The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

But the High Elves in the 7th Legion are tagged as Silver Covenant

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Yeah, but they can only go into battle as part of the 7th Legion. If the Silver Covenant was a full on Alliance faction they wouldn’t have to.


It sounds more like your gripe is centered around the fact that the Void elves, and to a lesser extent the lightforged draenei haven’t been getting the attention you’d like, and is less about the actual races themselves. Despite the fact that all the allied races can be seen participating in the Assaults with their own small storylines, and unique characters participating.

We see the Void elves in Vul’dun summoning a massive Voidcraft that the Horde must defeat. We see them in Zuldazar channeling the void into raptors, and even creating a massive voidcraft T-Rex to wreak havoc on the Horde. We see unique characters in Drust like a Void Elf frost mage boss firing down bolts of ice down on the Horde. They played a role in assisting the Alliance in their assault on Daza’alar and we see them in the Eternal palace assisting Jaina and Lor’themar as well. I’m sure there are plenty more instances of them participating in the story that I haven’t seen, but that’s a lot of inclusion so far.

Every race is vying for attention, but we have no idea what Blizzard might have in development for them, so it’s really not fair to sit here and blame the Void elves as a race when your gripe is more about the fact that they haven’t been elaborated on yet. The Void elves have plenty of potential to become an awesome, and interesting race in world of warcraft, it is currently the most popular out of all the allied races, which honestly is very promising for their future in WoW.

I’m really not worried about the void elves not getting attention to be honest, as their leader is a very prominent character in the story, and the role of the void is going to be a major factor in the expansion. I’m more worried about the other races who’s characters have very little to do with the story, and may not be touched up on for a while.


I’d like to hear an explanation for this at some point. Can they only go into battle as part of the 7th Legion, or do they wear their uniform for better coordination?

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It does seem odd to me that the only time they’ve taken to the field in opposition to the Horde was once when the Kirin Tor went Alliance in MoP and then the only other time they’re not in their own uniforms.


If they add High Elves before Mechagnomes. I’ll riot

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We’ll see what comes of it. I think Blizz is more likely to add Mechagnomes mid or late expansion, whereas something more popular would be used to sell a new expansion

Not that Mechagnomes don’t have fans, but I don’t think they’d bring in as many pre orders for early access as Void Elves or DID’s did

Poor choices only because you want something else
doesn’t equal the developers making a mistake or an error. It’s just you didnt’ like it.

We’ll have Mechagnomes and Ankoan for the last two BFA races. Beyond that, it’s a crapshoot.

So, you are downplaying the importance of a race to have actual stories about them, is that it?

It’s not about “getting the attention I’d like”, it’s about them not having stories at all. Whenever you cite some random generic feat they accomplished, like summoning an elemental here or appearing as random mobs there, you are just proving my point: they have no meaningful stories. Every single thing you cited could be accomplished by generic units from other races in similar ways.

That simple Mechagon comic did for Mechagnomes way more than all appearances of void elves in the war campaign did for the ren’dorei.


What is promising is that Ion said in a video that they’re now accepting feedback for new Allied Race ideas. I know that he has been on record multiple times about his opinion, but at least it’s promising to know that High Elves are still being consistently requested.

Also, I have it on some authority that high elves might appear in the next brewfest along with the vulpera!


High Elves aren’t coming in this expac. If they’re ever coming at all.

There are about 6 other races that should be considered before they even get consideration.

If you think a race that was completely made up on the spot to meet a deadline and has little to no lore development for over a year and a half is a good choice then I don’t know what to tell you. I love Void Elves and wish they would do more with them, but they were a very poor choice.

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Blizzard hasn’t used the human skeleton so maybe we’ll see Half Elves instead. :wink:


They may come in 9.0, that’d be the best timing for Blizz. Otherwise they’ll still be a ways off

So we have what gnomes, pandas and worgen without ARs for Alliance and Forsaken, goblins and also pandas for Horde left without ARs?

Roboboiz/furry bait is the obvious first one. But worgen and Forsaken is interesting to me given their rivalry.

Half Elves is an even worse idea. Lets take Elves, and Humans and make a blase race that is of interest to nobody but maybe 20 souls on an RP realm.

Yeah no. “Hey guys, come back! There are elves but they have blue eyes!” That’s not bringing people back.

The closest candidates are Ankoan(given their shared story to the Worgen), and judging by what Calia does in 8.2.5/8.3, redeemed undead that have a more human/regal look to them.


No, not at all. I think it’s important that all races are included in the story - it’s just not fair to single out Void elves as not having “Enough” when they’re a brand new race, and efforts are still being made to include them. There are lots of different races all vying for the spotlight, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to neglect them simply because Void elves are new.

Anything could be accomplished by any race, or unit in the game, that is not an argument to downplay their participation, this could be said for any meaningful impact a certain race might have had in the story as Blizzard could simply replace them with another race and write up some story equivalent to achieve the same result. They are representing the void thematic in that they can reanimate constructs and summon powerful creatures through their control over the void, and the methods they’re willing to use to gain that power.

They did not need to add these events, but they did, and whether you’d like to admit it or not, it does give us further insights and depth to their story and the things they’re capable of. This is more than what can be said for some allied races that have been left entirely in the dust.

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Upsets me?


I honestly don’t have faith that Blizz will do anything cool,with the Void Elves. They may appear every now and again to open a portal, but that’ll probably be it

I hope I’m wrong though