The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

About void elves. I like them and they’re cool. But it’s like going to a restaurant to order waffles and you get pancakes instead. The pancakes are nice, but I wanted waffles!


My problem with Void Elves is they’re basically like “Shadow Priests the race”.

It’s hard to be creative with them and everything they offer counters what I would like to do. A lot of transmogs I would want on them also don’t match
 bleh. I do love their aesthetics and voices though.


Eh, I was being supportive to her because I do think that that background does have some good hooks in it for continuing RP, and the posts prior to my post were being wangrods to her about it. So I was figuring just using that story for an RP character that the game would label a Blood elf, not as a reason to say all the Helves went horde.

I mean, I don’t have a grudge against the request. I understand why they’re wanted, I disagree on feeling that it would be a good thing in the game though. And I can get snippy with some people who are taking things way too personal.


But the Allerian High elves expressed this same interest in-game? After years of being trapped in Outland, many of the Allerian high elves just wanted to return home after the Dark Portal reopened, but initially hesitated because they assumed everyone back in Quel’Thalas was the same as the Firewing blood elves.

After the high elves at Allerian Stronghold inevitably heard of the joint operation of the Shattered Sun Offensive to recapture the Sunwell from Kael’thas’ loyalists and the demons of the Burning Legion, many of them would have been eager to see first-hand what had become of their brethren at home and would have been a lot less hostile towards the Sin’dorei of Silvermoon than they initially felt. That’s why Auric refers to high elves and blood elves collectively as the “children of Silvermoon”.

The idea that a High elf would decide to repatriate themselves to the Blood elves is not far-fetched at all, especially an Allerian High elf that was not present when relations between the two groups originally splintered, and tensions developed. They were never given the choice like modern Blood Elves and High elves.

Imagine being so sensitive that you’d overreact this much. Oh boy, I must’ve struck a nerve. c:


The problem with that being they’d have join the Horde.

As previously stared, their problem was not with Silvermoon itself; mostly it was with Kael the Redundant.

no really; I agree.
Ever see a family divide against it self?

I’d say we all got a lot of nerve; especially those who are deliberately skewing this thread from its subject.

:heart: High :heart: Elves!:heart:


This does, to be fair, beg the question of why you are playing one. Having the belf/helf skeleton should be in no way enough, considering how hard you slam them. Look at what you wrote, and please explain why you would be caught playing one - let alone making it your forum main.

Scroll up and you’ll know why. I believe in you.

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You can’t be serious - the skeleton? I referenced that, and also - was I asking you why she made that choice or was I asking her?

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Because the answer is obvious. I know you can use your brain. I BELIEVE IN YOU.

That didn’t stop Vareesa from considering joining her sister Sylvanas on the horde did it? And she only changed her mind to be with her kids. Imagine if a High elf from Allerian stronghold had family and loved ones among the Blood elves, why would it be hard to believe that they might want to return home to Quel’thalas and be with them?

One of the High elves specifically says it was because they assumed the Blood Elves of Silvermoon had thrown in their lot with Kael’thas.

The problem is the Allerian High elves never had a chance to choose a side, the dark portal reopened and they were told a bunch of misinformation that made them hesitate. If given the chance I do not think it would be unlikely for one of them to want to return home to Quel’thalas after years of being stuck in outland.

Uh, I was merely responding to Tashari of ways to roleplay as a high elf with a blood elf, it was you two that got all upset and uppity lol

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I think you might consider dropping the insulting condescending crap, Tasharl
unless you want this thread to turn into the insult-fest the mega thread went to. I wasn’t asking you. I was asking the person who just literally called them sloppy seconds. Now maybe sloppy seconds are your cup of tea but they most assuredly are not mine.

I would not, have not, can not even envision myself, be seen playing a race that I was publicly mocking as “sloppy seconds” and the “shoddiest race ever introduced in the game”.


I dont know, how many different accounts does Kizzan want to use to dodge forum silences?


As many as it takes, apparently?

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To be fair, with everything you just said – if I were a neutral High Elf in this current day I don’t think I would join the Blood Elves because they assisted in a mass genocide of innocent Night Elf citizens. Not only that, the Blood Elves basically follow the Lich Queen. I would just stick with what I’m comfortable rather than get involved in
 all of that

The short-answer is RP reasons. But if you want to wait for Alamara to reply, then go ahead. There’s no need to rehash it all again though which is why I told you to scroll up.


The last will be first:

Nobody needs advice on how to RP, especially from someone who is utterly incapable of thinking outside their own box.
Believe me, I kicked my own box to pieces years ago.

Seriously, RP is a matter of preference. Too many people have got the ‘you can’t do that because reasons’ mindset.
As for having PAHEs in the game, it should have no impact on the Horde at all.
Especially when done according to the suggestions made here.
We have Panderan in both factions and have had them for years: so why not another race with long-term history?

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Tsk tsk. Were you not one of the ones criticizing the idea of “outing” people just yesterday or something?

Also, didn’t you have something to say about posting on a low level alt to hide?


Who are you to speak for others? She made a comment about how people have to resort to using Void elves as High elves, and I suggested just using blood elf. If you don’t like that than sucks for you I guess?

Have fun kicking your own box.

Yawn, I guess it was too good to be true to believe that you wouldn’t resort to these same childish, and boring responses. Oh well.

Oh the irony that you literally just tried to come after me for merely suggesting to rp a helf returning to blood elves, and now you’re saying this. I don’t think you even read your posts before you hit reply, do you? lol

What? We weren’t even debating playable high elves, just talking about RP options in regards to the races in the game. Honestly you’ve become so much of a joke on this forum that I can’t even humor the idea of having a real conversation with you any longer. You’re responses are more like a collection of tacky memes at this point.


A question I will check the answer for later cuz I’m about to pass out
 (and plus I don’t feel like dealing with one person in particular

I keep seeing Void elves being used as a counterargument for the amount of SC people but
 is there even a source that says that the size of the groups can be compared or this is the usual headcannon based on the cinematic in Suramar that shows npcs that never actually appear on the field?

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I’d prefer if High Elves and Blood Elves took different paths entirely.

For example:

  • I’d like to see High Elves either mingling even more with humans or seclude themselves even further from society like the Highvale. Maybe they can even take on more naturey tones because they have interacted with the Wildhammer Dwarves.
  • I’d like to see Blood Elves delve even further into the light. Crazily so. They already have the golden eyes. Liadrin is already crazy light worshiper. Light fanataics sound like a great way to go and I feel like it would be interesting.

Obviously this is all headcanon and what I’d like to see. $20 says someone will dissect this and nitpick it into oblivion. >_>


 you dropped that facade of maintining a good attitude real quick