Blizzard forums are still in Beta.
You are objectively obligated to like elves because I mean hello how else are we gonna be besties?
You stay too.
Rest can go /scram lol
Yay, thank you for allowing Naughtymoon to stay.
/pats Fuzzy
But Blood elves embody the true spirit of the Horde.
That’s orcs!
Someone told me there was drama in here, time to bring my unwanted input to this thread as a blood elf hater
Oh I really don’t care what people play… I’m just being goofy for the sake of being goofy lol
This is the best way to be at least you add some positivity to places where there’s often a lot of negativity because some threads really are a mixed bag that way.
I try… lol
It means no more hissing.
Hey now the hissing is the fuzz staple. Vulperas tend to do that.
We want positivity. Hissing is negativity. We want purring, not hissing.
Fuzz no know purr…
I don’t think you know what that word means because when people accuse you of it, because you will continually go after the same people thread after thread and consistently talk about them you say you’re not one but want to accuse others of it. You constantly accuse others of all being ‘certain people’ on a new char/alt, and personally your choice of friends (and the one(s) feeding you screenshots/info) says a lot about you alone.
Still can’t sleep, but… Oh look! Same people liking the post. Same exact group. This is my shocked face.
I don’t go after you people. Rosen started this. Not me. I ended it. You brought it back up, Pawzer. Not me.
Leave me alone. I don’t matter at all. I am nothing to you people. I’m irrelevant and worthless. I do not affect your lives whatsoever. No one cares about me or this forum.
Thread muted.
What do you mean you people? I’m not even part of any group here. I don’t even know what specifically ‘discord servers’ are warring or whatever, I am pointing out flaws in the argument.
Is Pawzer in the room with us now? Is everyone Pawzer, or Beak, or… whoever else you had issues with before.
I just replied to your post, I have done nothing else.
Also untrue, I don’t think that of you. I’d prefer you not to put yourself down like that.
RL, yeah. You do affect peoples forum experience, however.
I think plenty care about both, including the health of them. I wish people would take better care of both, including themselves.
Do let go whatever spite you’re holding at various people, though.
why come everytime we have a belf thread you guys just mess it up by some drama lol.
not even the belf started it always some other race that goes on the atk lol.
Still waiting on proof for claims you have stated earlier in this thread. I’m guessing the reason you hard ignored it is because there is no such proof.