The High Elf Containment Thread

You can RP with them already through blood elves.
Certainly I can understand why alliance players want the race to be playable on their side, but this is served through the Horde.
Uniqueness breeds health for the game.



arent you already doing that with this character?


Yeah that is a little odd sounding. The blood elves literally are the high elves just on the Horde. They are playable. So its…odd

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I have nothing against rping but I’d be disappointed in blizz if they added an new race just to feed the desires of one small section of the playerbase.


I doubt that they will. Particularly since void elves fill the request of being “different” from the blood elf race.

I forgot about this one. Alliance will never get playable high elves and thank goodness.

I never understood this fascination with high elves. I suppose most just want to be pretty and play with humans over orcs. I know a few helfers admitted it was about the looks.

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I suppose if people just absolutely “must” have Blood elf aesthetics on Alliance side they can always just give Void elves a customization for an Alleria like skin explaining it as some of the Void elves weren’t quite as “Void shadow energy permeated” or that some High elves volunteered for the experience of turning Void in a controlled environment in exchange for helping with the research, or that some of the first Void elves turned mastered Void manipulation to the point that like Alleria they only go full “void” when they allow themselves to etc. We do have High elves in Telogrus rift after all.

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See, I am against the notion because it just copies the Worgen theme of two forms, and it defeats the purpose of having void elves in the first place.
WHy have this unique aesthetic just so people can pretend they’re a high elf anyway?


Hard to know for sure but the most vocal numbers seem to be role players.

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that’s fair, I chose mine cause it was the closest to an Ethereal or something transparent and ghostly, plus the wings and pant style of course with the unique starry sky effect. It really should be a choice if they decide to do something like it in the upcoming customization patch I agree, some of us like the original looks we have now, and just as many want the blood elf Alleria aesthetic. a customization choice would probably keep both parties satisfied without reverting already established Velves.

UNderstandable, I just view it as bad for the game design if one can prettymuch shirk what makes a race unique. I like the void elf aethetic, and if people want high elves story wise as a part of them, I am sure the story can change accordingly.


Like having the remaining high elves become void elves. (add some customization but not the pale skinned blue eyed kind. Just extra still voidy skintones, hairstyles, a choice of eye colors, and tatts) Include the SC and then it’ll just be Void Elves alliance side and blood elves horde side.

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Yep. It would allow them to also have some form of conflict with their blood elven kin.



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If it was ‘unfairly’ flagged the mods wouldn’t shut it down for that reason.

Also pretty unlikely it’s being mass flagged by the anti group.

I think it’s just the folk who don’t care either way being tired of high elf threads. Lol

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None of us know who is doing the flagging. Like you said we have no idea it could easily be people who have no stake in this topic at all. Could be people trolling.
What we do know is that the mods have given us clear examples of them doing their jobs and actually punishing people who are using alts to flag posts multiple times.

Riiiight. Ever consider your obnoxious attitude is why the community bomvs your thread?
You can hate the containment thread all you like. Its just you cutting your nose off to spite your face.
Per the mods, this thread serves its purpose.
I understand you dislike it given who made it, but doesnt that just serve to make you appear hostile?
If you want support, maybe you should be nicer

It looks like there are some helfers who want another topic, which seems more trollish to be used instead of this one.

Not sure what they hope to accomplish with such antagonistic notions.