The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Bourbon, this is extremely off-topic, but Iā€™ve been wondering for a really long time why you use a level 12 Pandaren monk as your forum avatar? :laughing:

Is there a story behind this or was it just random?


High Elf posting in a High Elf thread. Just saying.
For the glory of Quelā€™thalas !


this is the HE Thread, because the continuation megathread is being flagged.

Because I want to see how many people call me a Horde player as a level 12 pandaren. And meme potential.

Totally unique and original comment here!

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I knew it lol

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Really not a comment that should have merit here seeing the copy-paste I show support.


Im an Alliance Rper who apparently is anti-Alliance.


Okay. Thatā€™s fine, thereā€™s lots of really bad writing in this game and outside of it. Sounds to me like she was depressed and probably acting like an emo kid.


Character one: Iā€™m thinking about leaving my faction and joining the other one for reasons
Character two: Iā€™m thinking about leaving my faction and joining the other one for reasons

Character one is neutral! Not really part of the faction honestly.
Character two is totally loyal and not neutral at all.

I donā€™t think I can simplify it any more than that. If someone wants to claim character one is neutral then they better be ready to claim the same for the second one, or admit that both were written with this little part of their story where they are questioning where they are at, but for different reasons. Either way, both would have been betraying their faction if they decided to.


Are you for real? Of course Vereesa is Alliance aligned! Did you even play Mists of Pandaria? Ever since her husband died at Theramore, her hatred for the Horde has been through the roof; which she has made zero attempt to hide whatsoever.


And then Khadgar announced that Dalaran will never take sides in the war again, and the Silver Covenant and Vareesa havenā€™t been heard of or seen in any context outside of Dalaran since.

You would think if Vareesa is Alliance aligned she would have appeared in some way in an expansion heavily centered around the faction war - especially when the Alliance were said to be desperate for troops, so desperate they were recruiting farmers and civilians.


Which would be fine, if she literally did not spend the literal expac of Mists (which War Crimes is the aftermath of) threatening to get vengeance on the Horde and fighting them tooth and nail.

A quick 180 made absolutely no sense, even chalking it up to emotional issues.

If you are just going to make it as basic as possible, you could literally use any two things and they would be a comparison some how.

You are stripping away details to formulate a point, when if you go in detailā€¦it destroys your argument.

Then dont simplify it.

This would like me claiming Saurfang or Volā€™jin are neutral or trying to join the Alliance using that exact same kind of stripped-away logic.

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I love 'em. Iā€™d play modern / retail / bad for azeroth / next expansionā€¦ just to have 'em.

so desperate there was a quest to seek out and recruit new allies

I think they also got evicted. Silver Enclave got renamed to Greyfang Enclave and inhabited by dog people.

What details destroy it exactly? You can go on and on about how she sucks as a character or itā€™s bad writing, but that really doesnā€™t change the point at all.


I pointed this out earlier, because she knows if she were to acknowledge the context and circumstances that surround these characters decisions it would make her comments staggeringly transparent. So, she simplifies it and quite literally ignores everything else. Itā€™s actually disappointing to see Kirela behaving this way, as Iā€™ve never seen her be so stubborn and ignorant in the past.


The fact of the matter of Lorthemarā€™s progression of attempting to turn to the Alliance having a backing that makes logically sense in its continuation.

Vereesa does it almost randomly, even if you want to label it as grief-stricken hysteriaā€¦which even then, ruins the reputation and credibility of Vereesa even moreso.

And yet, in this time we never see even a single High elf take part in combat, or the war effort. That the void elves have had a larger presence in in every respect, and were even the first to join Alleria in combat despite supposedly having an entire contingent of High elves at her disposal.

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Actually, we do see a few 7th Legion High Elves in some of the warfronts.