The Hate for LFR is Puzzling


The achievement for the slime cat has said any difficulty for months. In fact, it still says it in-game right now.

You claimed:

So what mounts, every tier, have they said we’re getting and then rescinded it?


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How does lfr eat into the carry market in any way? It doesn’t award anything that players cannot get better than in the open world. Nobody buying normal raids from us they are buying 15’s and aotc

Alright hear me out here… I think the reason people don’t like it is because it forces solo gameplay. People play MMOs to interact with other people and just generally try to have a fun time together ( see actual raiding). LFR promotes negative behavior like kicking people, afking , minimal effort. It sets to bar pretty low and discourages teamwork (again: see actual raiding).

My philosophy is that if LFR didn’t exist people would be more apt to try normal. Not saying that’s how I feel but I’m guessing there’s a large portion of people that do.


I would rather do queueable content than line up at the auction block to be judged worthy.

To be fair, the bar ain’t that high. Just having decent ilvl is often enough to be invited, and knowing how a fight works is enough to not get kicked. Being judged is part of the process of dealing with people and I know players can often act as gatekeepers, but the secret is to keep trying.

Being declined happens to all of us, but I don’t think retreating into one’s shell is the right course of action.


The post I was replying to was not limited to the slime cat:

And my comment was the emphasize that LFR players are excluded from obtaining both the AOTC mounts and the Cutting Edge mounts every tier…which emphasizes the division between player tiers.

But nice trying to reframe my comments. Perhaps try reading the entire post for context before you jump into the fight.

You are aware that not every tier has a mount attached to the raid even on mythic right?

It has been a long time since they didn’t have an AOTC mount. I’m sure I can look it up…but maybe Legion to WoD?

its a simple choice of leisure time activity.

some people simply don’t understand that people who are not them enjoy different things…

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CN didnt, Nor did SOD, both this expansion. The only aotc mount in bfa was NTWC. What are you thinking we are getting that we clearly are not

Entitled much? Yikes.

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Why shouldn’t players who enjoy just doing LFR not get the slime mount?

This doesn’t bring players together, in fact everyone is throwing up fences, barbed wire and flinging crap at each other.


Perhaps I am confusing the KSM mount with the AOTC mounts. But either way, it contributes to the division of players that was referenced in the comments I was replying to.

The only reason I even got into raiding in the first place was because of the introduction of LFR. I moved into normal/heroic Dragon Soul because of LFR. I have raided most tiers since then on heroic. Now I am nearing middle age, and I have developed carpal tunnel, so I no longer raid outside of LFR. I see nothing wrong with LFR.

My guild was having trouble on heroic Jailer, so they asked me if I could join them. At that point I didn’t know the mechanics, but I still went in and topped their charts while learning the fight on the fly. Turns out LFR didn’t determine what kind of player I am or taint me in some way.


because it lacks the tools to provide the leadership structure that raiding requires to provide the target experience of large groups of players working together towards a common goal. instead it delivers large groups of players doing singleplayer stuff on same screen and being rewarded for it.

it is a perversion of what we know and love about raiding and it is toxic for the game and the community, for new players and old alike.

Using the word “entitled” in a video game is a red flag.

True, you are free to remain inside your comfort zone, and that is okay. You shouldn’t be forced to do something you dislike doing, and that is why I think LFR serves its purpose perfectly.

I just wish there was a better way to people who have already outgrown LFR to conquer their fear of being judged so they can keep climbing the ladder.

Ksm and LFR are two very, very different game modes though and are not comparable. This is from someone who gets of those achieves every tier. You cannot compare them in any way

How does participating in a raid with 24 other players force people into solo gameplay? Have people ever considered that players who participate in LFR do so because they gasp want to and prefer that difficulty? That maybe a raid that is completely casual and queueable fits their playstyle better than the higher difficulties do?

Casual raid difficulties are not really supposed to “set a bar.” Because they are casual. That’s why you can completely skip LFR if you’re someone who would rather raid at a higher difficulty. You’re not forced to go through it if you don’t want to. It’s really just supposed to be there for people who prefer that kind of content.

It seems like the issue here (beyond Blizzard’s poor design decisions) is that people think that LFR should be a stepping stone into more difficult content. When it really shouldn’t be.