The Hate for LFR is Puzzling

It’s funny that there’s a section of the playerbase that hates LFR, because Blizzard has come out previously and said that if they removed LFR, there wouldn’t be enough attendance in raiding to justify making the raids at all.


by not demanding any synchronized actions between the players.


I think the issue is that lfr is the skeleton of a real raid. Its another difficulty of a place that many people will have seen in a higher one and despite that you see the few mechanics that make it in done horribly if at all. My big contempt for lfr stems from the belief that normal is actually a better entry level difficulty because despite being harder on paper the group will be more organized then lfr which will make it a far more enjoyable experience overall.

Other parts though that could contribute though I don’t play ffXIV could be gear which I understand is handled very differently then wow, lfr gear on its own is not enough to entice good play into lfr, at the start of this patch you had some good lfr raids running because tryhards wanted tier but at this point lfr has dropped back down in quality as its done mostly by lfr players again.

It could also be the part where lfr is the lowest difficulty of the raid compared to alliance raids which seem to be self contained social events rather then whatever lfr is.

I don’t think the components queueable and easy define the hate for lfr, its more the weird mix of lfr’s fail state is wasting time mixed with the content itself being incredibly diluted with people still achieving that time wasting fail state.

Exaggerating much? With how some of you talk, everyone who raids in LFR just stands around and auto-attacks the boss and/or goes AFK. If that was truly the case, no one would be clearing anything, especially bosses like N’zoth and the Jailer.

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LFR rewards failure in the form of Determination. Standing around is technically the strategically correct play.

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To be fair that is usually 20-40% of any lfr group. The lfr I know tends to be 10-16 fresh or not so fresh 60s doing dps/healing/tanking that wouldn’t fly in heroic nathria(as of now), 6-10 players who vaguely know what they are doing, and 2-5 bored raiders testing builds or farming mogs while also doing the damage or healing of three of the first type of player on their own.

And that’s not “screwing” anyone. Because those are ALWAYS known. We also know the Fated title and portals are for Heroic+.

There’s a huge difference.

I didn’t reframe anything. Point still stands.

You also ignored my original question to you.

And? FFXIV does the same thing.

Why should people in LFR be exhibiting heroic-level play?


Oh, in that case…

heroic nathria as in the raid that drops 213 ivl gear in heroic. I could have said 2-4k dps, but the point I’m making is that even with 20 ilvls the damage reflects 0 effort into doing damage.

The forums are only a small fraction of the players, and very few have anything positive to convey here, it’s not a good place to judge what actually happens in the game.


Who cares where we get the mount from, atleast it isnt another store mount

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Casual raid difficulties are casual for a reason. They’re not supposed to be stepping stones into more difficult content. If Blizzard wanted LFR to be so, you would be forced to go through it before moving on to the higher difficulties. But you’re not. To me, it just sounds like you’re mad that people get rewards for doing casual content.

That is exactly what LFR is, considering that you have to play with 24 other people.

Oh, that reward thing again. Hmm.

Forcing people into a playstyle that only you find to be acceptable is toxic for the game and the community.


I think this is false, i believe LFR is intended to be introducing players to the endgame.

you dont have to. it’s FLEX and it requires little teamplay.

indeed. the reward thing remains open. hmmm.

desecrating this great game for the welbeing of the unworthy is the true toxicity.


Christ Almighty.


You missed the really good LFR hate threads. The best were back when Mop was current content :rofl:

Lol, didn’t take very long to pull that out. Thanks for telling us all how you really feel.

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LFR should just be a spectate mode of replays of groups clearing the content and then watching them celebrate

And then have the loot reward be a green item like “Spectators Axe of the Monkey”

Again just put the thing as mythic only then LFR will know they have no chance but the tears from the normal-heroic elitists shall be so delicious.

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you’re welcome. glad we could get on the same page.

now how do we invest in the future of the playerbase that matters?