I mean, any belf/helf thread is just destined to drama.
Blood elves best. There i said it.
Oh no, hes back?
Void elf better, we’re blue and have tentacles. Lovely affectionate tentacles.
You followed Umbric to kill our Horde allies.
Tentacles, worth it.
This is another Elf thread!
No, just Sendryn gone on a rampage attacking everyone.
Yes we need more elves.
Its been 2 hours since i called pawzer “he” and ive not been crucified yet. So im going to say theyre not back as well.
(Yes, it was a test lol)
blood elves are
Not really, but they are pretty to look at.
If you actually wanna have a real discusson about BEs, I’ve always been curious as to how Blood Elves view Blood Elf Demon Hunters and Death Knights.
I just got the Heritage Quest breadcrumb on my DK and it brought that back to mind. (I’m actually level 61, forum just hasn’t updated)
I hope we will see a great reunion on the actual scattered elf factions. Meaning Scryers, Demon Hunters(Under Kayn) and the Darkfallen(DKs and dark rangers alike).
They haven’t been in Quel’thalas for years and we need every fighter we can get.
By the Sunwell may lead our people to glory again.
That’s what we’re trying to do, unite all the elf factions. Under the Alliance.
No thanks.
Why not? Our cities are clean and we have working toilets. What do the Orcs have?
We don’t live where the Orcs live. You live on a rock. You have no toilets.
The rock is more a training area, We pretty much live with humans in Stormwind. The priests at the Cathedral make funny sounds whenever I stop by for a visit.
Not to go too much in to detail.
But when your skill set includes void portals, you dont really need a toilet.