The great blood elf discussion thread

But worgen dont have tails. Never have.
Its weird to expect blizzard to add extra appendages to a race.
To me its no different to asking blizzard to add horns to goblins :stuck_out_tongue:

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Kul’tiran :heart: best race ever.

Could swear I’ve seen some official artwork of Worgen with tails.

Playable Kul Tiran Males look like 50-year old Internet Incels.

I’ve never been able to make one that I like the look of.

Playable Kul Tiran Women look fantastic though.

I think there might have been one or two times where they messed up some art and had to correct it.

My hunter and druid look pretty great in their transmogs. The race is just desperately in need of additional customizations. They need more than one face, with the only variations being overlayed scars and wrinkles.

Tail worgen aren’t real they can’t hurt you.

But they are good doggos. They should get to wag their tails.

It’d suit them.


I’m still waiting for the blood elf dude to swap his mog to something more revealing.

These two statements do not compute.


The fact that you seem to wanting to have people to spy on a community does say a lot Sendryn. I mean, what is the purpose? To continue spreading harassment towards others? To start trouble with people? To be toxic?

Like seriously, what is the purpose of this?


To be creepy, had to point that out because legit it’s creepy, there is no other way to see it.


I know. I’m in her discord, and she knows this, and I don’t spy on anyones behaviour there. The fact that she is willing to use people to spy on a community does say a lot about her.

Just gives me the shivers to even think about it.

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How exactly? I didn’t put people in there. Those people come to me with screenshots. I’m not in there. I don’t bother them. I’m not some weird stalker. I can’t help it when people send me stuff.

Wrong. They came to me after joining and seeing what happens in there. Didn’t even know about it until they told me. I don’t really care what y’all do. I’ve also told them I don’t care what y’all do.

I’m not the crazy stalker here.

That’s exactly what that Discord does. You should know, you’re in it. I’m not the one who started this. Keep Rosen out of my hair and none of you would ever hear from me and I don’t matter to you.

Ask Lann, Doness and Rosen. Not me.

Now I’m going to bed. Keep your hostility to your Discord. Not here. I don’t come after any of you, so stop coming after me. I’m irrelevant and meaningless. Keep it that way.

I mean, you’re how old and you act like this? Like seriously?

Oh yeah, but you admit to having people spy on a discord server? Dear pot, meet kettle.

You know what, FFS.

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I came after you on my own accord because you with that one comment. This is my own decision, and my own decision alone. Not the LGBTQIA+ community, not Lanns, not Rosen, not anyone elses. Yes, I see everything that does go on, but what you’re acually accusing them off, and what is really happening, it is actually apples and oranges.

And enjoy the ignore list Sendryn.

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Like what?

Me: knows nothing.
Friends: hey we saw this after we joined, thought you’d want to know.
Me: I don’t really care.

You: makes stuff up and accuses me of things that don’t exist.

You tell me: how old are YOU and YOU do this? :thinking:

Wrong. No one is spying. They joined of their own accord, don’t even know when or how. They noticed stuff. They sent it to me. I said I don’t care. I didn’t send anyone there. I don’t care about what you all do.

But as usual, good job twisting things.

The hilarious part is how those people came into Murloc Spot to actually try to spy, but hey, that’s okay right? Double standard. I don’t send people anywhere, but it’s okay to have people come after me? LOL

Congrats. That’s exactly what you did to me.

Thanks for telling the truth at least.

Again, if y’all wouldn’t start stuff, then y’all wouldn’t get called out for your behavior.

Thanks for leaving Murloc Spot, too! I’d rather have people there who aren’t trying to harass others. :wave:

Glad we could get all of that cleared up now that you derailed the thread.

Back to your regularly scheduled Elf talk, my lovelies!


No more elves!

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What about me? I’m an elf… on a shelf.

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Who did? Generally curious if you have a source for this claim, because I’m almost positive you do not because I’m pretty sure that has not happened.

Or is this the part where lies get posted without proof?


Hold on I got a video but the thing is being stupid and won’t let me post it.