The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It’s not abandoning them when he is asked to take up the mantle of being an ambassador. If we want to make assumptions or headcannon those elves from Outland could be the ones who are absorbed into the 7th legion
 but that’s the thing we just don’t know. I speculate blizz just doesn’t have time to invest in creating story after story to address all of these concerns.

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why would they join the 7th legion? go to a kingdom they may very well have spent very little time in, if any, and join another fight they have no stake in. auric returning to quel’thalas almost certainly implies the few elves under his command agreed with him and returned together to their homeland and people which they probably thought about on a daily basis. but if you want to fanfiction they were desiring to return to stormwind to join the 7th legion and a faction war you do you El

Go on with your fanfiction then. :+1:

7th legion is a possibility too because they are already apart of the alliance having been the Sons of Lothar. It’s a possibility too that they did return to their home land as well, not discounting that, but nothing said they were solely loyal to auric either
 it’s just as equally fanfic as what I said.


It’s a similar argument some made in the past that all those that lived in Dalaran and escaped the scourge would automatically all become Alliance or Silver Covenant which considering that many elves were shown to have desires to return home after the Third war (in addition to Silvermoon not being part of the Alliance at the time) was always a flimsy thing.

No real reason to think there aren’t any blue eyed blood elves running around that came home to their loved ones or stayed true to their homeland.

I don’t believe the blood elves can sever it witohut severing themselves off from it. I also don’t believe Lor’themar would allow such a thing based on how he is written. They simply wouldn’t be able to go home. I am not sure if that would be worth it for them.


I couldn’t see Lor’themar willingly doing anything to the Sunwell, I could only see them deny Ren’dorei outright considering their exile and danger to it. Probably the angle they’re going to take story wise, making the decision to become a void elf (which we all know they’ll figure out ways to make more, probably from both factions,) even more of a big deal. Have to battle the void in your mind and can never see your homeland again due to being a threat to it just by your very existence. If the leaked expansion is truly where we are going (though I suspect it might be a patch locale,) we might see them become more involved, same with Alleria. Could be interesting, but with the way the rift is set up I honestly believe the future stories will be ren’dorei/alleria dominant when they choose to bring them in, for Alliance.

Agreed, and that’s where they have to make a decision, so they join alliance war effort against the horde and lose that ability to visit. Who knows if it’s worth it. They have lived without going for sometime in the past.

Also who knows they may join with Vareesa and Alleria in opposition to Sylvanas solely if it turns out that Lor’themar joins the horde rebellion against her. Would be less risk to go into bad standing with lorthemar. Also this will spell the end of intense faction conflict, and be reduced to proxy wars and so on.

Ion isn’t an authority on the lore of warcraft. Yes he is the game director currently but he has always been the type of player to focus on the PVE aspect of the game not so much the story.

also explain how it is headcanon. That is literally their background story. Are you saying those high elves that moved to human kingdoms following the troll wars just faded out of existence?

Finally we are not arguing they are a different race. we have made it clear we want them for their different ideology and politics. This already applies to many races in the game. Dark irons are not a different race. Lightforged draenei are not a different race. highmountain tauren are not a different race. void elves are not a different race. mag’har are not a different race. undead are not a different race. kul tirans are not a different race.

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I am not sure if you were about in the old thread, but I and others have mentioned that it would be nice to see high elves cut ties with the sunwell. That would be a good bit of story in my eyes. I know players have mentioned high elves that dont really use it or magic or whatever anymore.


Would Lor’themar do that though? He was willing to let Alleria visit the Sunwell despite her trying to convince him to join the Alliance. Y’know, before her Voidness became considered a threat to the Sunwell

faction balance is a weird issue. The horde has a population advantage. we did the math a while ago and we concluded it would require around 30% of all eligible blood elves (those of the same class as high elves) at max level to faction transfer before it started to make the faction imbalance worse.

I would be surprised if even 10% faction transferred.

As for faction identity what does this even mean??? To me faction identity represents that faction’s culture of the races that make up the faction. It has nothing to do with the actual appearance of the races to me.

As for silhouette we have suggested countless ways to alter the model in a non lore breaking way. People say changing the model at all would go against the established lore but those people are essentially saying everyone of the thalassian race weighs the same, is the same height, has the same size muscle, and stands the exact same way.


I don’t remember seeing that bit. I imagine that the quel’danil elves have cut ties to magic altogether but idk how that would work for the SC. Even Vareesa had a hard time coping without, not a known heavy magic user, besides arcane arrows and so on.

hes just the game director. its not like theres a story team or anything that he works with. still, we can go back to metzen in 2005, the godfather of warcraft lore, that blood elves are our high elves. a steady stream of constant blood elves are the high elves maintained by ion today

every single one of these are variants of a core race on the same faction. while void elves are no longer high/blood elves. as evidenced by the fact i have never seen a blue skinned high/blood elf. nightborne also had physical changes that took a millennia to occur, no longer worship elune, and share the same affinity for the arcane as high/blood elves

and ‘high’ elves are not an alliance race in any standing beyond a few individuals, the majority dont even live in alliance territory or have any kind of role in the story


Just wanted to mention that yall don’t need the remaining High Elves to rejoin their kin to gain blue eyes as a customization option. The Sunwell giving them their natural eye colors back is a good enough avenue for that explanation

It’d make more sense too. Changing your Belf from green/gold eyes to blue in that case would mean that your character would’ve been an outcast until quite recently (assuming Blizz shows these High Elves joining the Sin’dorei). We know that not to be the case since every playable race comes from a specific background. I am a human of Stormwind, even if I want to rp as a human from Lordaeron. When you create a Blood Elf, you start out learning to mana tap living creatures. Blizz could still go for it, but it’d make more sense the other way and wouldn’t make the High Elf fans nearly as angry

For what it’s worth, I believe Blood Elves should get more eye colors and High Elves could still be an allied race. It doesn’t need to be one or the other :slight_smile:


Sorry. I don’t see the population numbers as pointless when all sources online or working on the game state that the population IS an issue.

The lack of their own culture and community is an issue as well. How are you going to make a race playable that is known for NOT having a sense of community?

[The Warcraft Encyclopedia] “
 high elves are scattered all over the world and don’t act as a coordinated whole. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals.”

Wowpedia: In relation to the playable races, Blizzard has stated that the high elves have a considerably smaller population than even the Gnomeregan Exiles. High elves are a rare sight even in Alliance lands and are considered a fallen, all but extinct race

You want to reinvent the lore and the species itself so you can have a pretty elf that mogs well. There’s no other reason to want a race that has no community, no story, no impacting presence in the game other than as background NPC’s.

The people opposed to them actually articulate WHY they’re opposed to them 
 whether you agree with the reasons or not. I would actually respect someone who wants them more if they just came out and said “I want to play an attractive elf” instead of the blanket “they’re in the game and I want to play them” (which is the ONLY argument that seems to come up FOR them).


You keep saying that High Elves are a few individuals, yet there’s apparently enough of them to add them as generic nameless npc’s. Their population doesn’t really factor into whether or not they could be playable

I love Chris Metzen, and back when he declared Blood Elves our playable High Elves I agreed with him, but the allied race system throws a monkey wrench into that. Even Ion toyed with the idea of High Elves back when he talked about playable subraces, none of us can say for 100% that High Elves are off the table now and forever


It wouldn’t be reinventing lore if they assembled and developed their goals
 That would just be development. Let’s not impose restrictions on ourselves by saying that High Elves cannot gather or desire to achieve anything


Ah yes, but thats the great thing about fiction. Tomorrow they find a thingamabob that lets them cut those ties and a new day begins or something. Blizz could find a way of course.

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I’ve never considered this to be a thing, it doesn’t matter a whit what NPC’s exist on the Alliance for the high/blood elves of Silvermoon to regain their original eye color.

For what it’s worth, I believe Blood Elves should get more eye colors and High Elves could still be an allied race. It doesn’t need to be one or the other

I don’t really agree. It doesn’t really work to have an alliance high elf race due to all that’s transpired and the fact that the playable high elves were added in BC to the Horde. Regardless if the blood elves ever get a blue eyed option or not. I’d much prefer the blood elves never getting a blue eyed option if it meant the Alliance never got a direct copy of an already playable Horde race, which is what would be the outcome of that.

They did back in BC, 90% of their people moved on to honor their fallen from the third way and with Velen’s assistance fixed the Sunwell/etc. All while being proud members of the Horde.

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and yet they continue to add 2-3(if youre lucky) each expansion. its not like they can spawn as one of the endless waves of every alliance race in a 7th legion uniform. they specifically added 2 and unless you play the alliance would not know they even exist

he said ‘blood elves are our high elves’ not our playable high elves. its important to note the distinction because he said that knowing that ‘high’ elves still existed

yes so we know they thought about it. and then later repeated word for word the anti argument that ‘there is no clear example of who or what ‘high’ elves are as a whole remaining on azeroth, theres a couple, but they arent really out there in the same way’ and ofc ‘there are no more alliance high elf hubs left’

if there is one thing disqualifying something from being an AR its already being playable. what you want is to make a core race neutral. when all you have are a few individuals who help behind the scenes. which i am perfectly fine with because a few do exist in the alliance and as long as they serve as nothing but nods to that tiny piece of lore i am ok with that :+1: