The Hate for LFR is Puzzling

I’m not sure what you want to me to say here.

You are playing a game with set rules that dictate what rewards you are entitled to. You always have the option to come on the forums and demand more…but the path to rewards is clearly defined for those that wish to put in the effort.

You are playing a videogame that is sold as an entertainment product. Everything you have ever “earned” in the game is a participation trophy designed to manipulate you into continuing to play.

There is nothing you are entitled to. Trashing other players simply means your own personality is lacking, not really different from complaining that other people who sit in their computer seat staring glassy-eyed at the screen, occasionally pressing buttons in a pre-memorized sequence, are somehow doing entertainment wrong and need to be punished.

You could…get out more. But I think you can’t. You’re stuck in a virtual world where your FOMO and your imagined entitlement is more important than real life.


I can see it now in that touristy voice:

To your left we a very scary Archimonde OooOOOooo where’d he come from?

and further on to your right we have Gul’Dan remember him??? Scary green Orc from the Alternate Draenor remember the main one was killed…oh never mind long story.

Oh oh oh and here comes Illidan :everyone claps:

Please visit our cash shop where you can validate your loot vouchers and don’t forget to sub for 6 months for your “free” mount!

I haven’t trashed anyone. I have only pointed out that players get rewarded for their level of effort. If that has “trashed” you, I am sorry that reality is so harsh.


Saying that other people who sit in their computer chairs exactly the same as you do are “entitled” fits that description.

Reality is not harsh at all. You have to earn respect. You sound upset that people don’t respect you for your “holier than thou” attitude.

There aren’t enough elite players in the world to support development of your content if there were no casuals to pick up the costs for those of you who don’t pay your share.


FFXIV’s alliance raids are not comparable. They are more akin to normal raids and their player base just respects mechanics and does them so to beat the bosses. LFR on the other hand is so bad, it should be labeled “Story mode” and people who only do LFR “tourists” as someone else said some days ago. If you put the average LFR only wow players into the latest alliance raid in FFXIV, they would wipe and die non stop cause they wouldn’t understand basic mechanics. Only hitting the boss till it dies.

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I don’t need your respect. It is worthless to me. I’m posting on a forum alt that has a horrible ilvl. This is a ridiculous argument.

Yes, I am entitled to the rewards that the clearly defined Blizzard loot system provides for the content I complete. But I do not demand rewards for the content that I don’t.

Why not you ask? Because asking for rewards for things that you didn’t do is ridiculous in-game and in real life.


Goblin tourist guides would be a must.

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I agree that alliance raids can be a bit closer to normal in difficulty, but it really depends on what raid you’re talking about. The Ivalice raids during the height of Stormblood? Absolutely. Yorha during Shadowbringers? Debatable. Alliance raids also tend to be extremely forgiving. For example, you can have two out of three groups die and still clear a fight. Overall, I’d say they are pretty comparable with LFR.

Also, I don’t really agree with people who say that LFR players don’t do mechanics or just auto-attack bosses. Maybe in your experience they do? But in most of the ones I’ve been in, people seem to make an earnest effort.


Have you seen the quality of play that goes on in Lfr and is accepted by the groups?

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Eh, I don’t hate LFR. I actually think it is a great idea and catters exactly to its target audience.

What I dislike is when people refuse to step out of their comfort zone and try something a little harder due to some irrational fear that normal and heroic raids are super-duper hard and require a bazillion hours invested to complete.

I bet a lot of people stuck doing LFR are actually quite capable and would enjoy harder content much more.


You mean the high-end players that go AFK to be lazy and/or troll? Sure.


i think some people confuse having a difference of opinion, or debating a hot topic on the wow forums with hatred, or making it personal.

i don’t hate LFR players or anything like that…the mode is a joke imo, but i don’t think that’s necessarily the player’s fault :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Whoever does it
I hate that the Lfr system enables it

I don’t hate people who enjoy Lfr. That would be stupid and ignorant of me. But I think the Lfr system has some huge flaws.

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Like MTG this game is built and fueled by hate.

When you make a game only for the hyper competitive that masquerades as a experience for anyone to try and enjoy then you get the division you see today.

Blizzard just dumped a whole fuel can on that fire by screwing LFR players out of the mount.


Please show me these people demanding rewards for not running the raid.


or maybe not…

I would rather do queueable content than line up at the auction block to be judged worthy.

the vast amount of excellent fantasy animation and anime on Netflix is a much happier way to spend leisure time.


Blizzard “screws” LFR players out of a mount every tier. Sometimes multiple mounts. This is no different…(except for the original text in the achievement)

And what mount have they said LFR can get and then said they couldn’t?

I mean, there are a lot of players that do know how to use interrupts and just… don’t.

They just don’t care about it, or they think it’s not their job, etc.

Short of giving players 100 gold for every successful interrupt I don’t think Blizzard can fix that particular issue.