The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Alliance Players: “Blizzard only cares about the Horde!”

Also Alliance Players: “Please give us a horde race instead of new, cool things.”


Yeah, Lor’themar wouldn’t
 but what if Rommath replaced him for whatever reason? Rommath seems much less
 in this sense.

I mean there are Alliance High Elf loyalists, aren’t there? I consider Ogres a Horde race even though they’re not one of their playable races

I don’t generally care much, as opposed to the alliance getting what’s already a Horde race. That takes precedence overall with the blue eyes being a secondary, if anything I’d rather see Horde get either blue eyes or just what they have and no alliance playable high elves.

No, void elves are visually distinct barring the model from blood elves. It’s only a model copy, and not a fair skin/high elf copy when the Horde blood elves are that.

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Horde Players: “Alliance players are a bunch of whiners!”

Also Horde Players: “DoNt tAkE mUh pReTtY eLvEs”


Do Void Elves bother you? They may be purple, but they’re more Blood Elf than they are High Elf

Is it the visuals that you’re concerned about?

Edit: I guess I posted too quickly, my question has been answered lol

High Elves could be made to look different so as to retain the Blood Elf identity. What’re your thoughts?

It’s literally the exact same thing, the hair is just wet, and they have blue skin color, in armor you could not tell the difference.

Know what else is a model copy? Your Nightborne, so tell me why you think it’s fair to have fair and blue skinned elves and we’re only allowed blue?

They just don’t want you to have a cheap reskin of one of their core races.

As an Alliance player, I’m inclined to agree


So you’re saying the vast majority of pro-ally don’t want fair skinned blue eyed elves? Cause
most of the uproar derived from that.

And no, they can’t, as there hasn’t been sufficient time passed for anything the alliance elves to have that the horde ones would not. It’s been like a decade in game
how exactly would there be any physical difference? There wouldn’t be, not anything the blood elves themselves wouldn’t also showcase, and the political subfaction isn’t a good reason for an AR. Even blizzard agrees with this standpoint.

Alliance high elves don’t have anything different except eye color and a very limited different history, but they’re the exact same race as the Horde elves
meaning they’re already playable in game and aren’t getting released on the alliance to make another race effectively a neutral pick.

Again, this is why void elves exist and that’s almost certainly their way forward for the alliance faction elf story, not the main story of the race as a whole since that’s the blood elf story now.


So what you’re saying is people take personal issue with the addition of High Elves for a vain reason?

Yeah, guess you’re right, it is just about keeping the “muh pretty model” for you rather than anything significant, isn’t it?

But i guess you just missed the part where we’ve more than offered Nightborne level tweaks to a High Elf model that would do away with your idea of “carbon copy”, because unlike you, we’re willing to bend to make you feel better, even when we have 0 reason to, with the support the game itself gives to High Elves as an Alliance Race.

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This goes back to those self imposed restrictions I keep mentioning. Kul Tirans were just normal humans before they were made to be playable. Dark Iron’s were just darker Dwarves before being made playable, now they have awesome fire beards n’ stuff. Why couldn’t the same be done with High Elves? Different hair styles, animations, body proportions, maybe get a little cheeky and throw in some new eye colors, etc

It wouldn’t be ground breaking stuff, and it’s been done before. Believe me I don’t want to hurt the Blood Elf identity, I’d like High Elves to be added in a manner that’d be best for everyone

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No, we don’t want the Alliance having a carbon copy of one of our entire races. That’s always been the primary drive for most.


Go ahead and point to where I said we wan’t an exact copy of your Blood Elves?

While you do that, ill link you this.

Look at the OP and tell me how those ideas and model renders are “carbon copies” of Blood Elves.


Then they say lore won’t allow for them to be different, trust me the argument is set to go in circles on purpose.


Because high elves already are Horde. Dark Iron? Dwarves are already Alliance. Kul Tirans? Humans are alliance.

The only outlier in the entire AR thing has been nightborn and void elves, and to make a different high elf

Void elves were born. That’s the entire point. Otherwise they could have lighter skin options and look like a blood/high elf with different eye colors. What’s the literal point of void elves if they could just slap blue eyes on a blood elf and give it to the Alliance? Cause that’s essentially what would be done, there’s almost no immediate lore and it’s only back bending to go “oh man there could be all this crazy shizz to make these elves playable on alliance!” that would basically not make them high elves anymore or contradictory since there’s no real reason why most of the blood elves wouldn’t have similar physical traits. The only thing that could differ in such a short time without direct outside influence (HELLO Void elves?) would be their faction allegiance and very minor things of their culture
and to the first it’s not enough since they’d be identical to an already playable race and for the second part
non horde high elves don’t have a very strong or united culture
but the blood elves do since they’re the continuation of the race.

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Oh I’m more than well aware, this one seems new so i’m trying to edumicate.

Funny part is Lore allows them to be any shape and size, that’s the great part of lore and world building, it can be changed and still make sense.

Not that it needs to in this case just to make the bundle of 6 or 7 antis happy, who will just stroke out if High Elves look exactly like Blood Elves, as opposed to the 95% who really don’t care one way or the other.

Have you actually looked at the population numbers? I feel you have not, at 120, Horde has a 53,5% of the population. That is a whooping 3,5% advantage
 even lower than what Alliance had when they were the ones dominating population numbers. High elves could tilt the balance (far more than “balancing” it) while at the same time not fixing the problem Alliance has with progression. Blizz can’t fix Alliance players not being interested in high end raiding. The funniest part of this is that Alliance races do better than Horde ones in mythics, but hey, better ignore that, yes?

No. Vanilla is a move to protect their intellectual property, if you want to believe the fantasy that a company did it for their players and not because their porperty was being stolen, then go ahead, but they aren’t that nice.
High elves in the other hand is a request by a very niche group of people and they lose nothing by not making it happen but still bother to keep that carrot on the stick for people to pay for a sub in hopes they eventually catch that carrot.


Then the high elves would be getting something that the blood elves don’t have. :face_with_monocle: the only way to move on is to discuss their implementation and the art work for them.

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So apparently you are beyond thinking beyond the surface of model appearances.

If you give High Elves the Nightborne level tweaks, they cease to be High Elves. Much like the Nightborne are no longer their previous iteration.

For you people it literally is “muh pretty models
 oh wait sprinkle in some weak political difference, those antis are stupid”. Pro High Elf in a nutshell.


Alliance players are quitting in droves are or being a lot less active. Take a look at the forums. Most topics are alliance players asking if the game is even worth playing anymore

You accuse me of not having my facts straight and you turn around and say it’s a “niche group of people”? Everyone I’ve talked to at Blizzcon has been supportive. The two or three people irl I’ve spoken to who might have a problem with it are just sceptical. There’s a lot more of us out there than you think.