The Guild Bank Thanos Snap Should Get More Outrage

From Reddit:

I’ve seen several posts pop up in this sub and others reporting millions worth of gold in items disappearing from their Guild Bank, while receiving a mere pittance being replaced in Blizzard’s restoration efforts.

With the following points I want to be 100% clear: I’m an off -and-on solo WoW player. I have not ever owned a guild bank and haven’t placed an item in any guild bank for 10+ years. This issue does not affect me in any way shape or form.

To my knowledge, Blizzard’s current stance on this is that they have done what they can, but due to the nature of the data loss, are unable to restore anything further. From their forum post:

“Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them.”

As a consumer, allowing Blizzard a “whoopsie” with no method of compensation for these losses is insanity.

With the introduction of the WoW token and its continued support, Blizzard’s unequivocal stance on their own virtual economy is Real Money = Gold, and Gold = Real Money. “Incomplete restoration” should not exist in the vocabulary of anyone representing Blizzard on issues like these. Would you accept your bank to “whoopsie” your savings account, replace it with a fraction of what it had, and have the end all be called an “incomplete restoration”?

You are insane to allow Blizzard to have this both ways. If their data is worth real money, then by their definition, their data loss should be their monetary loss.

Thanks for reading.

I’m also going to add my own post, that I made here a few hours ago.

I lost all my guild bank items in every tab. Everything. I’ve received zero items in the mail. Zero. I’ve been playing since WoW launched. My guild bank is just me; treasures, materials, pets, mounts, rare BOE items (Vanilla era shirts like the Brawler’s harness that no longer exists and sells for millions) that I’ve collected over the last few decades.

Blizzard destroyed all that. But what they really destroyed is my trust. If I get the wrong takeout order at lunch, they make it right. They make up for the mistake. They communicate. They know I’ll be back tomorrow.

Blizzard has done none of these things. I first reported my guild being empty almost 40 days ago. My post in customer support was locked with a rude reply from staff. My in game ticket said basically, “We don’t know, nothing we can do.”

And now this. A crappy throwaway response from an intern that basically downplays the issue, makes it sound like it’s barely affected anyone, and most items have been returned. (They haven’t).

What am I asking for? Compensation. Compensation from a company that I’ve done business with for 25 years, predating this game. Compensation for my time, my memories, and my value as a customer who has spent thousands of dollars and hours supporting your game and company.

Make this right Blizzard. Stand by the people who have stood by you. Your players deserve more than a “whoops, my bad” on the forums.

I don’t know what just compensation looks like, and that’s not for me to decide, but you need to do better than this.

Sincerely, Starcore, Guildmaster of Bunny Magic, Proudmoore


80 posts were merged into an existing topic: Guild Bank Missing Items Update