The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I feel like no one can ever get her name right lol

high elven sorceress was removed. quite a few were removed with the portal room update. youre down to 2 in SW

still amazed you think the way NPCs are flagged where the other faction isnt supposed to be means something. the fact that every little thing is clung to proves how weak the argument to make a core race neutral is


It autocorrects a lot.


Well, yeah, because they are Silver Covenant, which they already are an alliance faction, just not part of the Stormwindian pop.

And again, the Silver Covenant has been constantly shown as anti be and anti horde and pro-alliance and working with the alliance against BE interests, and as a factioned section of Dalaran itself, which is entirely different than Dalaran being previously neutral and allies of both Horde and Alliance and deciding to side with one.

Do you really not see the difference between how the kirin tor acted while neutral and the SC?

It is literally stated that Dalaran was their home too so again you are making arbitrary distinctions. Your arguments are full of double standards, because ultimately, if the Sunreavers would be held to no lower expectations of loyalty to the city than the SC. The moment the Sunreavers used Dalaran resources to act against the Alliance, was the moment the Purge happened.

Whatever arbitrary loops you are creating, doesn’t changes the parameters to which contrasting groups have been treated when we have already seen how the Sunreavers were held accountable for breaking the terms of Jaina’s neutrality.

Untrue, as Dalaran declared itself neutral to fight the Nexus War and count with both Horde and Alliance for it, which caused the SC to form. Becoming neutral, thus allowing Horde, is the reason the SC happened. They were never neutral when the decision of the KT to become such was to ask help to both factions.

You know while I don’t dismiss entirely that maybe the Kirin Tor is actually holding off the SC from open conflict, it really isn’t contrived to think that the SC is just one of the many groups sitting out the faction conflict.

And we have seen HE’s figting for the Alliance in BfA, just not SC, so tbh I will not dismiss the notion that the KT might be holding the SC back from openly assisting -given that historically all the HE 7th Legion battle mages have been part of the SC, except the ones we see holding the shields in arathi.

Which reminds me of the 7th Legion battle mages as both SC and part of one of the most prestigious alliance forces, which we saw active during Wrath, so evidently acting in a very factioned manner regardless of the KT’s neutrality.


I reformatted my compiled suggestions list.

Classes are now separate and it’s all smaller/simplified.

Feel free to copy/paste/edit wherever. Spread the word!


who cares about the SC? they are a faction not an AR. just like defias are a faction of humans. high elves and humans are already playable as blood elves and stormwind humans who both represent the VAST majority of their race

the sc is primarily a hunter organization. hunters are not known for their affinity for magic. there is no reference to the sc existing prior to the WOTLK, and their reason for existence is to oppose the sunreavers because of that factions newfound affiliation with the horde. the sc therefore did not spend thousands of years living alongside humans and working with them to explore magic or were a part of the kirin tor prior to the sunreavers trying to get quel’thalas magisters back into the kirin tor. that was the sunreavers and pretty much every high/blood elf in dalaran is or was at some point a sunreaver prior to WOTLK

its all there, from the way they very city was designed, to the histories in the lore, to even the dialogue of the major characters. the sunreavers werent just among the elves who lived in dalaran for two thousand years. they were THE elves and only group which included their prince

aethas also did not answer to lorthemar until after jaina kicked them out and they were forced to return to quel’thalas and inegrate into the magisters under rommath. i suggest you read or reread shadows of the sun where it begins with aethas trying to recruit blood elf magisters into the kirin tor


Are we talking like flannel and suspenders? If there’s no flannel I will start up a riot.

I like the list though. Lot of players have done half the work for blizz already lol.

Kinda Debunks the whole not enough and not allied with the Alliance Everything in this information Video can be seen in game:

:heart::heart:Showing that love for Alliance Playable Quel’dorei :heart::heart:


Old timey Hunter.

Just what came to mind with that phrase, nothing more

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This kind of Woodsmen

A useful video to refer people to watch for basic info on the high elves.

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Weren’t there a bunch of them learning about the void from the Void Elves?

Likely conversing and learning from each other, while maybe also catching up on thalassian matters.

i looked for those. couldnt find that patrol. the one on the boat was also removed

I’m standing right next to the two high elf sorceress in the mage district right now

Portal room actually added two more high elf casters in Stormwind, conjuring up the Dalaran portal.

Even Elsharin, the high elf mage trainer that existed before the portal room, was kept and got her role expanded, as she now trains a group of studants, which include a void elf mage.


Loved how she Lectured all three 3 Recognized Factions:

“ Behold this motley throng in which the rebels put their faith.

[Kaldorei] You disgrace [a glorious past], hiding in trees and cloaking yourselves in false piety. You have grown as savage as the trolls that skulk about your forests.

[Quel’dorei] You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.

[Sin’dorei] Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters.

Each of you has debased your proud lineage. Each of you has forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright.

Let this failed rebellion be a lesson to any that would stand against the [shal’dorei]
Elisande’s retort


yea and shes actually aligned with SW and tagged friendly regardless of rep. the SC portal keepers are aligned with dalaran, its not an accident they are holding up the dalaran portal. and they are neutral unless you have sc rep

sorry i couldnt find these after the portal room update. take a SS with your character. you could be right but i couldnt find them. the one on the boat was removed though :family_woman_girl:

Actually, their tag says “Silver Covenant”.


Only in one instance is the Silver Covenant’s goal the destruction of the Horde, and that was when Dalaran sided with the Alliance in MoP, besides that their efforts have always been with assisting the Alliance in whichever mutual danger is threatening their world. Your argument is the same thing over and over again “The the SC is allied with the Alliance” but that does not change the fact that they are, first and foremost Dalaran citizens, and therefore observe their laws and rules before all else.

And partisan groups always act different within a city, take the Magisters, and Farstriders within Quel’thalas - both are groups within Silvermoon, but both observe different views and ideals, and do not always see eye to eye. The SC sided with the alliance, and “assisted” them with whichever goal they were intending to accomplish at the time. But in only one instance do they ever actively take the field and contribute to the war effort against the Horde, and that was Dalaran broke it’s neutrality.

Do you honestly think that it is a coincidence that the only time we see them actively fighting the horde is when the neutrality broke? That it’s also a coincidence that after that neutrality was reinstalled they have been entirely absent from the war?

They’re not arbitrary distinctions, they are the facts of how these two groups were formed. Their leader, Aethas Sunreaver reports to Lor’themar, while I cannot recount a single time Vereesa ever reported to the alliance leader, or asked for permission in any extent.

It’s you that is arbitrarily clinging to the fact that the Silver covenant identify as Alliance while conveniently ignoring everything else. That beyond Dalaran’s association they are completely absent, that Vereesa, the very leader of the Silver covenant is not seen with any of the leaders during the Alliance meetings between the faction allies, and that none of her troops have taken the field against the Horde since Dalaran declared it’s neutrality. You have to be trying really hard to ignore this.

And yet when the Sunreavers were held accountable, so were the Horde. if the Sunreavers were independant of the Horde, why would the Horde at large be thrown from Dalaran, why would Jaina have to go to Wrynn and tell him that Dalaran has joined the Alliance if they were already joined? None of that makes sense.

It is though, as those groups do not contribute after whichever initial conflict threatened them has been resolved, while Vereesa, and the Kirin Tor are constantly present and contribute to multiple efforts against conflicts that threaten the Alliance and Horde or Azeroth at large. Yet whenever the conflict is the faction war itself they suddenly disappear from sight.

There’s no way of knowing if it’s the Kirin Tor holding them back, or if it’s their decision to not contribute. I’m not arguing that there aren’t Stormwind High elves fighting for the Alliance in BFA, but even their presence is very minimal at best, suggesting that a large number of them have likely decided, or were forced to observe Dalaran’s neutrality.

Many high Elves during Wrath are also shown working together with members of the horde within the Argent Crusade, not aligning themselves with the partisan groups of the Sunreavers or Silver Covenant. Residing within the same tents, and cooperating with no signs of strife of conflict.

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