The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

if you can prove other wise do it, by all means

pls prove to us the existence of a high elf state or amy in the alliance


Void Elves.

/argument ended


We had a high elf army as part of the Alliance forces in Suramar one expansion ago, but letā€™s pretend they donā€™t exist or are not Alliance. :roll_eyes:


He still thinks the Silver Covenant is neutral despite Vereesa showing up for the alliance in the hunter order hall to show her support

Also welcome back Alamara! Nice to see you back :slight_smile:


Even worse, Vereesa is one of the Alliance commanders in the PvP artifact appearance, alongside almost every racial and sub-faction leader in the Alliance.

Iā€™ve been checking this out from time to time, but Iā€™ve got little reason to post lately. Iā€™m waiting new, and Blizzard has hidden all the juicy PTR reveals, so thereā€™s very little to talkā€¦

Iā€™m still thinking we will see Quelā€™thalas in 8.3ā€¦


I swear I have to explain this every other day.

A battalion is smaller than a regiment which is smaller than a brigade which is smaller than a division which is smaller than a corps which is smaller than an army.

We most certainly didnā€™t see a high elf army.


she shows up for the hunter order hall regardless of faction and pledges allegiance. she even groups up with the farstriders again and even mourns a blood elfs(orestes) death when recovering allerias bow. how sad is it that the counter to only a few individual alliance high elves exist is to point to a tiny militia aligned with dalaran

the SC accompany khadgar with the kirin tor. there is no ā€˜high elf armyā€™ in the alliance. it is a dalaran kirin tor army

the elves go up front to see if they can talk elisande down and switch sides

You are peasants playing at nobility

exiled refugees living off the charity of dalaran

all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline

their future is clear, their legacy will be nothing but siring a few half elves

You are unworthy of the name high elves.

clinging to an adjective to show political dissent

some screen caps for reference


I donā€™t care what name you give it, itā€™s more than what void elves have. If they can be a playable race, so can high elves.


Admittedly Iā€™m a little skeptical of there only being 6 Alliance High elves, as I donā€™t take the number of in-game models as a reliable indication of their exact numbers. Although I do believe their rare appearances in-game, at least in comparison to all the other races on the alliance, is a reinforcing way of sending the message that their forces are not very large.

Additionally Iā€™m only interested in counting the high elves willing to take part in the war effort against the Horde, as simply aligning yourself with the alliance doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to dedicate soldiers, and resources to the Allianceā€™s campaign. So while the Silver Covenant might identify as Alliance, their participation in the war effort is likely neutral while still residing in Dalaran.


they dont identify as alliance. they are their own thing and operate as they see fit including teaming up with the farstriders(blood elves) twice in the game. they are also a FACTION, not an allied race. they are a splinter faction of the high/blood elves

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Ah, the return of the ā€œthey canā€™t be added to the Alliance because they are not a main Alliance race right nowā€ argumentsā€¦


But we can clearly see the intentions of the developers for the Void elves, which is certainly expressing that there are far more void elves than high elves. We see this in the assaults, and the campaign where almost all High elves are being replaced with void elves. So clinging to the idea that there are more High elves than Void elves, when itā€™s clearly not the direction the devs are going to take them is ratherā€¦ well pointless.

The devs are going to continue to run with this idea, and over time this argument will dwindle more and more as they add more content for void elves as a playable race and continue to reinforce the narrative that High elves are very tiny group in the Alliance.


Whatever the intentions of developers, we disagree with their choice and are voicing our discontentment. Developers are not unquestionable gods. They sometimes make very poor choices.

I mean, they thought a ā€œtime travel to an alternate universeā€ expansion was a good idea and then had to make the atrocious ā€œOne Legion for all universesā€ excuse to link it to the next expansionā€¦

Whatever their plans for void elves are, the race is still lacking any kind of depth. Itā€™s the poorest playable race they ever introduced.

On the plus side, void elves negated every anti-high elf argumentā€¦


high elves are already playable as blood elves. no matter how many fanfictions/art you come with. like dalaran is not neutral or proposing that a hairstyle or some war paint smudged on a blood elf is enough of a difference. they will never be an AR because they are already a core race, and what you actually want is to get access to that race by making them neutral. lets be real. thats what this request is, its not for a new AR its to make a core race neutral


Not what Iā€™m saying, Iā€™m simply pointing out that trying to scrutinize their wording, or emphasize inconsistencies that might not have been addressed in the story as of yet isnā€™t going to change the narrative they have planned for the void elves. Not agreeing is one thing, but trying to undermind a narrative with arguments that have been clearly shot down by the devs is pretty tiresome.

Everyone is going to have gripes with some aspects of their writing, thereā€™s no escaping that regardless of how good the story might be. Especially when that story-telling has to tie in with a video game they need to balance, and continuously adjust for further content every year.

Thatā€™s not very fair as they are a new race, and havenā€™t had nearly the amount of time other races have had to develop their own story in Azeroth. The point is their role, and presence in the game has become very prevalent, and instead of simply trying to ditch them before they even have a chance to develop, and to undermine the devs attempts to implement them as a strong fighting force in the alliance, give them time to find their place in the story.


Whatā€™s not fair is to introduce a playable race and leave it hanging for almost one year and eight months (and still counting).

Vulpera and mechagnomes got more exposition than void elves and arenā€™t even playable (yet)ā€¦

Thereā€™s no excuse for void elves (and, to a lesser extent, lightforged draenei) to have been introduced the way they were then abandoned. They could have been used in BfA storylines and side quests. Thereā€™s been plenty of opportunity to deal with the void and yet the void elves are nowhere near any of the void storylines.

Not to mention any number of other ways they could be explored. Mechagnomes got a comig. Couldnā€™t void elves get at least a short story?

I may change my opinion on them once they start to be treated as a people and not as a gimmick to fill up an allied race slot.


But youā€™re asking for High Elves today - which means if canon has changed then itā€™s probably logical to use current canonical sources for everything other than history-based conversations.


how? because they told you high elves are already playable and created a high elf variant for the alliance?

you have already proven and advocate for denial of lore by claiming the RPG as canon, and claiming that the SC appearing at suramar with khadgar and the kirin tor is in fact not a dalaran army but a high elf one

alliance high elves dont have land, a kingdom, the numbers or a sunwell. because that is all tied up with the horde now. they are completely incapable of functioning independently. which is why the SC in particular never appear without the context of dalaran or teaming up with the farstriders


The Silver Covenant is a part of the Alliance Vanguard, are they not? We saw a couple in the 7th Legion as well that were marked at Silver Covenant

Numerous? Definitely not, but they exist. Thereā€™s more than 6 of them, otherwise they wouldnā€™t be able to use them as generic npcā€™s


No oneā€™s saying the 7th Legion isnā€™t part of the Alliance.