The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Like how that guy who just puts his name on the paper and does no work is still a part of the project.

Guess Alterac was Alliance all along.

Why would Blizzard put them there then? They were part of the battle if you like it or not despite where Blizzard placed them.

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Helping the Alliance as a member of Dalaran, to take down a 3rd party threat, not to fight and take part in the war effort against the Horde. Hence why we do not see them in this expansion, and since Khadar announced that Dalaran will never take sides in the war again, we will also never see Vareesa take part in it either.

No Dalaran = No Vareesa.

Because the blood elves were there. Thats how the high elf addition has been ever since Wrath.


I don’t really recall any Blood Elves in the warfront except Liadrin?

My point still stands. There are High Elves in the 7th Legion and they helped the alliance in the war effort against the horde.


Um what? When Lady Liadrin runs the Warfront Blood Elves make up most of the forces you see running around the map. They also surround her in the base camp. You should pay closer attention.

Okay, but whens the last time you’ve seen them actively participating in combat against the Horde? Where have any of their “forces” been during this entire expansion? You know beyond one or two here or there?

Because in Lorthermar’s case from Tides of War to Mists: he had a logical projection of turning against Garrosh after the private meeting where Lorthemar said he is loyal to the Horde and corrected Garrosh when he said he (Garrosh) was the Horde.

I can go step by step of each event that would cause Lorthemar to drift away, because there is a few.

On the other hand, Vareesa from Tides of War to Mists was always feeling vengeful towards the Horde from when Rhonin died. She even pushed the Council of Six to retaliate against Orgrimmar and the Horde for the mana bomb.

Progression continues in Mists as how we know until War Crimes.

Even if we can say she is grief stricken
the progression makes sense until she just goes with Sylvanas’ plan and thinks about joining along with the Horde as co-leader of the Forsaken.

Thats where it derails.

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I haven’t done it in a while, sorry. Either way, whichever leader was used in the battle isn’t really canon anyway. What we do know is that High Elves were present during the battle.

In the 7th Legion helping the alliance. You can’t keep moving goal posts. They exist, you can’t ignore them. According to Ion there’s only around 12 Void Elves but we see way more than that in-game. NPCs are not a good indicator, but the alliance High Elf NPCs do exist.


Okay so somehow he was justified, but she wasn’t. Both wanted to defect, but his wasn’t even a question of loyalty. Not a double standard.

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Yes, because there was a logical progression of his story to lead up to that moment. Literally Silvermoon had a sha that almost destroyed the city and kill everyone.

Because there is literally no reason why she would defect after
everything in Mists.

Kirela doesnt understand Mists of Pandaria.


That’s not really the point though, each version shows how the fight would go canonically if these champions were to lead an assault. Clearly Blood Elves would have willingly participated and died to help achieve victory while High elves are largely absent in any form of actual combat or participation, that isn’t weird to you?

No one is saying they aren’t “helping” the Alliance, we’re saying that they won’t help the Alliance in the war effort against the Horde. Khadgar declared Dalaran neutral, and that they would never choose sides again, and since then Vareesa has absconded from any association with the war.

Ion also never said there were 12 void elves.

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some of the more extreme players invested in this topic are apparently fanfictioning the SC into the faction war taking place in BFA

and? so what?

you have a few individual alliance high elves. doest change a single thing. they are present as a playable race in the horde

continually bringing up the fact that a few individual high elves have been with the alliance since WoW started is irrelevant. it deliberately ignores that the vast majority of the high elf race changed an adjective and joined the horde. it ignores what development and every other source of lore tells you; that high elves are the blood elves now

alliance high elves are identical to blood elves in every way but a political opinion, this is not enough to justify an allied race. and the developers understand this and have told you this multiple times, which is why they created the void elves as a variant for those who were begging to get access to the model on the alliance side

there is nothing stopping you from playing a traditional high elf. there is nothing stopping you from playing a void elf, another flavor of high elf


You’re confusing gameplay mechanics with the actual presence of High Elves. Even then the High Elves that were present were mages so it makes sense that they stayed in the back.

There are High Elves assisting the alliance in the 7th legion right now though. I’m not talking about Dalaran or the Silver Covenant. I’m saying that High Elves are in the 7th Legion, which canonically, is opposing the horde, which also include the High Elves within their ranks.

Ion referred to them as a “crack squad” which can range from around 8-20 people, I was just making a wild guess.


you have 2 in 7th legion uniforms. you also have goblins in si:7 and the horde is working with fogsail pirates on kul tiras :woman_shrugging:


Yep, and there’s apparently thousands of people in Goldshire yet I only see about 15. What’s your point here? The number of NPCs don’t matter.


Mages were all over the battlefield participating in actual combat, they remained in the ship where they did not need to actually participate in combat, nor were in danger of being killed. Their roles were non-combative.

I’m not confusing gameplay mechanics for anything, when Blizzard is trying to convey a message they do not tip-toe around the point and make vague clues. If High elves were meant to represent an active fighting force in the Alliance they would be implemented in the same way every other active race has, in warfronts assaults, and questlines. Instead they are restricted to rare roles that put them on the sidelines, and do not actually contribute in any significance to the war effort against the Horde.

Please show me one instance of a 7th legion High elf mage currently taking part in combat against the Horde. Better yet show me an instance of a force of High elves assisting the Alliance in the war effort against the Horde.

One or two elves is not indicative of them participating in the war, which is why every other race is represented in forces contributing to the war, and participating in combat.

“crack sqaud” is an expression, not an actual count of how many Void elves exist in the world.


“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not 
 recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

they start out as a ‘crack squad’ it is heavily implied by the presence of high/blood elves in the rift and their growing numbers as seen during the assaults that they can bolster their ranks

but population isnt even their main barrier, being an already playable race is

High Elves are in the 7th Legion. Therefore, there are High Elves that oppose the horde because the 7th Legion opposes the horde. Just because you don’t see it through gameplay doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I don’t think we’ll ever see eye to eye on this because you’re only choosing to see the gameplay side of things.

Anyway, it’s getting late so I’m just gonna call it a night. It’s been fun!

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No one is saying there isn’t High elves in the 7th legion, we’re saying that they’ve had no presence in the war. And that the Silver Covenant High elves specifically are not participating because Dalaran is not involved.


not to mention completely irrelevant

alliance airships have never been taken down from an outside attack by the horde.