The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And so is she in her own way, but you guys sit here and defend her despite the mods being the ones who punished her, not the players. Fascinating how it all comes back around in a circle.

Dont move the frame of the argument. If you have such an issue with Starla changing alts to post, then why dont you highlight Kizzan using DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS to avoid an actual forum punishment?


Fair enough and thank you for clarification.

About viability of all this, be it RP or whatever: I hope I have made it clear that, for my part at least, the LAST thing I want is for PAHEs to be just simply ‘Belfs come home’ or something like that.
FAR from it! There are so many ways to ensure that, whatever or however it is done, inclusion of everyone’s fav hot-topic can be made both unique and satisfying.
BELFS = Horde. Keep 'em.
HELFS = Alliance. come home!
I have spoken.

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Why didn’t you call Starla out when she started sneaking around to try and avoid getting flagged?

You realize flags carry over on an account right? So if shes flagged on one toon, it stays on the account.


Is there a story behind your transmog? I think it looks really interesting

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Yes, and once it was done she switched. Now don’t worry, you don’t need to answer because we are on equal footing at this point.

You both should probably chill about discussing this kinda stuff. I feel like you’re both gonna get in trouble. :neutral_face:

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You are basically saying what Kizzan does is okay because Starla switches to a different alt on the same account, while Kizzan switches account to actually avoid a forum silence.

HOW IN THE WORLD ARE THOSE TWO THE SAME THING? God you arent even trying to act neutral, just flaunt that bias.


Because she is also doing it for the same reason?

Thank you!
The helmet is the closest I could find to an actually spangenhelm, less the lower face-coverings, of the Northmen aka Vikings. That is also why she uses a round shield and axe: her RP is she was raised that way by her coo-coo mother, who once travelled in Time and Space to a rather interesting place.
Also, my lil’ mad thing is still leveling; therefore ‘cadet grey’.
Ok ok, the other ‘truth’ is
the ‘looms are mostly BLUE an’ Ah ain’t fittin’ her out in no blue-belly!
hope that helps y’all!

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I though you knew that by now. They won’t criticize one in their side, but will look for every possible way to vilanize us on the other side.

Just look at people like 
 , They seem to be pretty fine having them around even tho they do more harm to their request.


Just once. But Blizz is aware of their abusive flag system, but what can you do? :man_shrugging:

But if the flags carry over, its literally not the same thing.


Actually very easy, since you blatantly admit it.


Yeah; people are gonna start thinking they’re married!

(at the others)
Sers, please you two; call it ok?

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No thanks I’m good, I’ll keep calling out trolls for trolling. But thanks for your unwanted input :kissing_heart:

Right. Keep telling yourself that

I had to look up what this was :laughing:

I didn’t expect such an in-depth response, thanks! I think it’s really cool and the story is new and interesting lol

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C’mon, you know both sides do this. Also you might want to remove the name in your post because you might get in trouble too.

I think you 3 are gonna get this thread locked

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