The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Reasons /10

This is the latest bit of High Elf/SC stuff we’ve seen. It’s BfA content. Blizzard specifically chose to make these kill any Horde on sight. If you look at the Horde counterpart, you’ll find that they’re neutral. It’s not a bug or anything.

A Same reason you probably won’t see much of Silvermoon blood elves leading a charge or effort against the alliance. We see them fighting alliance here and there, but it’s the one horde race we actively don’t go to war with, and probably never will.

Only example I see is arathi with Lady Liadrin
 otherwise in real wow time events the Blood elves don’t openly send their armies against the Alliance.

Landfall in Mists of Pandaria.

Theramore (even if it was small regements).

Cataclysm revamp had sindorei joining the main Horde armies in areas like Stonetalon.

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After all, why would the Blood Elves pick fights with the Alliance? The Blood Elf population is already thin, they’re only our enemies because they ally with the Horde. It’s only thanks to Jaina that they have beef with us nowadays

Yes but do you think Lor’themar is going to send his entire military against the alliance. For the most part it would be folly, even if they are extremely tactful and good fighters, they don’t stand a chance. Probably for population purposes we won’t see all out war from Silvermoon. Population is still a large issue even for the Blood elves.

We want High Elves because of their background lore. That doesn’t mean their current situation must not change.

Again - most of us were “happy” with Void Elves because we thought they were our High Elves. We were to have the elves with the specific background lore we wanted
 and then we discovered they weren’t.


Oh absolutely not. But my point was to show that the blood elves have been used to fight against Alliance armies and not be the free-rider.

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I agree with you that such a statement is not a strong counterpoint. Luckily for me, that’s not what I said.

What I said is that (what you guys believe is) their current situation is not bound by some strange unknown universal law that states “The Silver Covenant shall never join the Alliance”. Them officially joining the Alliance is not lorebreaking, and it wouldn’t even be considered “rewriting” lore - it’s expanding on their lore, if anything.


Well mostly because they have to, because they are apart of the horde and have weight to carry as to not piss off the Warchief.

I imagine if they had an RTS after wow they would play around with the faction structures more easily. But with individuals (players and mechanics of the game) involved the lines must stay rigid.

Total War: Azeroth with more lore?

the last word we had on playable alliance high elves prior to the last QnA was that they were already playable as blood elves. that giving that race to the alliance would blur the identities of the 2 factions. that alliance high elves ‘arent really out there in the same way, theres a couple, but there isnt a clear example of who or what alliance high elves are as a whole on azeroth’

in other words you lost the debate. over a year of spamming the forums hasnt resulted in any movement of their stance. you received a clear NO and are unable to accept the validity of the anti arguments which ion basically repeated word for word in his answer

there are lore reasons. there are gameplay reasons. if thats not good enough accept this one, they simply dont want to do it

i agree. and yet they remain in dalaran and implying they are not neutral is to imply dalaran is not neutral. they have had opportunity to leave the neutrality of dalaran but havent. the best chance for that was when jaina was forced out, who is their only friend in the alliance but they didnt follow her

Because we having nothing that states that Khadgar’s decree of Dalaran being neutral and not participating in the faction war extends to parties within their city, like the Silver Covenant.

One would assume so, but its still a blank area that is not addressed.

Why else would we see more high elves being a part of the 7th Legion in this conflict that those allies that stood against the Horde a number of times in expacs past and are Alliance supporters?

Are they bound to only serving Dalaran or the Alliance?

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If you think about it, we had so many events since cata that would have sent certain groups since cata packing their crap and leaving their faction.

Night elves certainly wouldn’t have stayed Alliance, and if they had, then darkshore would have been the last straw.

Mop the trolls and Tauren would have been their own group, because I just don’t see the orcs having seen anything wrong with Garrosh to be honest. He was going to deliver them glorious warfare.

The Forsaken would have left on their own fruition in cata, due to having a repopulation tool with the Valkyrs and Garrosh watching them closely.

The alliance would have tried to absorb Silvermoon after MOP. Due to the negotiations that Varian and Lorthemar were having.

Those are some easy examples, but due to players being involved they actually have to maintain the allegiances. RTS doesn’t have that structure
 I am not saying I want another RTS either lol.

They don’t have any background lore of their own. They have no story after the Scourge.

The only story they have are that they don’t care enough about forming a community, aren’t trusted by the Alliance even though they support them, already abandoned the Alliance once when they were needed 
 abandoned their own people when they were needed 

 they’re actually jerks when you think about it. A flaky race of leaderless gypsy elves that look good in a tmog.

TBH, it was the Blood Elf heritage armor that turned me completely off of High Elves. Let them die off to obscurity says I. They’re near extinct anyway. Good riddance ya flaky buggers.

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Yeah, so you want them because you don’t like the changes made to them in BC when they became blood elves.

The issue is that we knew about Blood elves in BC, and that they were the only known remnant of the high elves left. We only had the sons of Lothar high elves that were alliance aligned, and it could have been left at that. Blizzard is the ones who wrote in the SC for various expacs beyond BC showing a split between the Blood elf and high elf Scourge survivors. They left a carrot dangling in the game, whether intentional or not.

No it is literally what you said. You’re acknowledging that the SC is not an alliance force, but thens tate “its fine because they can just write lore that says they are.”, but such an argument is dual sided because they can just as easily write up lore that states the SC disbands, or oaths to Dalaran for eternity, or joins up with a BE only force.
Jut because it can be written out doesn’t make the previous arguments no longer applicable.


Wowpedia, my dude.

You make no sense dude. Learn to articulate yourself properly.