The Harronir are ugly!

Ohhh ur actually wrong here the shadowlands races never had completely armor fitting, only some races had a bit. And the custimization is alot more for harronir then them. They even have more armor fitting and custimization option as vulpera when they where released.

Yes it was stated in Blizzcon Interviews when BfA was announced.

I don’t think any Troll would want to be with these Harronir abominations, it’s hard enough for Trolls to put up with mutant Troll Elves like me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hey, you’re not so bad. I think you’re one of the good ones.

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Agreed, I’m not a huge fan either.

But I’m definitely of this mindset, I’d love another unique race over another carbon copy with minimal differences besides racials and name.


I wish they were more hairy. Like a Sasquatch/Woodwose

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Why the hate?
They are fusion of alliance and horde Lovecraftian romance, a nightelf and troll gave birth to these creatures.
Although the lore is something else but we all know what they truly are.

The other horde races are monsters on the outside. Pretty cool on the inside.

The elves however are “pretty on the outside, nasty on the inside” so they fit right in

Not really.

Nightborne espeacially don’t have that nasty on the inside bit, at least not the Nightborne we play. Beyond thier similarities to DnD Drow.

But my main point, was that everyone who typically complains about Elves or the Horde identity. Is that the Horde is meant for Monstrous/Uglie/Beastfolk like outcasts who are more tribal.

With the Elves being beautiful and sophisticated, it kinda broke that style.

That’s all I was getting, I don’t mind Horde Elves, as it lets me actually comfortably play Horde characters, lmao.

Well them and the Tauren/Vulpera. I love me some animalfolk races.

First char was a Tauren Shaman.

I have never seen the Tauren as monstrous, how do you two?

Did you just forget how nasty they were to each other in Suramar?

Being a Political Animal with a High Society kind of political war is a type of “nasty” sure. It’s also very Revendreth styled.

But when you think of “nasty” in terms of Horde characters you don’t think of that. Because that kind of stuff is also present in Alliance races.

Instead you think of things more akin to Blood Elves, where they imprisoned and then sucked the magic out of Na’aru to learn to connect to the light to be Paladins, lol.

Like they’re on different levels, is all.

And by no means am I saying I don’t enjoy Horde Nightborne…

I mean at first I mad they weren’t neutral, because I ground out thier rep on both factions, lmao.

But I do love the race and lore. I feel like the Arcan’dor also could help the Blood Elves long term too

I dunno. Nightborne selling out people just so they can wither outside the city seems pretty dang nasty

Just “nah I dont want you to die quick. I want it slow”

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@ Darklordmira - That’s your personal opinion , there are a ton of us out there who are hoping they will become a playable race . Don’t like them ? Don’t play them . Simple solution . You don’t dictate which faction they belong to , that is for Blizzard and Blizzard alone. You need to get a grip .


Oh they better be an allied race! I have a name saved and everything. I’ll be horribly disappointed if they aren’t.


@Fobnop I think a lot of people will be if they don’t make it a playable race and I also think that their feedback and forums would balloon up with very irritated messages ranting at them about it and not just the forums and the feedback but their social media outlets too !

Says the blood elf, the ugliest of all the elves

It beats a third Alliance dwarf race.


If they become an Allied Race I’ll finally be able to make a Druid look sick love the fur and more beast like appearance. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


They seem to be Trolls that took to living underground and evolved appropriately becoming more like bats.