The Great Push is Expanding for Shadowlands Season 4!

Does anybody have a picture of the banner?

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Ooo, purple. Thanks.

Monopoly? Like Internet explorer getting canned?

I feel like not having a hidden outhouse pictured is a missed opportunity

Except it’s not a monopoly.

Their “great push”…“bigger than ever”?

Oh no…

They’ve been pushing WoW esports since TBC when they tried to get arena on MLG.

So that’s 16 years of not “putting it on maintenance mode” because of failed esports so I don’t think that will be the reason anytime soon.


I definitely like the Great Push format better, but the format isn’t the problem. The problem is the ridiculously awful class balance. Every single team this weekend played Blood DK, Holy Priest, Surv Hunter, Destro Lock, with a couple options represented on the 5th token slot.

There is no point in watching a competition between two identical teams. In every single matchup I could not possible care who wins - I have no reason to root for any team over the other because all the teams are identical

After Taco Bell, you don’t need to push.


TGP happens on tournament realms so your comment doesn’t apply.

I have never once gotten diarrhea from Taco Bell.

I have however thrown up multiple times

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lifetime of happiness!

where happiness

That’s like having a little league player say that the MLB needs to be broken apart. Or having your high school football player decide that the NFL needs to shut down. Just because your focus in the game isn’t at a competitive level, doesn’t mean the competitive level should go away. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy watching people push the high end content. As do many of the people that I play with. It only helps to tune the game, and set direction for those that are looking for it.

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I suggest a high fiber diet Blizzard

Buff darkflight please

Great push. Sounds reckless.
wiggles toes

Can you please clarify the exact time in which the proving grounds ends. My NA group would like to run keys at Aug 15 10PM ET. How much time will we have if that is when we start?