High elves are obviously High elves. Blood elves are fel sucking addicts who betrayed the Alliance for their demon masters in the horde.
Never betrayed the Alliance. Fulfilled what they owed the Alliance during WC II. What remained of that Alliance betrayed Blood Elves.
You lot fought for us after the scourging of Lordaeron and Quel’thalas. And yet instead of following the orders of your superior the Glorious Grand Marshal Garithos. You instead allied yourselves with the vile Naga and then fled your righteous punishment to join a demon to drink fel.
No, I meant which playable race in WoW are the high elves? This is truly ignorance speaking, not aggression
Oh, um apologizes. let me step out of character for a minute.
High elves are pretty much just Blood elves with blue eyes. They use the exactly same skeleton and animations. It’s been a bit of a thorn in many a people’s side those for and against having High elves being playable on Alliance. While a lot of it has simmered down you still get the occasional straggler who either legitimately wishes the complete change of Void elves into High elves and people like me who just use it to stir the pot for funzies.
Thanks. And apologies for dragging you out of character.
Ah it’s alright. The whole point of the character is to be a clown people can point at and laugh at how stupid he is and his antiquated ways. I hope my explanation helped somewhat.
purple doesnt go with this mog tho
of course they do. Humans would be nothing without their major cheerleaders.
Someone left the Story Forum gate unlocked again.
Threads like these are why people hate the Belf/Helf communities. Just sayin’.
Garithos was a bastard who had it coming. The high elves made themselves slaves of humanity and would rather die then to admit they are wrong.
Why? I simply create a safespace to stan blood elves with no backlash. That is all. I don’t see you barging into the high elf thread just because.
Was this before or after you argued against black blood elves?
why would u fight against black blood elves they already mentioned in the books or w/e thats there is one that is darker skin lmao wow
But Black Dynamite, I am a Black Blood Elf
Blood elfs should be the main protagonist next expa 100%
points to self
Granted Rosenivy is “lightly toasted” compared to you lol.
I went with this option just because people were throwing temper tantrums about the skin color
Nah if blood elves would ever get the spotlight everything would be ruined. Just ask the night elves.
Yes Blizzard gave in to the vocal minority cuz they couldn’t stop harassing the Devs. That is not a good look on the community.
There are two races in WoW.
- Blood elves
- Unfashionable dregs and plebians.
What about side by side with a hot redhead?