The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Wouldn’t that be a reason to recruit them with the allied race system? :thinking:


It wouldn’t though. You don’t log into the game as a neutral high elf. You either choose blood elf which is horde, void elf which is alliance, or the at some point to be added high elf which is alliance.


No, but the race itself would be

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not at all. If they were neutral they would support neither side.

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You want elves that abandoned magic completely and focused completely on nature.

Good thing Night elves are already a thing then.

You are ignoring the context of the game. True neutral races are not playable, never been, which is why there’s several factions both sides can earn rep with them.
When it comes to playable races, the context changes, you know, the one you’re trying to ignore.


Which if the race was available to both factions it would be

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I fully understand what you are trying to say, yes. I am just telling you you are using the wrong words.


supporting both sides.

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So because both are nature-based they’re the same thing? The last I checked I don’t see High Vale elves living in trees, turning into cats and praising elune


So do you also feel neutral factions in game aren’t neutral? That’s a lark.

I do. They support neither side. They work with both sides but they don’t support them as in providing supplies, funding, and soldiers to their wars.

Explain that to my golden magic necklace.

The heart of azeroth wasn’t given to you to aid the horde or alliance. If someone gave you a mallet to go smash a bug but you kept the mallet and used it to bash in the skulls of your enemies that isn’t them supporting you that is just using something outside of its’ intended purpose.

I’d rather you explain whose skull is on your head o.o

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clearly a gnomish skull.

They help spellcasters a lot you know? Their intelligence doesn’t disappear just because they are dead. it stays in the skull.

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Ah yes, the group of people lead by the one that was ready to switch sides due to her emotions. A real display of loyalty to the Alliance.

I mean, they both had their original city (Zin-Azshari) sunk and fought the legion and then traveled together for a long time. Highvale only took a little longer to follow the nature alligned path of Night elves.

And I’m saying you’re arguing soemantics when that goes against what the context expresses.


No, but it made me significantly better at killing Alliance as a side effect.

Regardless of why they supplied me, they supplied me.

Also weren’t you just last night arguing that the Kirin Tor wasn’t neutral for engaging in a humanitarian mission at Teldrassil? Forgive me if I’m not overly sold on your credentials as an arbiter of what defines neutrality.


shrugs I am sorry you have different terms for war than I do. If a third party started evacuating my enemies civilians or not I would consider them an enemy as well.

This is my skull.


:exploding_head: my mind blown