The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

The irony of this statement considering the topic at hand


Disgusting. The difference is that High Elves have been hanging around with the Alliance in some form or fashion since day 1 of the game. Blood Elves aren’t even an original race, they were added later and pretty haphazardly.


Only if you ignore the details.

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It’s not like their appearance = allied race. I’d consider Calia a bigger tell for what might be in store for the Forsaken either through customization or AR.

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Like you guys do? :slight_smile:


The details in this case is that we’re supposed to believe that these undead Night Elves joined the Horde of their own free will. That sounds like bs to me

I mean I get the whole, “losing faith in Elune” stuff, but joining up with the people that slaughtered your friends and family? No, this is just bad writing


Crazier things have happened.

Sure, but it doesn’t mean more dumb things should happen. I wouldn’t mind if undead Night Elves became an allied race, I’d just want it to make sense

Edit: Even if they’re not becoming an allied race, bad writing is bad writing

I don’t think it’s bad writing at all.

Honestly that’s the least of the issues of that situation.

They said the Val’kyr could only rise human. They have never mentioned why suddenly Night elves are able to be zombified by them.


Unless Slyvanas made a pact with something to do it, she did mess with stuff in Legion so I wonder if that will come back into play or if it’s old god related. Not sure, not enough to go on and pure speculation, maybe not even good speculation

I think what I love about Fantasy and Magic
pretty much anything can be written into the story.

There’s nothing that implies something like that, even with the thing with Helya. Like, one day the Val’kyrs tried to zombify someone else out of boredom and found out it was possible?

you want citation? go read the novellas released that cover the events of war of the thorns.

Nearly all of the in game event is non canon. What is is the burning of the tree and saurfang axing malfurion during his fight with sylvanas.

The thing is, I don’t consider any troll’s word to have value on an arguement. They’re only made to disrupt. Doesn’t matter if they’re for or against. If they’re trolling, they’re not on “my” side, or on “the other” side either. They may actually want helves to happen/not to happen, however, it doesn’t really matter because they’re not really being serious about it anyway. They’re just “hurting” an arguement by trolling on it.

True I did not mention “pro-helf” trolls. Probably because I didn’t even bother considering those. There mmust be some too of course.

I cannot truly be 100% objective myself (hardly anyone can i believe). From my point of view: Some people would like an option to be added, which is to say, there would be plenty of people pleased by the addition of something they want, while those who are not interested can simply choose not to make use this option ( specifically, an addition that does not bring any dis/advantage such as making the game easier, or changes the game system), I simply don’t agree with someone who actively fights against the oportunity for the “other” ones who want it, to have it.

This being said, I admit I have seen some actually good reasons why this addition could, by some, be in fact seen as something negative and not just an option to either take or ignore.

I still feel the pros heavyly outweigh the supposed cons, but like I said, I can understand when someone actually brings a good point to an arguement. I really have no respect however for someone who simply denies facts, actively spreads misinformation, pretends to interpret the request as somthing else that really is not (and they know), etc.


Saying this to be funny really but
 Is it really that far-fetched? I mean
 Blood Elves did join the very undead that slaughtered their people and ruined their land all because of their former precious ranger general.


This is just so salty. lol
The Scourge aren’t the same people as the Forsaken.

Guess you missed the first line where I said I was saying it to be funny, but okay, sure salt it is :joy:.

And they were the scourge before they got their will back and broke free from the Lich King. Yes, they did attack and kill there own kind before they did break free.


yeah, perfectly aware, no one ever said a few alliance individuals dont exist. did however say they are not a large enough group to warrant permanent playable representation. moreover the high elves are already playable, including another blueberry flavor

while this is true, its no less a dangerous statement that should be said with a grain of salt. ofc blizzard can change things on a whim, its exactly why this debate still exists(even though it shouldnt). it can also give rise to outrageous fanfictions. i have always wanted to be an old god

should the lore be changed to accommodate that wish as well? at some point consistency goes out the door and theyll just be accused of being a sellout
 not that that isnt already happening to some degree

the SC is, and always has been, a minor FACTION and a splinter group of the high/blood elves who are already playable. when are you people gonna learn the difference? whats next
kirin tor allied race? cenarion circle allied race? oh, how about “the horde” allied race? thats the level of fanfiction with some of these ideas

you are aware the rpg is not canon. that means any time you quote it in a debate youre going to be laughed at. its like using bad fanfictions(irony)

Man, if I had a dollar for every time an anti spouted off about “thurs nawt enuff hi elvez” I would have a fortune. Have you looked at how many void elves/maghar/lightfored draenei there are?

You need to go look at the OP of the megathread and check out the list of High Elf NPCs. Even other antis have conceded that population doesn’t matter.