The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Hmm idk maybe because they are all ranger types?

That’s what we call “a leap.” There’s no way to know how many of the SC archers are former Farstriders, archers trained from Dalaran populace or elven military already living in Dalaran. We really don’t know.

The only thing we do know that is nothing that says the SC is not just anti Horde Dalaran pop, as logic would dictate, instead of inventing other less likely reasons.

And considering that we see as many if not more mages on the SC ranks, also inaccurate in terms of composition


Oh right that’s why they join the unseen path and are associated with the hunter class hall, because we see an equal amount of SC mages if not more.

Did you forget that we also only saw SC mages on Suramar and not the Rangers? It’s like ones did one thing, and others, another thing.

But again probably now you are going to say “then why didn’t they join the Tirisgarde”


No i was gonna ask why does an exiled sunreaver help mages recover felo’melorn instead of a sc mage if they are not a hunter organization but a mage one.

Because a Sunreaver mage knew where it was and used it as leverage to get back into Dalaran? This is not even a point, you are just misunderstanding how a story works

Also that’s the point of the SC, they are neither a Hunter nor a Mage organization
 they are just an organization! We have seen them have pretty much every class while mostly being Hunters and Mages; again, the arbnitrary decision that they are a “hunter organization” is that, completely arbitrary.

Simply put, not because its rangers joined the Unseen Path means that they are only hunters; it’s really not that hard to understand.


Their leader pledged the SC to the Unseen Path.

Already answered that, please pay attention.


No you said some rangers joined when in fact, Vereesa their leader pledges the SC not a few rangers.

Again, please try to understand:

Not because Vereesa pledges the Rangers of the Silver Covenant to the Unseen Path mean that it’s ONLY comprised of Rangers.

Also no, I literally said ITS rangers. That means up to all its rangers, archers, hunters, whatever; it just doesn’t cover all the other classes the SC has.

Again, pay attention.


Sorry the SC is primarily a hunter organiztion with a couples mages and that’s why they pledge themselves to the hunter class hall.

Because in itself, these feelings just seem to manifest out of thin air and Knaak’s writing shows more Vereesa in as being “universally caring and understandable”. Its why when she disavows Zedarin, its more labeling him as a traitor to his people and to her family.

That being said, I doubt the book were written with Vereesa eventually becoming a hard-nosed pro-Alliance supporter in Wrath, as there is very little writing until a slight mention in In the Shadow of the Sun with Aethas.

There has to be, since of how she speaks in her books. She clearly knows that the blood elves arent her people as she labels them as “his people” to Zedarin. She also goes on to talk about how she would have become a blood elf without Rhonin.

Both show some sort of understanding.

Which still makes zero sense because its a random transition for little reason.

Current inaction is current inaction. Alleria is a nothing character at this point without any sort of characterization that wasnt Vereesa’s pre-Legion.

Why not? A lot of those were her people and possible were either members of the Silver Covenent or the Kirin Tor. Its just not consistent writing.

Because in a city of mages where most of the high elves there were mages, where do the archers of the Silver Covenent come from?

We know the basic military of the Kirin Tor also use some forms of magic, unlike the archers of the Silver Covenent.

Sorry that you interpret things so wrong in the face of contrary evidence. Believe what you want, I’m only pointing out your flawed argument so other don’t fail on the same mistakes, cause clearly you don’t care if your opinion is wrong or not.


This is like me saying the Ebon Blade isnt a death knight organization because theres a lich in their ranks and the lich is a mage.

But can we agree that the Silver Covenent got the eternally fun “class theme” whitewashing which kind of ruined all class themes?

I would say that’s on par of Knaak’s overal writing, but no one gets to just discard some lore cause they don’t like it. Overall, it’s clear Vereesa’s feelings are different by WotlK, even if its just inconsistent writing.

Again, I do recall that, but that to me doesn’t mean endorsement. It’s like saying “I could have been a drug addict” it doesn’t imply acceptance, it just imply the capacity to end up on a similar fate.

At least a couple years in universe, so it’s believable that it could be just dealing with grief, specially after everyone working together to face the Legion. Veressa was shown to be reticent, but willing, to work with BE’s.

For now. Again, a hanging plot thread doesn’t get erased because it isn’t adressed, it just remains unresolved, even if that status doesn’t change, you can’t presume it changes until new info gets added. Like Vereesa’s gong-ho ness after MoP. legion and 3 sisters imply she has moved on, but until that believing anything beyond “she’s still pissed” would have been conjecture.

Honestly dude this is just asking a lot of WoW’s writing; did ge get Many Dalarani NPC’s referring to the traitors that went with Malygos? Beyond Modera and Aethas I don’t remember, and those two already gave us the overall opinion.

Conjecture is not evidence; specially when there’s more than one answer. -

-Dalaran had normal military in War3, some of them could have been elven rangers.
-Dalaran also has a civilian population, not everyone is a mage, maybe the Rangers are new ones trained by Vereesa.
-Errant Farstriders that ended up in Dalaran.

Probably a mix of the three, but honestly, the “Exiled Farstrider” is the less likely one since there is nothing that supports it in the text. It’s the most headcanon-ey.

Also, a lot of the SC “Hunters” are “Spellbows” and Arcane shot is the most common ability on Hunter types. The SC hunters def have a Dalaran flair.

Not, not at all, considering that the SC has shown a far more varied compossition, with Hunter and Mage being the most common ones -in WotLK there was def more mages, also in Legion there were more mages present in the Suramar cinematic than the SC rangers we saw. Again, I really don’t see more predominance between the two- And during MoP we saw Warriors and Rogues in large numbers.

I really don’t get what you are trying to say here. The SC was never a class nor had a class theme; it was just an organization of high elves.


it is literally impossible for there to be more void elves. They can’t make more void elves currently and I know you people like to say we only have a single city for high elves that being dalaran but void elves have a rock with a few tents set up. I think high elves win this one.


We have 2 high elf hubs. One is the high elf kingdom of Quel’thalas the other is a small population in Dalaran.

As far as we know, yes, but they HAVE to make more somehow cause otherwise they are just unable to be a race lol. It has to be addressed.

Oh sorry one of those is of Blood Elves! We do have 3 HE hubs tho! Dalaran, Allerian Stronghold and Quel’Danil.


Uh yeah and the high elves are blood elves. Pretending they aren’t changes nothing.

Zones are scaled down drastically for in-game purposes, so we really have no idea how many Void elves exist, or were changed; or even how large their rift is in a realistic setting. In addition, we do not know what they have planned for Void elves in the future, but it is clear that Void elves are their choice as the playable Thalassian race on the Alliance and no amount of nit-picking, or semantics is going to change that.

In the end, the devs said that there are not enough High elves to justify them as a playable race (Or at least, not enough willing to fight for the alliance.), and then added void elves as a playable race, which is really their way of asserting that there is enough of them to be playable - which also explains why we see them practically everywhere.

Sadly, the void elves win this one.