The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Lots of good stuff they could pull from the rpg it seems, despite Half Elves. I hope Blizz at least considers it

That being said, if we were never to receive playable High Elves, would you accept Half Elves then? Just curious

Iā€™ve wondered that many times myself.


No. The minimum acceptable compromise would be to give Void Elves regular skin and hair color options via a Night Warrior-like quest, which I believe is probably the most overall reasonable compromise in the absence of playable High Elves at this point.

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Better scenario would have been when we left Draenor the first time, a bunch of orcs from the ironhorde would have signed up for their tour of duty in Azeroth to fight the legion. But it was nice to show how nutso Yrel had become.

I see. I canā€™t say I agree, because if they give Void Elves High Elves appearances then they may as well have been High Elves in the first place. Itā€™d be Blizz admitting they were wrong about them

But now unfortunately itā€™s too late to change the Void elvesā€¦ lol unless we wanna wait 5-6 years / looks at worgen and gobsā€¦

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I think that was the original idea, but to be honest I did actually like the Iron Horde even though they made no sense.

I was expecting AU Grom to come into exile with us and have Thrall mentor him like Grom mentored Thrall in our universe.


I miss Gromā€¦ always in for a good blood fest. Much less emotional than his son.

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7 years of debating with the people that wants them. Iā€™m probably the only person insane enough to keep going after such a long time, but just because Iā€™m crazy doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t pick up whatā€™s been said.

I hope you realize that happens on your side as well, specially when it comes to not acknowledging the reasons of those against it. Go ahead and check how many times in this thread alone the mention of being against it solely due to ā€œspiteā€ itā€™s mentioned.

Now the wedding itā€™s off.

'member what I told you earlier about people undermining them at any costā€¦ I 'member.

And it would ruin the point of making them look distinct in the first place.

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Iā€™m not fully convinced au Grom is dead. It seems to me if they were gonna kill him theyā€™d have shown us him getting got.

Nooooooo scaaaaaaaaabs

Wasnā€™t he supposed to be the final boss of WoD?

Yeah, but WoD was also supposed to be good soā€¦


True lol. Wouldā€™ve been nice to get a legendary Gorehowlā€¦

They even data mined a green Grom model, which was glorious.


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Yeah, and by now even if he is elderly, doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t still capable of combat, just like Saurfang.

Probably having an eternal struggle with yrelā€¦ I know who I want to come out on top of that one. :no_mouth:

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I imagine thereā€™s a fanfic of that somewhereā€¦

Tbh, I donā€™t even know if this is some sort of idiom or something. Remember Iā€™m not a native english speaker and Aussies speak a complately different lenguage than what Iā€™ve learned.

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More Undead Night Elves appearing on the Horde in the PTR.

They might be planning another Elf Model Swapā€¦


Of course you guys would use that to fuel the flamesā€¦

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You act like Iā€™m in favor of Undead Night Elves for the Horde.