The great blood elf discussion thread

The best elves are the emo elves.


You lost 20 years ago give it up

Yeah Blood Elves rock.

I just like bit of cheeky void juice.


I don’t really care for Blood Elves personally, but they are the horde. I’m not sure why they haven’t been put as the head of the Horde War Council yet.

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Ahh there goes my support for ya.

Exactly! Problem solved.

WE NEED HAIR PHYSICS!! Why does every other race have hair that moves? My braided tail is frozen and it’s weird and I don’t like it.

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Have you tried not conspiring with the Burning Legion to scour all life from the galaxy?

Oh come on, it was ONE TIME!

And you’re one to talk cough Eredar cough

So did the Eredar yet Velen pardoned them

I mean, it’s more like the Alliance or more accurately Velen is giving us sanctuary now that most of the ones holding a gun to our heads as been taken care of. Besides it allows me to pursue my true passion in life. Instead of spreading untold destruction and extinguishing all life. I now get to spread unfathomable love (and succubi)

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Be honest. Would you even post If I didn’t mention humans?

You didn’t mention Dwarves, Worgens, and Draeneis so yea.

this isn’t a blood elf thread, it is a thinly veiled Complain About Humans trolling thread.

not fooling anyone.

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not the great. the bestest blood elf discussion thread.

if I play horde it will always be BE or Fox. But for the most part I’m playing alliance currently. I’ll go with it’s the best HORDE race, but I will always prefer my NEs :slight_smile:

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High elves have their own topic so we need our own too.

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What kind of topic? Blood Elves have their own topic too.

Problem is, no one cares about Blood elves. Now High elves on the other hand, people care about humanity’s favored pet.

which race are the high elves?