The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Look in a mirror.

It absolutely is debatable. If blizz has never added alliance leaning/ loyal/ sympathetic High elves then of course it wouldn’t be debatable. But here we are because of either blizzards intentional mistake or intentional story plot to use High elves often, when it should be a “rare occurrence.” So seriously I think the only one here with extreme bias is you. There are other antis who see plausibility and whom are at least objective on the matter. Doesn’t mean they want it to happen either. I try to see the anti position as well, and acknowledge that there is a mountain to climb here.

Let me ask, if blizz adds undead night elves as an allied race to horde, is that going to be faction breaking, are you going to fight against that? Or no because the horde gets something cool?


Undead night elves won’t be an allied race, especially after nightborn being a model swap and a myriad of other reasons. Most of the undead night elves we see are Wardens which isn’t a playable class either, so they’re mostly window dressing. Technically there’d be undead races of (almost) every kind
and most of those are relegated to being DK since it’s easier that way. Blizzard has directly said in game and out that blood elves are high elves and if you want to play a high elf to play Horde. In game there are non horde alligned ones who consider themselves the same thing just with a faction difference, and just a blue eye change isn’t enough to make an allied race at the expense of just copying a horde race. A few npcs isn’t a compelling argument in this situation.

I would make more sense for them to continue developing the main and already playable group who are arguably the future of their race, which makes sense given they gave Alliance void elves to take that side in a new direction. It’s refreshing, honestly, to see story developments instead of the Silver Covenant poking up to be annoying ever so often. Especially with the pilgrims being allowed to see and visit the sunwell and what would most likely see others return home now that the sunwell is reignited, on top of there already being blue eyed blood elves.


Yet you’re ok with something that could affect player population (no, I don’t have proof that this will be the case, but you don’t have proof that it won’t happen either) and that would potentially affect the lore development of an already playable race
 but sure “It will help the game”.

And I mentioned that was a legal matter. High elves are not.

I never expect anything excited from Blizzcon personally, but I doubt that with a possible xpac coming, such a minor matter would even be in their radar unless someone brings it up in an interview.

Can you show me a transcript of this or a video? I want to see if it was a “no, is not going to happen” or another business like answer.

No, that’s what you think. You don’t know if this will be the case. As I said before, stop trying to pass your personal speculations as things that are sure to happen.


Flying was also probably another legal thing, people spent real money for flying mounts/etc and to block them forever would not be a good idea, regardless of my feelings on the topic.

Flying and Classic are on a whole different level due to IP protection and legality questions compared to them saying no to high elves being playable on Alliance as opposed to being just Horde already.

They already did add playable high elves and they did help the game.


I really would not consider it that. Flying it’s just a quality of life thing, Legacy Servers was a matter of protecting their intellectual property.

They added blood elves and that helped the horde.

Then they made the mistake, and opened up a can of worms by adding SC and other small high elf groups as alliance leaning
 That’s the issue.

And blood elves are high elves. Like the majority of the race by far like really, really far.

Hoping they release the initial info on 8.3 before they have blizzcon. Just so 8.3 doesn’t steal from the new expac spotlight if they announce it at blizzcon.

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Imo, the biggest mistake was having them separating in the first place. Pre retcon and post retcon, it was not a good look for those that almost started a civil war/didn’t return during dire times.

You have more faith in them than I’ve ever had, heh.

Haha that’s terrible! I just cannot remember a blizzcon where they had the following expac and last patch announced at the same time
 I could be wrong on this, but to get the big wow factor they probably would be inclined to release new expac info first amongst other things.

I know they would provide a forum or q&a at blizzcon for 8.3, but hopefully not the platform to announce it from. Might as well not do 8.3 altogether because then people are going to be looking forward to next expac over the final patch.

The arguments are equally valid on both sides.

The pro’s want them made playable for reasons to do with how it will help them enjoy the game more. The anti’s find things in their addition that will take away from their experience in the game. Faction identity can be just as important to some people as others desires to have a pretty elf that mogs well. Faction balance is a concern to some people as well. Faction silhouette has been stated by the devs as being part of their decision-making process.

You can’t just make a blanket statement that “it won’t affect their game” because there are many facets to what people enjoy in a game like WoW.

With both those arguments based on wants and desires and the addition or lack thereof actually NOT changing anything about the game as it is, you can’t say that anti’s won’t be affected because clearly some people feel they would.

My stance as being against them is completely the further destruction of the lore that would result from their addition and I’m tired of lore not mattering in the game.


Nope. If anything, Garithos is the smaller reason for the blood elves turning from the alliance. It was more along the lines of Kael’thas being placed in the Dalaran dungeons, and Dalaran doing nothing about it. Rommath mentions it in shadows of the sun, since during the time, Dalaran was an alliance city.

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Did they ever say no to it though? I remember it as more of a tentative announcement that they felt flying hampered their work in designing quest experiences and they were considering taking it out completely but weren’t dead set on it. More of a ‘We want to see how things go, take in feedback and consider our options before we make a decision’ situation.

There’s just nothing honorable about High Elves.

Their people are massacred and mistreated and they prefer to live a nomadic, scattered, gypsy lifestyle. Not organized enough to even have a formal racial leader and no sense of community enough to have built a new home for their people. Stayed a High Elf to honor tradition? Saying you honor who you were and doing something to honor your heritage are two different things.

As a people, they just come off as a bunch of flakes to me.

Look at their few noteables:

  • Vareesa chooses to hang out in Dalaran making sure Blood Elves don’t stir up trouble while her sister wages a faction war.
  • Alleria goes hunting for Void Elves instead of rallying the remaining High Elves to form her “crack squadron” and then chills out on a boat in Boralus while her sister tears the world apart.
  • Auric acts as an representative at the Sunwell. That’s all he does. Hangs out with the Blood Elves.

The mere fact that Auric is hanging out at the Sunwell is a testament to the fluid nature of the High Elves. They’ll help the Alliance but they’re also all for keeping ties with Blood Elves so they don’t lose access to their power source (which I’m STILL waiting for someone to come up with a scenario where you can make Helfs playable knowing they’ll never get access to the Sunwell if they’re formally made an Alliance playable race).

That’s it: 3 noteable High Elfs, none doing anything impacting to the story, all as flaky as their people are.

It’s also a testament to how the writers and devs view High Elfs: They’re not important enough to do anything with other than add some flavor to cities and the occasional inclusion in a storyline.


what about it? its like claiming the argent tournament is still happening. its a moment stuck it time. the most likely scenario is after TBC concluded they returned to their homeland with auric(who now resides on quel’danas) with the portal reopened and sick of fighting

still allerian stronghold was primarily a human settlement with a few elves. it wasnt a bastion of high elf civilization

if you havent you should go visit rommath in silvermoon, he has a lot more to say about the kirin tor if you keep clicking on him :joy:

Bro and I discussed earlier that they wouldn’t be able to make the pilgrimage if they were in direct open war with the blood elves. (Seems that the purge in Dalaran would have been enough to say no more) but the extent that they draw arcane power from it, and if the blood elves can sever this connection on a whim.

Although it’s a moment stuck in time.

Pretty much defeats the purpose of you calling out other people’s head cannon, when you just made up your own head cannon
 we do no know where they went, possible some are at their post still
 they have not stated, all we know is that auric is an ambassador to the sunwell.

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Regarding the points you’ve made, I believe they highlight something a disconnect between myself and the High Elf community as a whole; the lack of development of the remaining High Elves

Too many people claim that High Elves have rich lore and story, when in reality it’s mostly stuff they share with Blood Elves. High Elves do have a solid corner stone to build off of if Blizz wanted to expand upon them. They have a chance to tell a genuinely interesting story of unification and Alliance pride with the addition of what would be a very popular allied race

All of the pieces are there, but Blizz needs to put it together in a satisfying way that pleases as many people as possible. Adding playable Quel’dorei while not stepping on the toes of those playing Sin’dorei. I believe it’s possible

Rather than arguing over pointless population numbers or filling in the gaps of underdeveloped lore with our own headcanon, we should discuss the best possible scenario in which they could be implemented. It couldn’t hurt, after all if Blizz has internally agreed never to add them then there’d be no point in debunking, belittling or dismantling peoples’ hopes and suggestions

I’d be happy to discuss it with anyone willing a bit later, but i’m at work as I reply here and there’s only so much time that I can put into my individual posts


at least i can admit mine is an assumption, but we both know it is the most likely of scenarios, backed up by the fact their captain is residing in quel’thalas. auric abandoning them there makes absolutely no sense. them still being there with the portal reopened makes absolutely no sense