The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Ah, so like high elves?


Yeah, because people definitely don’t like humans or elves

It’s not like both of those races combined equal 70% of the playerbase or anything. :roll_eyes:

High Elves are one of the most requested races in the game so yeah people will be excited.

They use the Night Elf model so that’s a bust.

Basically, yeah. I think they’ll get about the same screentime and development, which is sad in the case of Void Elves seeing as they’ve been formally recruited and are playable

Hey, if they give the Forsaken a new, bomb aesthetic and keep them from being exterminated. All cool by me.

They’re split across the factions. I think the majority of people would have zero interest in playing a human, but they only have small dagger-ears.

Requested by an extremely loud minority.

No it doesn’t.


I doubt it, Alleria is a major character with close ties to the Void (The main theme of the expansion regarding N’zoth and the old gods.) I see them playing pivotal roles in the future in the battle against The Void.

I am crying LOL




Yeah, so loud infact that they’re the only race to be mentioned in a Q&A. Also one of the only races to reach tens of thousands of upvotes on reddit and requested by big streamers/youtubers. That makes total sense.

Yes, they do. Look at their idles and animations.


I don’t have faith that Blizz will do anything with Alleria either, even with N’zoth. I mean they chose to not have Tyrande around when we confront Azshara, which seems like a huge missed opportunity to me in terms of story telling

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Which by the way jangles my jingles so hard. The Alliance has all the best Light specialists and now they have the best void ones too. They could have had the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, Natalie Seline and the Shadowmoon Clan taking point on the void but nah, elf lady.

Do the Alliance not have enough super heroes?


There is no doubt. Noone wants humans, but their only distinctive feature is that they have little spade-ears.

Elves are horrible for the game. No more.

What about them using the Nelf skeleton disqualifies them from being an AR. Zandalari males use it, should they not be an AR then?

Considering that Sylvanas is going to be playing a large role, I’m confident that Alleria is too - as they’re sort of counterparts of each other now, a theme reinforced by the Three sisters comic.

I figured the Alliance would want nothing to do with the void, but I guess things just turn out that way

You have more faith in Blizzard’s story telling than I

Ironic, considering you’re just a fat human with a sailor hat.


Nightborne also use it. We’ll have 4 playable races using the same skeleton? Ankoans are horrible for the game.


I have so much money on Alleria doing something horrible to whatsherface, the other one.

Too many cooks in the kitchen, which is why all the races are struggling to have the amount of screen time they deserve.

Although, with the Sunwell restored I’m pretty happy with our light specialists now. c:

I’m failing to hear the problem.

Yes, it is. Nightborne were “new” and got a ton of lore. Highmountain were new and got a ton of lore. Same with vulpera and mechagnomes.

There’s absolutely no excuse for void elves to be the exception.

A semi-competent storyteller would know how to weave different elements in a story to develop them.

There’s only two possible reasons for void elves’ shody introduction: either Blizzard didn’t care and just wanted to add something to fill up a slot, or it’s part of the plan to not expose them too much because they’ll turn out to be evil in the end.

It’s not about participation, it’s about lore. You can’t point generic mobs that could be replaced as examples of them being developed as a race. Ultimately, what we are judging here is how much they earned their place as a playable race.

Wrong. Other allied races got their proper introductions. Void elves weren’t fleshed out at all. When a generic highmountain appears, he has the entire Highmountain storyline to backup his appearance. We know a lot of them a priori. VOid elves don’t have that luxury, they are unknown entities that are just there for show.


He said no one wants humans when he is one. Why is he allowed to have his human but I can’t have mine?

You would be, you square.

One of these days my calamari god is going to mess you dorks up.

It was a joke.


I’m a powerlifter human that stands heads and shoulders over a regular human. Being a Giant > Having little ears. Pandaren are fat, Kul Tirans are gorilla-gains.

Elves were the single greatest mistake in fantasy.

It’s a good skeleton that can be modified to a variety of shapes and races. Just tweak the animations slightly. As for Ankoans being bad. The Panda fears the Deep Ones. All is as it should be.