The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

They would essentially have to pay guilds to go back the other way. Add some ridiculous damage and haste boosters to alliance races in order for it to be worth it at this point. Additional rewards for raid completion of all modes for allianceā€¦ then You would need a life jacket and a boat to survive the tears that would ensue.

High elves may help with population for alliance as far as more content that can be accomplished, but not the talent gap is all I am saying.

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But then what you are suggesting is artificially pumping up Alliance numbers through alt accountsā€¦which is just masking an issue. Blizzard has tried this before with Heroes of the Storm by using Overwatch cross-over promotions and it doesnt work because it doesnt establish or build upon the community.

What it does is just increase numbers on a chart for a quota; which doesnt solve the problens of faction imbalanceā€¦what you would actually so is ruin the catchup and benefits the Alliance receive; further disincentivizing the faction.

There is a very easy solution to solve it, but it would break the balance that was established for power.

The Blood Elves provided a huge boost to the Horde population. They might have started out as alts on the Horde from curious Alliance players, but now theyā€™re the majority of the Horde

Thats my point

Who knows. Maybe some Years later High Elves might become playable just as the reality of Classic WoW is now available. XD


Then I guess theres nothing standing in the way of a player request for high elves. Its at least more believable than horde blood elves.

Oh so just another troll here to stir up trouble. Well, have fun I guess.


Except my point was adding high elves does nothing to faction imbalance. Good job ignoring the rest of it. Bye


I never said it had anything to do with faction imbalance. It was a player request and I havent seen anywhere where blizz sair blood elves were added to deal with faction imbalance, only that they polled chinese players and they wanted a pretty race for horde.

So what do blood elves have to do with imbalance?

In the next saga of Kirela fails to read a postā€¦

Blood elves being made fun of or being a joke is not a concern to me since they are the most played race and boosted hordes overall population.

Then i respond to Elyssarias faction imbalance post.


Will Ogres boost the Horde Population if High Elves were playable on the Alliance?

I mean all of this talk about Horde Players worrying about a Thalassian Model Race but with white skin being on the Alliance is kind of ridiculous. I mean hello. Dark Ranger Undeads or Sanā€™layn? Ogres? Mogu? The Forest Trolls?

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And thats why I only quoted the bits that were in response to me and then you decided to respond with ā€œfaction imbalanceā€ā€¦ while quoting me. Maybe you should go back and read your own post and figure it out.

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We all know how well received Kul Tirans were.

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This felt a little of a gotcha moment. I donā€™t believe High elves will magically fix the talent imbalance, itā€™s plausible that it could recapture the attention of people who used to raid on the alliance, but no hard evidence of that either.

Curious as to what you think will actually solve the balance? Is it the cross faction PVE that has been in speculation?


Let me guess not really popular.

No, because no one has good taste.

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Thatā€™s actually not what he was hinting at earlier.

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tbh I just wanted to make a post about the poor reception of the Kul Tiran master race. Iā€™ll leave you to it.

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Break Alliance for two expacs. The only way to rebalance this late in the scheme is by extreme change.

I just think itā€™s odd the Kulā€™Tirans are scaled so large if they are only human. They were going to have them with mixed Drust blood then that got tossed to the way side, they shouldnt be any taller than Night elves if they are only human.