The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Kirela, if the flags carry over on the same accountā€¦then that means alt swapping does NOTHING. If she is flagged on Firewoman or Starla, the flags carry over on the account as a whole meaning if shes flagged enough the account gets silenced: REGARDLESS OF THE ALT.

Kizzanā€™s situation isnt the same because he is using a different account to hide from a forum silence (that he is openly admitting to, which you are also ignoring) meaning that he is using an entirely different unconnected WoW account to post.

Swapping toons =/= swapping accounts. Stop defending someone who is actively breaking Forum ToS when you try to uphold it often.

When you say calling out trolls, do you mean flame antis then get away with it?



Maybe if we got you all drunk or something: lets just go back to fighting about PAHEs and how much we all truly want them in this game.
Or not.

(Sees how many avatars have just now popped up, in response)
Gets in defense positions!


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How about we stop selectively protecting Forum ToS when it benefits one side?


Playable High Elves would be awesome! Also Dryads pls.

I completely agree with this. Thatā€™s why you BOTH need to stop talking about it.

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You took the words out of my mouth. She quite literally just flamed me for merely mentioning the idea of rping a helf returning to Silvermoon and is now saying how she wants to call out trolls for trolling. Sheā€™s living in a delusion. :joy:


Then report him.

Circumventing a Suspension / Ban

This category includes:

  • Posting on another account
  • Having someone post on your behalf

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be permanently banned from posting on the forums

I have reported every person in this thread that has broken the CoC. Only once each though.

Edit: I donā€™t like picking ā€œsidesā€. I just so happen to agree with the High Elf fans for the most part when it comes to a playable race.

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I donā€™t consider hypocrisy and backwards lore to fit your narrative flaming, but whatever floats your boat.

Not agreeing with someone isnā€™t an excuse to harass and flame them, or make mocking comments in an attempt to elicit a reaction from them.


Just ignore and report. Heā€™s breaking ToS and admitted to it already.


This again? From both of you? Please stopā€¦


Youā€™ve been gone too long, the kids are totally out of hand this timeā€¦


Elyssaria is like, my light of hope at the end of the tunnel in these High elf threads.


You and I have very different definitions for flaming.

That for instance :face_with_monocle:.

Playing coy about your intentions when you suggests ideas like ā€œgiving Alliance High elves to the Hordeā€, can also easily be considering inciting flame, so letā€™s not play innocence, that is the blue eyes for blood elves post by an open anti all over again.


Why thank you :pray:

And Murg iam jealous of your gif abilities :crazy_face:


Because you just flipped out on me earlier over a roleplay idea, and then made a comment about how you only come after trolls. Like, who are you trying to convince here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And how is the idea of giving High elves to the horde considered ā€œincitingā€ flaming? You need to learn to allow others to have different opinions than you without taking it personal and attacking them, especially when those opinions are over a characters in a video game.

Since you askedā€¦

  1. Elves are generally, in fantasy, NOT usually on the bad/ugly side. Usually.
  2. High Elves, if/WHEN introā€™d, should be done so carefully and not subjected to to the whims of simple ā€˜factionsā€™.
  3. (This one is all mine) The ill-will between the followers of Kael the Over-Shouldered and the (Neitral) high Elves who did NOT follow His Nuttiness into Outland but went wherever, must be immense. One of these days, its going to come to conclusions.
    TL:DR I want the two to slug it out. Belf v. Helf. Kael fanbois and -girls v. ā€˜weā€™re better than you hrmmfā€™.


Not that I agree with the Blood elf originally for the Alliance bit, I like them on the Horde, just like I like High elves on the Alliance wether or not theyā€™re playable yet.


Depends on which fantasy.

Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.

Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said elves are nice.
Elves are bad.


Still on board for Alliance getting high elves if the Horde gets ogres.