary mode.

Blizz admitted that the only way to change community perception is to over tune certain things. Yes, they’d have to make the Alliance op in certain areas, by creating strong racials or by other methods.

It’s not like it matters to me, I don’t play high end content anymore. If I were to play retail again I’d only be worried about not being outnumbered 6 to 1 in world pvp

Would High Elves help balance things
 Maybe? There are more variables to this than most of us are taking into account. I won’t say they would, but I wouldn’t say they won’t either. It all depends on how its implemented


Its not a sustainable solution, just a temporary one.

Maybe, but it would increase the number of raiders on Alliance full time. They’re not that far behind as far as population, they only need a little bump.

Plus you would see cases where alliance players getting turned down in end content simply by being alliance.

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I think you’re massively overestimating the value placed on the lore by the common American raider.

Which you would need to balance and make specific incentives for numbers
which is a lot of work for a temporary solution

The issue is high end raiding on Alliance is vierually dead. And that trickles down.

It’s not about lore as it’s the stigma the alliance carries
 it’s could be the perception that racial abilities and the player may. It be able to contribute to the raid. It’s not tapping into a vast pool of talent when opening up cross pve.

It would be almost like another AOTC req. for raiding.

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Okay Reagan.

But I think you’d find that just breaking faction balance won’t fix the factions, it’ll just go back to what it was before where the Alliance is in the position the Horde is now.

Balance is delicate, you have to be very conservative.

Alliance have better racials overall than Horde. I have raided a lot over the years and I just don’t see Horde players turning away raiders based on faction, raiders are absolutely pragmatic.

Only excuse Anti Alliance Quel’dorei are left with is we don’t want you to have them because Horde should only have them.


Good point.

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Yet balancing doesnt solve anything in this case, balance is a reinforcement of the status quo
as more things become balanced, the less reason there is to change factions

I like to think that I could be convinced by the opposition if the arguments were compelling and difficult to rebuttal

Of course I have to acknowledge that with High Elves I only have something to gain while they feel as though they’ve got something to lose. I try to sympathise with the anti’s argument, I’m sure there’s a solution that would make everyone happy themselves and happy for each other

Unless you just don’t want more elves in the game ever again. Not sure what to say then

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To be entirely fair, “we don’t want you to have them because only Horde should have them” is a frequently cited goal.

I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised by that statement, but there we are.

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Then that goes into the semantics of high vs Blood, and feelings of ownership over models.