The great blood elf discussion thread


:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Erevien I was trying to explain a bit of lore. Not in character atm.

I know the lore already.

I’ve been curious about the emotes you use there. What’s that suppose to mean exactly?

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Erevien is always in character though.

Professional victims have to be.

Seriously? That has to be exhausting.

Back during BFA. We were all joking that Dragon Isles was the next expansion. So, to keep up the hope, I put my emotes down and then it came true.

Dragon water isles

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Huh, neat.

In the current state of the story? Yes. Apparently if you play it long enough you get what you want. I wonder if the Devs have nightmares from all the high elf threads poking at their brains all the time.


Yeah I remember some of this during Leigon in the Illidan fangirl flashback missions

Oh look… Rosen twisting what I said yet again. :roll_eyes:

Do you all have nothing better to do but twist what someone says just to act offended? Because as usual, the same exact people from your harassment group liking these posts. And don’t think I don’t know what they all talk about— I have friends in that Discord of yours. Not even hiding your channel behind a new permission is going to change that.

You have me on ignore, learn to keep it that way instead of creating drama and acting so hostile after a four year old argument that you misunderstood and refused to even talk with me to clear it up. Find a new target to take out your aggression. I’m nobody and nothing.

I don’t bother you, I don’t single you out. I don’t deal with any of your core group. I ignore the existence of y’all until you reply to me. So why even give me the time of day? Why try to “make a case” against people? Who really cares? No one. It’s a WoW forum. Y’all need to find something more positive to do with your time.

No problem, and yea that was amusing.

Xe’ra: “Illidan senpai is the greatest and coolest, only he can stop the Legion and save all creation because he’s the bestest and totes my boyfriend.”

Only to get blasted by fel eyebeams. Kind of reminded me of a Darth Vader comic where some fangirl tried to get into Vader’s pants and only got a lightsaber through the chest for her troubles.

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but…did you argue against Black Blood Elves?

cause I don’t see any denials or rebuttals in all of that text.


I talked about the lore of Belfs and where did it come from for their skintones to change since the original lore spoke of them having the pale skintones due to what they went through. It was an odd addition based on LORE, but I never cared that it existed. I’ve used the skintone plenty of times when it fit my RP when we all stopped caring about the lore after that.

I never made it into some real world comparison in a way that they’re trying to make me out to be racist. :stuck_out_tongue:

So let’s not go there, k?

My post was to the harassment group, not to get into an argument with others.

Edit: Of course, I see they’re already foaming over it in Discord. :roll_eyes:

One meaningless person on the internet who has nothing to do with them and doesn’t interact with them, yet they feel the need to consistently come at me. Boggles the mind.

Well the sunwell made some of us darker now. And Belves were never really pale. We have a reddish tone to our skin tones, so the game doesn’t even reflect that description.

Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, anything goes nowadays. We may have cared back in the day about sticking close to the lore… but it quickly became one of those things that could be expanded or just ignored. So really, it didn’t matter after I thought about it for five minutes. lol

I think the only customization I’m actually against is Worgen tails. Everyone else? Give them more customization. Almost all the races need it, imo.

And the one most important customization I want?

Allow Belfs to have shorter eyebrows, please and thank you.

I’m not a fan of the antennae. lol

This I agree with wholeheartedly.

I cannot wear a hood transmog like I want to because of those things.

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Right? It makes me so sad. :sob:

Worgen should have already had tails. Wouldn’t have that been nice to give them with their special quests this expac?

I love my antennae. They let me know where I’ll fit. But yeah we need more customization. I know, people scoff at that. But we got the lamest customization pass. Especially male Belves. Still cannot believe we did not get runic tattoos. Maybe for Midnight.



I’m about to piss everyone off but. I’ll admit I wasn’t keen on it as Lore is my god. Still someone told me that there are darker colored Blood/High elves in lore prior to the introduction of the customization so yea.

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