The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

They were Blood Elves before TBC


Whether they are neutral or not is such a bad point to be made.

Highmoutain Tauren- was neutral, went horde

Nightborne- was neutral, went horde

Light forge Draenei- was neutral, went alliance.

Darkiron dwarves- unofficially apart of alliance, made officially alliance

Mag har orcs- no real loyalty until horde bailed them out, officially went horde.

So in this scenario

SC high elves- Alliance sympathizers, could easily be made to put all effort in alliance and abandon Dalaran.

Where is the issue?


Sure they could write it to go either way, but it’s more believable that they’d go Alliance if they had to pick a side, given their past.

Man, its not like I’ve been constantly saying high elves need more writing, but get the answer “high elves have enough.”

Guess a high elf support needs to say it for it to be supportable.

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I know this was posted many hours ago but

insert picture of Thor doing the “is he though?” face

And simply ignore the fact that they have a problem none of the other ARs have, which is looking identical to a core race on the opposite side and sharing the motif to a major extent?

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Considering there is a faction conflict, and they have followed Khadgar’s point of being neutral in this conflict, it is important.

None of these ever were present for the faction conflict or made a stance on where they stood until the faction conflict began. At which point, they went with their native people. They never had a period of neutrality because there was no conflict to be neutral over.

The SC, however,has seen several conflicts and only participated in one of them, at the behest of an alliance leader (Jaina), and not out of motivation on their own part.

they were
always alliance.

It is very clear they were against the alliance given Maev points out her presence would not be welcomed by the Frostwolf clan.

The fact that the argument is still “but they can always be written as joining the alliance!” when the fact of the matter is that currently, they are neutral, and currently, there is no incentive for them to directly place themselves in a position where they would be killing their kin which is against what Vereesa desires after the resolution of the MoP storyline..

I do not see this occurring since void elves fulfill this role game design wise, and they would come into direct conflict with the blood elves, whom they abandoned in the past.
Why would they wish to completely lose access to the sunwell and screw over any other high elves who are enjoying being with their lost kin?

High Elves definitely need more writing if they were to be playable. I couldn’t agree with this more

We can’t pretend as though they have enough lore and story to be released tomorrow, but we also can’t pretend that there isn’t a foundation there that could be built upon. Having the SC leave Dalaran would feel like an organic choice

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Problem being the SC is a portion of the high elves, not all of them. Let alone we run into those core game design issues. I really do not see the SC ever leaving their point of neutrality given it would completely screw over their high elf kin, and also just place another carrot in front of people.

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Broflake, you are basically arguing that them getting more writing isnt good; when its been a core part of our reasoning for over a year.

This is literally an admittance by someone that they agree on the role that writing needs to be done, and isnt just some ‘arbitrary gatekeeping’.

Megathread does. Literally I’ve said this for over a year now and it got labelled as “arbitrary gatekeepering” then cry “b-b-b-but void elves”.

Its why i dislike the megathread, because I honestly dont believe most of them care about the lore
or else they would say that high elves need more writing since they have been written in a corner since Legion.

Ahhh the old trick
 seriously this is blizzards choice for if they want to implement them with a carbon copy

It would be a bonus if they changed them as far as just altering a races look like they did to justify making Kul’tiran Humans. But it’s not a big deal
 not to me anyway, a few different hair styles and bam
 allied race.

Then you focus on the other high elves, dissolve the SC, and make them a full Alliance backing group.

It would take a long time to build up, but it would be a payoff for good Alliance writing.

Like you have a ton of different lodges, groups, and organization with high elves
and there hasnt been a story of reunification?


I don’t see it as an issue at all. Sure the SC is the largest organised group of High Elves, but they surely don’t represent all High Elves. I doubt Lor’themar would deny access to the Sunwell to High Elves that aren’t a part of the SC just because the SC officially joins the Alliance

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Bah. Maybe I am just in a cranky mood today.

All good man, we all have bad days

How could they possibly be cut off from the sunwell’s power? Does Lor’themar have a list of all whom are connected and just sever it on a whim? Just may not be able to visit it.

You not being able to see them leave their “neutrality” that you claim to have is an opinion

With a little creativity the SC and Vareesa could find any given scenario to leave the walls of Dalaran for the alliance. As I said all other allied races did just that.

This a thousand times. Honestly this should be the push of the mega thread and Helf movement in general. There’s the potential for a decent story here for the Alliance with the possible inclusion of what would be a popular allied race

Sorry for all these posts everyone, but it’s difficult to quote and edit on mobile

It wont though, the megathread heavily believes in their story is good and they dont need more.

They already said they do not want to do this. So it all hinges on them changing their minds and obliterating the faction lines despite the fact that they’ve been keeping the two sides disctinct for 15 years?

LF draenei - Shiny spacegoat.
HM tauren - Moose tauren.
Mag’har - Brown orcs with tattos and scarcifications.

Have you noticed how those races that look the closest to their original are all in the same side as their original counterparts? It certainly didn’t take just “a few different hairstyles” for Nightborne and Void elves to be moved to the opposite sides.

I would like to see exactly why the KT humans are suposed to look different, but in the case of High elves, there’s really nothing in the actual lore that backs up them looking different. But then again, it shows the contradiction of many claiming to want high elves for the established lore that promptly turn and ask for things to be written in only legitimaze the request while opposing anything that has been written or could be written that could go against it (not saying you did this but I’ve seen examples of this far too many times).

I did not say they would be cut off from its power, such a thing is impossible. I am referring to their ability to visit the sunwell as such pilgrimage is a part of their culture.

Vereesa is a badly written character, so I would not be surprised

It is just body options. It isn’t specific to kul tirans

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My problem with this argument is that you’d have to create your own rules as to what an allied race can be. Nowhere is it written that an allied race can’t look similar to a playable counterpart on the opposite faction

Ion may have said that they didn’t want to blur faction lines, but I find that to be a subjective topic. Adding playable Orcs to the Alliance would blur the faction lines for example, putting orcs in Stormwind would look strange, but it isn’t weird to see High Elves among the Alliance. The faction line doesn’t need to be dictated entirely on playable options, that seems like a self imposed restriction to me. Ogres look quite at home on the Horde despite not being playable, if Blizz created a large faction of them out of nowhere that sided with the Alliance that’d blur the faction line to me

I also believe the silhouette of playable High Elves could be different from Blood Elves without breaking lore, but that’s a slightly different topic