The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Keep telling yourself that. Your belly is bigger than a Pandaren’s, put that thing away, there are children here.

I feel like most people would think Pandas are (at least for WoW)

True, but we can’t use the same skeleton for a 4th time in a row. Give other races a chance first
 starting with the human skeleton. :grin:

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I have a slight beer gut. Your people don’t have a torso, it’s a teardrop of lard.

Then they would be mistaken. Elves were the single greatest travesty that Tolkein ever penned.

Nah. There’s only 4 half elves in existence and we’re not making interspecies breeding camps actual lore.

I can’t compete with this :joy:

You win

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The Nightborne were part of a different expansion, and were pre-existing before they were made a playable race. You can’t use content from a previous expansion that serves as a means to further the plot as an argument to give Void elves more attention when it’s not pertinent to the main story of the current expansion.

Okay but this is a problem we’re all facing, not JUST void elves. So stop trying to make the problem about the void elves themselves when your problem lies with the writers not giving each race the proper amount of spotlight we’d ALL prefer.

And the void elves were given so much more attention than other races, especially the Nightborne in terms of their development. The Nightborne have less than half the options available to Void elves, and more attention to their models and resolutions as well - this is hardly evidence that they don’t care about them.

and if they’re evil, they’re evil, not every race on the Alliance has to be good.

They’re not just “Generic” mobs, they give us insights to the capabilities, and methods the Void elves are willing to use. We know that they have no problem corrupting creatures into void beasts to control at will, we know they can summon powerful rift elementals to fight for them, we know they can create rifts that allow them to travel to secret locations previously unreachable.

Saying that they can be replaced isn’t really an argument because anything can be replaced by some equivalent on another race, regardless of how impactful it might be to the story. Their lore has been expanded upon, simply not to the extent that you’re happy with - join the club.

Again you’re using plots from PREVIOUS expansions, when these races played large, pivotal roles to the story telling of that expansion, and weren’t added with the idea of expanding on a playable race’s narrative. Your argument that the Void elves are not fleshed out enough is one that will not stand against the test of time, as when more and more content is released and their story is furthered so will their lore, and story depth.

So constantly bringing up an argument that the void elves aren’t what you wanted because they “Don’t have enough lore” which can easily change in ANY patch isn’t an argument that can hold it’s own for very long, and is not going to change Blizzard’s stance on High elves.

You want it now, when many other races want their races to be relevant now as well. The Nightborne, and Highmountain tauren might have had their stories in the past, but they still need to be made relevant to the story in THIS expansion, just as much as the void elves do. Saying that because the void elves don’t have the luxury of a story line in the past expansion isn’t an argument to neglect on the other races in this expansion.


Alamara with the sources. Nice.

Since people still don’t understand basically the real world development timeline was-

WC3 Quel’thalas was destroyed and Kael’thas gathered all the survivors he could and fled to Outland. Some High Elves showed with jaina.
Note; they could not show other areas because everything was viewed through a campaign.

RBG (Being cannon back then) showed High Elves still in Alliance areas and Blood Elves where all in Outland. Quel’thalas was a wasteland.

WoW development. High Elves where considered as an Alliance race but they did not want two versions of the same race (High/Night Elves) and opted for Gnomes. Metzen shows High Elves and Half Elves as his ideal Alliance faction members. (This might have been sooner)

WoW Vanilla. A few Blood Elves as neutral NPCs. High Elves are existing and mostly in the Alliance. Dark Portal does not work. Ingame books state Quel’thalas is dead. “Silvermoon Remnant” exist in the data files as an Alliance faction and was likely letter reused as a concept for the Silver Covenant. All Survivors Outside of Quel’Thalas are High Elves and Blood Elves are set to be a villain race in Outland.

TBC. Quel’thalas retconned from being totally destroyed to just the southern part with a path through Silvermoon to the Sunwell. Survivors of Silvermoon are added in that are separate from Outland Blood Elves.

Wrath. Silver Covenant is added as an Alliance faction. Fanfiction novel that was later made cannon describes Quel’lithien and Sunreaver origins.

The following years the RBGs are declared none cannon, lore is released on Kael’thas journey, Chronicles retcons things and adds new information.


Really? As in NPCs? I love brewfest and I think that is very cool of them.

Wonder if it’s the same ones from the High Elf party boats.

The nightborne were developed in the expansion they were introduced.
The highmountain were developed in the expansion they were introduced.

There’s zero excuses for void elves to be introduced in BfA then abandoned for 20 freaking months.

Wrong. Void elves, unlike every race before them, even the weak-as-sauce lightforged draenei, didn’t have more than a scenario and some gossip text to flesh them out.

That’s pointless from a lore standpoint.

That doesn’t make them any less generic than dark iron dwarves summoning fire elementals or nightborne opening portals.

Story can’t be replaced. You can use a void elf or a nightborne or a high elf or a human to open a portal, it’s the story that makes anything unique. Talyssra and the nightborne ENHANCED the Nazjatar questline by just being there, giving non-generic insight into the past of Azshara and Zin-Azshari. You couldn’t replace them there with a blood elf or a troll caster and have the same story.

All that void elves do is generic. Call me otherwise the day they do something that enhances the story.

People were saying that 20 months and five patches ago and I’m still right. Until something gets value, it’s worthless. To say that void elves are important because someday they’ll be is just false. Until they get their day in the spotlight, they are worthless.

I bring up the argument that void elves have atrocious lore because it’s true, simple as that. I don’t even need to be discussing high elves because with or without them, the void elves still have atrocious lore.

No, I wanted it 20 months ago, when they were introduced. It’s past time they become more than lore abominations.

Void elves come with THIS expansion. To say that they don’t need lore in THIS expansion is like saying Blizzard does not need to care about what they deliver to us.

You may be fine with poor-quality stories, but I am not.


Some of us our loud, its called “discussion you don’t like”.

But judging from the likes of the 2 mega threads and this thread, it doesn’t seem like a minority does it?

Face it, it’s the most requested Alliance AR with Ankoan(Just introduced) in 2nd and Sethrak(requested at the start of BFA) in 3rd.

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Allied race early access were given as a preorder bonus in the prepatch. Demon hunters were done the same way but no one thinks they were introduced in WoD.

I just want to point out that the thread that reached max capacity (and was deleted by Blizzard) was over 500 likes in the OP.


So, you are saying there was no nightborne or highmountain tauren in Legion?

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No, I’m saying they were introduced as ARs in BFA.

It doesn’t matter when they became AR. They were fleshed out long before that, in the expansion that introduced them.

Unlike void elves, which were introduced in BfA and then abandoned.


I dunno, the Alleria stuff was obviously pretty related since it’s as much their origin story as the unlock quest.


Alleria’s story does not explain anything about Umbric’s or his followers’. We don’t play as Alleria. The race is not called Alleria. The way they came to be is not like Alleria’s. All Alleria’s story say about the void elves is what kind of things she’s teaching them, but it in no way fleshes them out as a people.


She trained them to use their void powers. Everything we see of her void stuff is stuff she would later have passed on to them. To suggest that the basis of their void powers is unrelated to the void elves is quite a reach.


The Nightborn were an NPC race when they were introduced and developed.
The Highbountain were an NPC race when they were introduced and developed.

Their very existence was pertinent to the narrative of the expansion, a story both Alliance and Horde players participated in. Their inclusions complimented, and furthered this narrative as it was the intention of their development in that story.

The current expansion has very little to do with the Void, and is centered more on the faction conflict between the Alliance and Horde, which is why the void elve’s storylines have been restricted to what type of powers they can provide the Alliance in the war against the Horde and not “Exclusive” insights on the void that have nothing to do with the narrative of the expansion.

You want the narrative for the Void elves, and you want it NOW, despite the fact that much of the story points to a narrative centered heavily on the Void, and old gods in the future. N’znoth has been freed, and Xal’atath has been released from her dagger stating that we will be seeing her again shortly. This content seems far more appropriate for the void elves as it pertains to them specifically, and will allow them to play a larger role in the story than simply reskinned enemies for the Horde to fight.

Neither did the Nightborne? Their unlock questline segways into a narrative between Alleria and the Blood Elves with the Nightborne sitting at the sides twiddling their fingers awkwardly during their family squabble.

But it does matter, a lot. Your complaint about Void elves is that Blizzard doesn’t care about them when it’s clear they spent the most time developing them as an Allied race. Your only complaint is one that will fade away as more content and story is given to them in the future, while the Nightborne still face visual problems and a severe limit to their customization.

They summon Elementals, and open portals because that is the narrative of this expansion, the battle between the Alliance and Horde. When Void elves were initially released BFA was in its infancy, when its story and narrative was pointing to the importance of the Faction conflict. It wasn’t about battling Old gods, or facing a void boss that threatened to destroy Azeroth.

Because the Nightborne SUIT the evolving narrative of the expansion, a narrative that actually favors the chances of Void elves getting more attention in the future I might add. Since the Nightborn were originally introduced their involvement in the expansion has been about as relevant as the Void Elves, this is the first time we’ve actually gotten a chance to see them interact with the story in some significant way, and while the expansion is winding down mind you.

A theme arose that compliments the narrative of the Nightborne, and they were used to further that plot and give players insights to the story because it was appropriate. Shoe-horning the void elves into a theme that does not suit them would have felt lack-luster and poorly done and you would have likely come away feeling like you were jipped than anything else.

Should Blizzard not have released void elves when they did then? If the developers know they have something in store for Void elves in the future, but decided that visual development was finished and wanted to release them to the players, knowing their story was going to be explored further when N’zoth and Xal’atath’s narratives and the void shift to the main focus why should they have held off?

The problem is you got your race, and you want it to be fully developed and made the focus on an expansion that just doesn’t compliment or suit it’s theme. A theme that could be explored and furthered much better in content actually revolving similar thematics.

Yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.

You did, it was the void elf unlock quest that explained how they were created, why they were interested in the void, why they were exiled, and their motivations. It was about as lengthy and involved as the Nightborne unlock quest.

As an ALLIANCE playable race in an expansion centered heavily faction conflict, not as a npc race designed to further the narrative of a story for the expansion for both factions. Players, both Alliance and Horde did the quests for the Nightborne, they did the quests for the Highmountain tauren, they did the quests for the light-forged draenei, but the void elves were a race born out of the faction conflict between the Horde and Alliance. They are NEW and therefore need time to develop their own story at a natural pace, not shoe-horned into a narrative that does support their theme.

The next expansion is going to literally revolve around the void, N’znoth and the old gods, so how you’re under the impression that a race BUILT to control and manipulate the void will have NO screen time or significance is beyond me. To me, it’s clear the Void elves’s story has been building up for sometime, and will have far more signifigance in an expansion centered around the battle against the void and the old gods, than in an expansion centered around the faction-conflict which relates very little to it’s narrative. And if you actually believe that the Void elves aren’t going to have anything to do with a narrative about old gods and the void I really don’t know what else to tell you.


But they are alliance aligned, why do they need to take off the uniform that represents Dalaran and binds them to their neutrality? :thinking: