The High Elf Conundrum

Quest for a player, not an entire race. Even then thrall knew ones people come first

Either way this whole argument is pointless. High elves are already a playable race and Silvermoon is staying horde side.

Blizz knows taking a city away and giving it to the other faction would cause this game to die no different than force faction changing belfs to alliance or destroying the horde faction entirely.

You want the game to die? Thats how you get the game to die.


Ogres are part of the horde. Why can’t I be a sexy two headed ogre mage?


Yes I am a high elf, half high elf.

I once saw someone’s TRP say they were half titan. I don’t remember what if anything was stated to be the other half. Though they were playing the human male model so probably half human. I just was like… okiedokie then. This was back in wrath or cata.

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The Game is already dead without the race and city on the alliance so…

More like life support but true

For starters, you couldn’t fit in most of the buildings. Tauren have enough trouble, as it is. :sob:


Hey hey, im not all gimme gimme. Im very grateful we even got void elves on the alliance. If that is all we got then by all means.

Ha? High elves- Quel’dorei in Darnassian, means a child of noble birth. There are no true and not true High elves, there are elves who are noble, and non-savage, which are considering themselves Higher than the rest of their kin. Logic is simple, arrogant, city elves, are high elves.

They followed Kael’thalas because he was the leader of the Quel’dorei, and people saw him as the savior.

The Sin’dorei still had their blue eyes, before Kael’thalas made a pact with Kil’jaedan, which changed the eye colour.

They will never call themselves High elves, because they are people of pride, and they respect their fallen ones. They changed their name in the first place for the fallen ones in the Quel’thalas, not because their eye colour has changed.

By this logic, the Nightborne are not the Highborne too, they do not call themselves the Highborne, but they still call all other outlanders as Lowborn commoners.

Oh whenever I see this, I remember quotes from Elisande in the gates of the Nighthold.

“Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.”

If this makes you a bit happy, so be it, but the “true” high elves are the Sin’dorei, and all of us know that, even if some of us, stubbornly play to be blind, and ignorant.

You are a Ren’dorei, who lives on a floating rock.


Just have a mage cast shrink on them. Make them roughly tauren sized.

Kael didn’t make a deal with Jaedan until the end of TBC. From wc3 to early TBC he was aligned with Illidan. The green eyes came long before that. It was mere presence of fel crystal as batteries in the city that gave them green eyes.


This is ignorant of lore. Blood elves renamed their entire kingdom that because Arthas massacred Silvermoon (hence… blood? Get it?). High Elf has nothing to do with alliance allegiance.


They are all high elves … only with different political views or different magical source.

High elf classes emphasized text

High / Blood elf love story
emphasized text

High / Blood elf Arcane Sanctum
emphasized text

Quel’Danil Lodge is it the largest of the two major concentrations of High Elves in Lordaeron.
emphasized text

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Ugh, will have to update my Thalassian lore knowledge then, thank you for pointing it out.

Yeah. Timeline is:

Anasterian left alliance → Anasterian Dies to Arthas massacre → Entire High Elf Society renames itself blood elf to remember the massacre → Kael as acting prince joins alliance → garithos tries to genocide all of the blood elf soldiers and they leave the alliance → kael flees and alligns with illidan → burning crusade starts, blood elves unalligned → player characters belf meets with under city → sylvanas opens the door for belves to join the horde


If void elves are high elves then blood elves are high elves. Alleria and Sylvanas Windrunner are sisters. How can they possibly not be the same race?


Were. Not are. They’re genetically changed. They’re Void Elves.

These topics are why I’m seriously thinking of deleting every single Belf and Velf I have and refusing to RP with any of them.

These elf communities have destroyed the desire to play these races and deal with any of these fanatics.

I’m a High Elf.

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I’ll be blunt: It’s your own fault in taking these forums too seriously about a player race which does not matter in the grand scheme. And postings, like your ones

are the reason why there can no peace. Instead simply agreeing with the user, you ignite another vicious cycle and give both sides enough ammunition to go on for the next few years.


Nah, it’s not just the forums. The fanatics in game are the same way. I have zero desire to deal with the bs.

I post facts. I’m not here to play echo chamber. And I rarely post in elf fanatic threads. I usually do what I’m about to do now (because I forgot a bit ago), which is mute the thread and move on with my life sans elf drama. lol