The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

While she’s posting on a void elf, mind you.

“I don’t like it I tell you!”

scoops another spoonful into mouth

“It’s bad I say!”

shoves another spoonful into their mouth


It’s not like half my server uses Void Elves to RP as a High Elf or anything. :expressionless:


That’s actually, really sad.

Where do they stuff their tentacles? Why not just use the helf illusion?

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How is roleplaying the race you want sad?

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Because it is already playable? If you want to rp wc2 ain’t nothing wrong with that.

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Blood Elves on the horde are available, High Elves on the alliance are not.


So, worgen and goblin players were wrong to ask for better models?

Nightborne players can’t complain about their model?

A lightforged player can’t ask for more attention?

I play void elf because what I really want to play is not available, so I went for the sloppy seconds.


That they’re using void elves as High elves
 at that point just use a Blood Elf, or use a Helf illusion.

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Guess you just didn’t play Alliance endgame content Wrath-Legion, cause they’ve had more spotlight and development than “core races” like Gnomes.

Gnomes got back Gnomergan, sort of.


Blood Elves are horde.

I’m not one of them so don’t suggest this to me.


No, I completely get why you’re annoyed and frustrated. It sucks that void elves have to wait so long just to get the type of exposition and lore many races start off with. BFA’s writing has been utter crap this expansion, from how they’re writing Sylvanas, the Garrosh 2.0 bullcrap storyline to the horrific gameplay balancing. But all the races needed to have some relevancy, its just a shame that the narrative wasn’t suited for the Void elves very well.

I’m simply pointing out the silver lining in your complaint, that while it’s a problem your faced with now it’s one that can easily be remedied in the future, especially in an expasion that compliments and suits them perfectly. Just as said how the Nightborne complimented the story in Nazjatar, and Azshara, the void elves will compliment the battle against the void and old golds perfectly.

Okay and void elves aren’t High elves, any more snapple facts you wanna lay down?

Just saying, it would be far more visually accurate than playing a high elf as a purple elf with tentacles.

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It’s hard to roleplay your Quel’dorei fantasy when you’re a horde Blood Elf surrounded by savage races you despise.


I guess it depends - If you’re playing that character purely for roleplay purposes, or if its a character you play for gameplay as well. You’d only need to log on when you’ve planned to roleplay with others, like Alliance players you’re intending to rp as a helf with.

Although I think it’d be pretty interesting roleplaying a High elf returning to Quel’thalas, and attempting to reinterate back into Belf society.

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Good thing Blizzards writing hasn’t reach this amount of laughablility yet then hu?

“Hey Blizzard, can you change every single High elf in the game from vanilla to legion, absolutely butchering your story because I hate Alliance High elves soooo much and don’t want people to have them”

Imagine hating High elves so much you ask Blizzard to retcon 15 years worth of lore in game. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My ‘Raised as a Viking’ RP is more credible than that.

Sers, why DO you hate playable Alliance High elves so much that the mere thought of them being played is so disgusting to you?
Why do you care so much what other people play?

EDIT Just saw Caelis’ post lol.
Great minds think alike!


Asks the people that after 12 or so years are still working hard to make up ways to have their way because playing the race as it is available in game is so distasteful to them.

Don’t listen to them, that does sound like a really rich story hook for an RP character


Why should an alliance player have to go through hoops when they’re already allied with the alliance? Not only that, how are alliance players supposed to do walk-ups in places like Stormwind? Your solution is not feasible at all and it makes no sense.

There’s a lot of rich story hooks for alliance High Elves too but I guess we’ll ignore that because we’re on different “sides”.


If you want to roleplay you’ll find a way to do it. Grab TRP or whatnot and go nuts. There’s tons of things I support people rping as that I don’t think Blizzard should support with playable models.

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I told Soft people use Void Elves to RP as High Elves and they basically said, “why don’t they just use a Blood Elf?” and I explained why.

While I agree that we shouldn’t have something like playable dragons, I feel like High Elves aren’t that bad of a request especially considering long alliance players have been asking for them.