The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Pretending they aren’t different groups with different political and ideological affiliations changes even less.

Alliance High Elves: Dalaran, Allerian Stronghold, Quel’Danil
Neutral High and Blood Elves: Dalaran, Shattrath
Horde Blood Elves: Dalaran, Quel’thalas

Horde High Elves: No considerable population
Alliance Blood Elves: No considerable population


And a pinch of Stormwind.

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There are no alliance high elves in Dalaran. It’s a neutral city. If you are a citizen of Dalaran and wish to remain one you are neutral.

I hope the devs read these last 20 posts or so. Wow.


I would personally agree, but 2 named NPC’s and 2 unnamed feel kind on the low side to make a point about population.

Yes the SC and the Sunreavers just never existed nor were they holdings faction exclusive. Now your ignorance is reaching levels of being borderline on purpose.


They are elven factions of the kirin tor in Dalaran. It has nothing to do with the Alliance.

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One is literally horde, the other literally alliance. The moment the city changed its neutrality one attacked the other. You have proven an exceptional ability to simply not understand context. are you Fire?


Yes they likely are.

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No and no, so are you saying Dalaran is alliance aligned and not neutral?

Well the difference between the Sunreavers and the Silver Covenant is that the Sunreavers were Blood elves that returned to Dalaran, while the Silver Covenant were already members of the Kirin Tor that came together to form the Silver Covenant. So while the Sunreavers allegiences are first and foremost dedicated to the Sin’dorei, and by the extension the Horde, the Silver Covenant’s allegiances lie first and foremost with Dalaran, which has pledged itself to never take sides in the Faction conflict again.

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No, it literally means that while Dalaran is a neutral (or most of the time) city, it allows specific districts of it to belong to either Alliance or Horde in the spirit of cooperation.

You know, like it was presented in WotLK and most people didn’t have an issue understanding.

That really feels like an arbitrary distinction that doesn’t reflect how the SC has acted as agents and allies of the Alliance in the same manner Sunreavers have been of the Horde.

You are holding the SC to a different standard because it simply suits you, when it’s a lot more likely that the SC and the Sunreavers were given the same duties and privileges in order for any cooperation to exist within the city. It’s really kind of unthinkable that the SC would have accepted to be held to different and more restrictive standards than the Sunreavers when their whole existence is based on their opposition.


I don’t think it’s arbitrary at all though, even in the novels Vareesa refers to the city of Dalaran as “her” city, and her “home” so it makes sense that her, and the Silver Covenant’s allegiances lie first and foremost with Dalaran, while the Sunreavers were Blood elves who’ve just returned to Dalaran after the Horde was accepted into the city.

I’m not holding the Silver Covenant to a different standard, I’m acknowledging a distinction between how these two groups were formed, and how it relates to their loyalties. One group was formed from Quel’thalas (A Horde capital) and the other group was formed from Dalaran (A Neutral capital) I think it’s strange to ignore this distinction simply because it might not suit your agenda.

It also explains why we have not seen Vareesa or the Silver Covenant fighting for the Alliance en mass since Dalaran pulled itself from the faction conflict, and why they’ve been mysteriously absent throughout BFA, an expansion centered heavily on the war between the Alliance and Horde. Unless Dalaran somehow becomes involved in one way or another, I do not believe we’ll be seeing the Silver Covenant High elves fighting in any significant capacity.

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The problem is not necessarily your interpretation, but the ramifications that stem from it. You are implying that somehow the SC is “less” alliance, when they have been more often than not presented exclusively, and belligerently, as such.
Nonetheless, a big thing about the Sunreavers is that they considered Dalaran their home as much as the Kirin tor and the SC do, so even the origin you claim distinct is not really that different, even Jaina herself acknowledges that Dalaran is as much the Sunreavers home as them.

The difference is that the SC arguably never left Dalaran and never left the alliance at any point, while the Sunreavers did, but both called the city once their home. Again, you are indeed holding them to a different standard.

As does any other NPC faction that we have seen H or A not taking an active role in the faction war.


I can’t understand that either. Anyone can take a quick peak at the named SC NPCs and will see about 3 hunters (including Vereesa) and more than 10 mages. :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s like they think the Silver Covenant is 100% based on Vereesa. Just because she’s a ranger doesn’t mean the entire organization is comprised of rangers.


Guarding districts is not the same as following the alliance into war.

Exactly. No Dalaran, no SC.

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this is false and im quite surprised softsong you usually get things right

the high elf magisters that co founded dalaran were expats. they were always the most progressive of their people. and they had a name, the sunreavers

jaina even cites this and credits the sunreavers as being productive citizens for over 2000 years and even helping humans discover magic

we know how committed aethas was to the kirin tor. kael himself spent most of his time in dalaran even before it was destroyed and he returned

the SC were NOT members of the kirin tor. they are clearly former farstriders like vereesa who found a life there and just kept living it. just like skwerl said the vast majority of the sc are hunters, as exemplified by the fact that they are associated with the hunter order during the legion campaign. there are a few non sc hunters, but they are primarily hunter types. even the leader claims the title of ranger general, rippng off the farstrider leader. the kirin tor would have no need for hunters and if vereesa wasnt rhonins wife they wouldnt even exist

you only have 2 in SW. the 2 SC portal keepers are on loan from dalaran, technically they are neutral and everybody knows it

in legion dalaran pretty much every high elf is neutral. the SC are nowhere to be found. the silver enclave was even renamed possibly to show dalarans return to strong neutrality

allerian stronghold is a joke. they likely returned with their captain auric to quel’thalas with the portal re opened and sick of fighting

quel’danil has a few elves who traveled south of quel’thalas to live out their exile. they didnt go to stormwind to join a faction war

sorry raising children in dalaran or living in a hut in the hinterlands has nothing to do with serving the alliance. how sad the response to no alliance high elf hubs is pointing to these places that arent even in alliance territory

also daily reminder the SC is a splinter faction of high/blood elves and that the race is already playable

Nah man, it’s like you forgot the Purge of Dalaran and Isle of Thunder. And by your obtuse logic, I guess any alliance group that didn’t participating on BfA rescinded their faction card because you said so.

I was counting the High Elven Sorceress in the mage quarter but as always, you have no clue what you are talking about. At least you are consistent.

Yeah I really don’t care about what you have to say and I have been clear about it. Please continue be a flat eather about HE factions and npc’s being on the alliance not being alliance without me, just know that as always, your arguments are poor and although I once genuinely replied to them, I won’t bother anymore to repeat to you things you are unable to grasp.


Plus, the 2 SC portal keepers she mentions do attack Horde players on sight :joy:


My argument has never been that they aren’t allied with the Alliance, but rather that their allegiances lie first, and foremost with Dalaran as they are all Dalaran citizens unlike the members of the Sunreavers. This is why Jaina had to go to Wrynn and tell him that Dalaran has joined the Alliance, despite the fact that they were always allies of the Alliance.

Yes, they can consider it their home but they are still not Dalaran citizens, they are citizens of Quel’thalas. This is why we see them operating outside of Dalaran’s association when they arrive to attack Jaina under Orgimmar. It’s why Aethas Sunreaver reports to Lor’themar first and foremost, and why Rommath warns him against trusting Dalaran fully after the events of WC3.

Acknowledging disparities is not holding them to different standards, as both groups formed under different circumstances. The SC were neutral Dalaran citizens before Vareesa decided to create the Silver Covenant, so it makes sense that they abide the laws and decisions of their city. Once Dalaran declared itself neutral, so did they.

NPC factions allying with the Alliance during whichever expansion is not the same as dedicating themselves to their war outside whichever narrative they appeared. This feels more like a contrived argument. Vareesa is big name, and important leader who played big role during Argus when we did not see any of these NPC factions either, and yet she mysteriously vanished from the spotlight the moment Dalaran did. Coincidence? I doubt it.

Every significant allied race willing to fight for the Alliance has been present in some fashion during BFA, if it were Blizzard’s intention to imply that the Silver Covenant is operational, and active force in the Alliance I’m confident they would have shown us in some capacity, especially when the Alliance was said to be drafting farmers and civilians to fight for them. Alas, for some reason Vareesa


It’s spelled Vereesa.