The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

My expectations are known. They are pretty low, but that does not mean I’ll stop asking.

If my predictions are right, War Campaign should end with Sylvanas escaping on a Kvaldir fleet, revealing Helya was the one that put her in power, and then she goes to somewhere across the oceans for her endgame plan.

If that’s the end of 8.2.5, then beware, my Quel’thalas prediction is several steps closer to become true.

No mounts datamined, thought (if I remember correctly).
I wonder if there’ll be new activities.

With the dark irons being an official Alliance race now, maybe it will be some other Horde race that will invade Alliance’s brewfest?

There’s also new allied race brew vendors… which include a vulpera vendor and maybe a mechagnome as well.


Would be very weird if the Dark Irons of the Past would start attacking the Alliance with the Dark Irons joining the Festival. Would it suck if Old Coren Direbrew would be replace for the Lore? Yes. But sometimes Change must happen.

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They left a rebellious faction of dark Irons in, they’ll probs still be dark Irons.

I wanted to apologize. I know I was a bit of a jerk in the past about High elves as a potential AR. My thinking has since changed in that regards. I am all for more options and AR possibilities. Perhaps in some way or some form you may get your wish someday.


Again. It still would be very weird for the Dark Irons to be attacking the Alliance at Brewfest while the other Dark Irons who are Friendly battling against their kind.

I was thinking of maybe a Horde invasion on the Alliance’s Brewfest? :thinking:

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Ironforge Dwarf; Those blasted Darkirons!

Darkiron Dwarf; What?

Ironforge Dwarf; No, no, no. Those blasted Darkirons.

Darkiron Dwarf; …


Yea. Something Weird like that.

The Horde would be laughing with their fox people allies in Brewfest.

Dude, the SC and Sunreavers send you to kill each other agents in the sewers. You definitely misunderstand open war with hostilities. They are a step beyond from city sanctioned gangs when they shadily take each other agents. It’s really incomparable to the differences between Magisters and Farstriders. And the charade of civility is clearly absent outside of Dalaran itself.

Both the SC and the Sunreaver have holdings on Crystalsong forest that are KoS to the other faction, no trappings of neutrality, if you are of the opposite faction, you are gone. As well as in Dalaran, is the armistice that prevents violence between factions in the Argent Tournament.

Because Vereesa doesn’t have a direct superior on the Alliance.

Also Vereesa appears as an alliance leader during the PvP honor quest, she is also the alliance envoy to the Vindicaar.

Again, because she and the SC aren’t shown to be active during the current war, there’s no reason to believe they have changed considerably from dealing with the Horde in Crystalsong Forest, and again, you try to single out the SC over every other alliance faction not currently active on the war.

Because you believe that Dalaran’s neutrality, which didn’t mean squat when you were an Hordie stepping into the WIndrunner’s Overlook, somehow is something that extends beyond its borders.

Maybe Dalaran is preventing the SC to openly join the faction War, we don’t know, but that’s the thing, as far as we know, SC and Sunreavers continue to treat each other as Kill on Sight outside neutral territories as they did in WotLK.

I know, they were like dogs let out of the leash, as if their civility was something enforced on them.

And? I’m not talking about the clearly neutral Argent Crusade or Kirin Tor High Elves, we are discussing the SC high elves, who are alliance, act on its interest as its liaisons in northrend, and kill horde on sight when non in neutral grounds.

It’s really ridiculous that there’s even a discussion about the Silver Covenant being an alliance faction.


All of which has zero to do with the point I was making, but okay.


What? hmm I don’t know.

Atleast come up claims for your argument about Dalaran’s Neutrality being broken by the Sunreavers and SIlver Covenant.

Sorry to interrupt but what we even talking about?


Yeah but hostilities seem to vary from elf to elf, like take the purge of Dalaran for example; some elves were exceedingly brutal, while others were no more hostile than needed. If all the Silver Covenant shared the same animosity as one another I’m sure no Blood elf in the sewers would have made it out alive. In fact it’s one of the notable themes to high elves according to the Wow Encyclopedia.

High elves are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals.

  • The Warcraft Encyclopedia/High Elves

Indeed the sewers are used by those who prefer to carry out more “murky” business away from prying, judgemental eyes, this includes murdering, and stealing from even members of the same faction. This is why players become flagged to one another upon entering the sewers, and just like it’s the players choice to engage, and enter an Alliance encampment and fight the Silver Covenant, it’s the players choice to engage and fight members of the same faction as well.

And “Holdings” being hostile, and attacking on sight is more of a game mechanic to keep members from the opposite faction from attacking players in their safe zones. The Silver Covenant is never mobilized as a formal group and sent out to fight the Horde, but rather are stationed defensively should players “Choose” to engage. Take Nazj for example, some of the voice lines from the Giblins refer to the Alliance’s Ankoan as friendly, although from a gameplay perspective they are constantly battling should players engage in combat with each other. The Ankoan and Giblins will also attack the apposing faction on sight, despite the fact that neither one’s goals are to destroy, and defeat the apposing faction, they’re merely mechanics to stop the apposing faction from entering each other’s safe zones. I think it’s important to distinguish game mechanics like hostile NPCs from the actual story.

But that’s really the point isn’t it? Aethas serves Quel’thalas first and foremost, and answers to Lor’themar, Vereesa servers Dalaran first and foremost and answers to the council. Both hearken to who their groups answer to, and serves over all others.

And where is she in BFA? Why isn’t she seen with any of the other Alliance leaders? Why is she not involved in any narrative in a whole expansion centered around gaining allies, and fighting together to defeat the apposing faction if Blizzard’s idea is that she’s an active fighting force for the alliance? You don’t think her overall absence is even slightly suspicious?

Because every other “Alliance” npc faction typically only appears “once” and are only involved as long as it has something to do with whichever narrative they belong to. They “Stay” wherever you found them when their story reaches it’s conclusion, while Dalaran, the Kirin Tor, and the Silver Covenant are a prevalent group that show up in multiple expansions whenever the Horde and the Alliance are fighting some common threat that jeopardizes Azeroth.

You seem under this impression that these game mechanics are anything more than that, a mechanic the game uses to prevent players from stepping into the other factions zone, and is not the best example to use to make your point. Neutrality doesn’t mean they have to sleep, and eat next to each other, it simply means that they are not “at war” with one another.

If the idea was to imply that the Silver Covenant was an active force willing to engage the Horde in Crystalsong forest for the sole sake of defeating them, even while under Neutrality I doubt they’d have them remaining stationed in defensive positions, guarding the Alliance camp.

The Silver Covenant’s aggression was because they believed the Horde was responsible for the bombing of Theramore, before Garrosh’s hand in the event had come to light, it was not because their “civility” was enforced upon them. It was only when Jaina met Lor’themar face-to-face did they learn that the Horde, and the Sunreavers in particularly was largely unaware of Garrosh’s plans to bomb Theramore.

And yet the only example of them fighting you can muster up is when a Horde player steps into an Alliance encampment, which can largely be considered a game mechanic. The Silver covenant as a group has never mobilized formally with the sole interest of fighting Horde troops in any instance while Dalaran maintained it’s neutrality, and that’s not about to change anytime soon.

How many times did Blizzard refuse people Classic servers?

Blizzard is known to change their mind, and if faction disparity becomes that big an issue, you can bet High Elves are coming out of their asses. Just like how they pulled in succession, WoD, Legion, and BFA out of their asses lore wise to combat sub loss.


Yeah, not the same thing hehe.


And they also said flying would no longer be a feature starting from WoD… yeah, you can’t take Blizz seriously. And that’s why they never said “no, never” to HE’s, cause they know how they roll.


“No Flying after WoD”

“RealID will include your real name”

“We will not implement role qeue into overwatch”

Like how many times do I have to bring up Blizzard going back on what they’ve said. Or is each and every time a company goes back on their word “not the same thing”.

If we’re going to include the retcons made to the lore as examples of them going back on their word then we’re going to have to list out several pages of examples that invalidate your own comment “Hehe”.


Betting money now if either Alliance subs or subs in general drop too low where they cant make enough money from the store alone they will bring HE in to get people back. I mean i would personally spend $60 to turn 3 toons of mine into HE. Who knows how much others with way more income would spend. Its literally a cash cow waiting to happen.


I mean, yeah, because they went against Classic servers with a lot more force and a lot more times than they went saying HElves couldn’t be a thing.


aye. I think they said they were going to use coren direbrew in another way though.

Yeah. this is the biggest reason high elves will happen and there is no if about it (taking into account the game won’t be shut down anytime soon nor the human race will go extinct)
actiblizz wants money. High elves are a crap ton of money waiting to be made. If the current dev leadership won’t do it their successors will.

High Elves will come eventually, it may just take another 5 years or so. I don’t believe they blur the faction line, and even if they did that line has been blurred a long time ago