Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I see no thread created by you in CS. I see the Bug Report one was closed, but there is no blue response there.

Most likely, you were told that there isn’t anything CS can do for your guild bank. And there isn’t. The CS forum is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from Support Forum Agents. They don’t fix bugs. They can’t bypass in game systems.

Because GMs cannot do anything about bugs or returning your stuff either. When a blue post tells you they can’t do anything, they aren’t lying. All you did was waste their time and ours with a ticket.

Can you show me where this is? Or are you projecting again?

There is nothing they could possibly gives us to compensate.


I lost stuff from two guild banks. There’s no compensation they could give us.

Gold? You can’t inject that into the economy.

Game time? A cosmetic? Who cares? It doesn’t bring back the stuff and who do you give it to? Everyone in the guild? Just the guild lead?

This part I agree with.

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