I understand this point well. I wouldn’t want WoW become something like Second life, where you can morph anything into anything and be Sanek the hedgerherg or Pech from Wahoo Brazzers.
But new models of wow are essential to wow. Cause they were produced for it. Not created for OTHER game. If they had those artist before, they would update models earlier. So I see new models as an upgrade not addition, yet I understand that people don’t like them and sometimes even why, so I won’t push these models into anyone, that is why I want OPTIONAL toggle to see THIS part of wow (visual) with THAT part of wow (gameplay/balance).
I think you would be one of the first people who would use this to make your clothes incredible ultra different. Some people would even go full naked, cause they would have option to do so remaining “clothefull” for other people.
The social validation isn’t something we all agree on. But we need that to survive and to get our brains work fine inside social groups. That is why you wear suits to business companies, and wear uniform in mcdonalds, when you could be wearing anything you like.
Believe me people would be overusing this feature if only they had it.
Thank you for your input.
I would totally agree with this entirely if the new models were tweaked to be true to their old counterparts, so for instance the new gnome female faces were HD versions of the old female gnome faces instead of just being an entirely different set of faces as they are now. The creative liberties the artists took are just too great for many races. Unfortunately this is likely too big of an ask in terms of time/money investment for a project such as Classic…
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You are welcome.
Answer is still no. If players want new player models they can play the current game. Lol.
This I’m totally agree with. They lost a bit of an “old style” while were updating models. Gnomes faces, Orcs faces, Nelves anatomy, Human shapes. But. At the same time they make Dwarfs more awesome and animations almost all races better, more fluid, dynamic and appealing. The textures. Those textures are incredible. VFX are way better than before.
But then again not me nor you are right here. Cause all of this just subjective thoughts. And subjective thoughts need to be left for those people who agree with them.
You agree that old models are better — you use old models. I think that new models are better for some reasons — I’m using them not at expanse of you. We all can play our own official visual WoW beneath one exact gameplay. Cause in the end only gameplay and balance is what truly-objectively matters.
“Dear diary, nothing valuable was learned today. The End.”
Wait you still have a diary? How quaint.
I guess you want them to use old server hardware too? Also, we better use old computer tech and internet tech of that day. Don’t want any “good” changes.
‘Generally true’.
I stand by my statement. I’m making an analogy here anyway, we’re not debating the specifics of museums and all the incarnations. When people say ‘museum’ it does not conjure thoughts of your personal experiences.
Oh and if you read closely I said museum PIECE, which backs up my analogy further. You know, as in a piece of art behind glass.
You know what I mean, so just drop trying to win some feeble side argument instead of actually addressing the matter at hand.
Problem with your argument that Classic isn’t a museum piece. You can’t play or touch a museum art. You can’t add anything to it or make changes. But client of CLassic is another thing. You will touch it and you will have addons to it, you will tweak it and change it so it fits your gameplay perfectly or so.
It will be touched by devs, ti will be constantly evolving/bugs will be fixed, stuff will be implemented and some day when most of people will be fed up with it (few years from this point when Naxx will be raided all over thousand of times) a lot of people will ask TBC or updated ANOTHER version of graphics (not Legion updated one) and this is perfectly fine and okay.
As long as the two games exist separately and one is intended as a ‘museum piece’ A static recreation of something from the past, then no, I don’t think updated graphics in Classic are really appropriate.
If they do something later with some sort of classic hybrid experiment, then sure new models, transmog, whatever.
I think it would be an interesting experiment, actually.