Aye. I could do that.
We are so great, we are so great! We are strong, beautfiful, willful, firey and every other adjective used to describe greatness! SELAMA ASHAL’ANORE
I’m just here for the skimpy mogs.
Would it have been better if the great High elf wars continued unabated? Then again I personally preferred Void elves being Horde and Nightborne Alliance.
Wrong Knife ears, you would be nothing without humanity to give you purpose.
Garithos was the greatest general humanity had.
I know right?
“Great” is so… pedestrian…
It needs to be something even more!
Are you now?
Smirks as he pulls a Yak out of nowhere
Garithos is dead. The blood elves have their land back and the high elves are still homeless. Goe figure.
Do it.gif
For now, come Midnight. Silvermoon will be Alliance territory and you Fel sucking degenerates will be evicted.
Go somewhere else with that lame level of trolling.
Your levels of bait are unimpressive.
But I have too much fun butting heads with Erevien here.
Hm, guess I need to get better bait then.
Glory to the Sin’dorei and death to all who oppose us!!!
Also no one sucked Fel. That was Kael and his radicals and they died for it.
And yet your people still have Warlocks. Still have Green fel crystals with evil looking eyes. Not to mention the green fel eyes.
I really donʻt know the full History of Blood Elves, Something about a well of sunshine or something… IDK… but i was given to believe that Arcane magic was our dru… err beverage of choice not Fel.
The crystals were used for rebuilding the city. Also green is better then blue. And warlocks are still better then the void.
Garithos was a biggoted fool who got what he deserved
Well the Sunwell was a font of Arcane energy that was corrupted by Kel’thuzad taking a bath in it to resurrect himself as a Lich. Corrupting it. Kael’thas had to shut it off to save his people. Afterwards the Blood elves having spent centuries with the Sunwell discovered they had a need for arcane mana.
Illidan taught kael’thas and his people how to siphon magic from living creatures, something that sickened the High elves. Rather then choose the path of survival they instead chose to rot away and die with their pride. The green coloration of the eyes is from radiated exposure to the Fel Crystals used to empower much of Silvermoon and it’s areas.
I’m mainly just poking at it as a Xenophoic human male Paladin with misinformation and such.
Hope that gives you some more info on Blood elves.
Yes and? If Vereesa didn’t have Dalaran she would have become a Withered too.